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for process

(...) tart went through without error. But unfortunatly the portal does not come up again; also a connect through Designer Studio fails. The web browser tells an error: HTTP Error 502.5 - ANCM Out-Of-process Startup Failure Investigating this I started the file "" within path "" manually and received the error dump added below. The sql user can connect with the password given and all rights within (...)

(...) I have a scenario where i need to get a variable amount of CSV files as attachments into a running process instance. The problem is that these CSV files are created by an outside system and can only be identified by the path in which they are stored and the creation date of the file. I can find these files with a PowerShell action but i have no clue how to add them as attachments to my workflow. At the (...)

(...) Designing Word-Templates is quite straight forward. However to check to look of the final document you have to run the action somewhere in the process . So this can be quite time consuming. Having a preview functionality would add a great value to WEBCON BPS. As we already have the option to load the form values from a workflow instance, the next step would be hitting the preview button to have a loo (...)

(...) Hi, here is another task I need your help to get it completed: 1) Scenario A hot mailbox creates a new instance within the process and from there WEBCON BPS sends an email out. The user replies to this second email and the hotmailbox has been configured to add this reply into the original instance as attachment. This is done by adding the instance ID into the mail body and works without issues. (...)

(...) Hello all, I have a process that would require the automatic start of workflows in webcon. The format of the email content is text and a table however I can change it to be fields only. I have everything set up but I'm only able to copy the content into a text field but I need to have the information as an item list. Does anyone tried to do this? How can you pick up the text field and work it s (...)

(...) Hi, I have to do a Report with search from 1 process . In this process I am using a list position(list items). In my report column I will use column only from this list items. I don't have any problem with prepare the source - sql query, but I have problem with present it in portal, how to do it ? I could use Reporting Services but maybe there is some other things in webcon site?

(...) Hello everyone, Is there an easy way to save attachmnts from several objects in one click? I have a task to deliver all the invoice attachments from a process dating from date A to date B (it will be hundreds of files). Ale the attachments should have a name derived from signature. I guess designing a technical process would help.... Has anyone encountered such a situation?

(...) on is) to the indicated one "copy to" this would solve problems in situations where we need to use a timeout to copy something. An example would be files loaded from a hot folder that are added to a process . We want to copy such attachments to the indicated items and not copy them from hotfolder process es.

(...) VersionInfoProvider stableVersionInfoProvider, ISupportedLanguages supportedLanguages, ITranslationsHashProvider translationsHashProvider, IVersionProvider versionProvider, IDeskInfoGetter deskInfo, Iprocess esAttachmentMaxSizeProvider process esAttachmentMaxSizeProvider, IAttachmentsRestrictionsProvider attachmentsRestrictionsProvider, IAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider, IDeskSecurity deskSecu (...)

(...) Hi everyone! I have a process that creates a timeout that will be triggered at the given date. Is there a way to remove this timeout for the specific instance manualy (somewhere in the Studio?)? As I think of it now, one thing comes to my mind, please correct me if I'm wrong. If I will take the instance and run it through a path pointing to the same step (final step actualy) with the timeout actio (...)

(...) HI all, I have a process that will be opened for tax payment. By law, the payments need to be handled until each 20th day for each month. So, the idea is to create a reminder taking that date, so the user does not forget to make the payment. I have a Date of Request from where I pick up the month and year, and I want to set the reminder date as 20th/Month of Request Date/Year of Request Date. I wo (...)

(...) con? I was wondering if there is any possibility to have more interaction between the 2 apps. At the moment, I have Webcon connected with SF through REST APi, where I get information from SF for a process . But sometimes SF is updated (for example, an opportunity is cancelled), and there is no reflection of that in Webcon. My idea was to have that information and automatically cancel process es that (...)

(...) l benefit us all. --- Disclaimer --- Yes, I work for a partner, but neither do I work in sales nor in a management position. Nevertheless, I would list our contacts details with a link to our process ‘templates’ there as well as those of other partners. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Steps how it could work: 1. Upgrade DEV to new version (small or big version) 2. Pick list of IDs from PROD (global admin or app admin). 3. Tool is reading all attributes and follow on production process es to recreate all steps as user did (including changing user and their privileges). Starting all parent and child workflows as it was on production. 4. Reporting differences if it gets any errors du (...)

(...) Hi all, I have a process where the user fills in information in a datasource form field. When a value is picked, one of the columns in that datasource is copied into another field (status). This field-status is used in a control step to move the process accordingly. But I need to have that information refreshed, when the process is moved to a system step, it will be there for 15 days which means tha (...)

(...) post/the-run-an-sql-procedure-action/230). But, I would like the procedure to generate a .txt file with the results (e.g. JSON), and the file to be downloaded using the WEBCON platform (maybe a new process with starting the procedure and preparing a .txt file for download, such as an attachment). Is it possible, if so how?

(...) omers. Each customer has different persons with individual logins (BPSId). This list of persons can change from time to time, so we need to adjust rights on certain workflow elements (in different process es) to this specific list of persons. I am wondering if it is possible (with Webcon Standard actions) to replace privileges on certain workflow elements in different process es. Selection of work (...)

(...) Hi, I'm sure some of you had a similar issue. In our process , we send an automatic reminder by email. Email need to be added as an attachment in flow. To make it you have to do a workaround, which is not convenient. How do you do it? it would not be easier to add the "add as attachment" checkbox in Configuration - Send a custom email? like the ones in the attached picture greetings Barte (...)

(...) Dear All we are looking to embadd Webcon's for into our interal SP intranet therfore we have ancountered and issue of SSO (do not want people to log in twice especcialy that this is a very light process witht 2 filed to be filled in). has anyone tackeled this issue as it seems that there is not standard out of the box solution. thanks

(...) tried the quick path while marking several objects, but in my case it doesn't work (these path passes seem to run simoultaniously, which causes problems as the actions on the path realate to another process , create a new instance there and add the marked objects to the process e's attribute table. If they would run one after another, all would work great). All I can do not to lose the filtered report v (...)