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(...) pply additional button styles. Adding the possibiltiy to define additional class attributes on the path properties would make the styling easier. The custom styles could be defined in the new html-field (for every process we would have to define it again) or much better, let it define in the themes editor! Update 06.04.2021 Apparently is now in back-log https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/404 (...)

(...) n a report. Therefore it would be good if we could provide an explanation in addition to the indicator value. While I'm wishing, supporting multiple language would be good too. :) Idea of calculated field defintion in a report / BPS internal view (case when WFD_IsFinish = 1 then '2#Is finished$$DE$$Abgeschlossen' when DATEADD(DAY,-2, WFD_AttDateTime1) < GetDate() then '0#Less than two days until due (...)

(...) 2.) Since we updated to Version 2019 and 2020 we lost the functionality for users to create substitutions for other colleagues. They can open the form, but cant choose anyone properly in the person field s then as Substitute. The option was there with the sharepoint substitution webpart in earlier versions, but now only Admins can create substitution entries for other people. It would be good if the o (...)

(...) nal options were we can add "code" and where variables from the expression editor would be useful if not even mandatory. 1. Report - SQL Filter, there are a few variables there already 2. Calculated field in Reports and BPS internal view, no option to use existing variables 3. Report - advanced formatting, no options to use existing variables Why do I think that this would be mandatory? The path exam (...)

(...) e. In my opinion the applications are not related, if they only share elements defined in system settings, data sources or plugins. Examples: - Globals -- constants -- business rules -- form rules field s -- field s - Data source -- Dictionaries -- Templates - SDKs If the export hits one of these elements no further related elements should be gathered. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi, just a simple, easy request - can you please add a usefull code editor to SQL rules, JavaScript rules and HTML field s details ? Sure, one can copy paste the code from external editors, but it takes time, having an embedded editor would be a great feature.

(...) Hi, so HTML attributes are great, but only untill you try to do something with them - like hide for example... or export - import Seems like you keep them all in a single SQL field :-( So, some JS manipulation is needed, rule editor is useless. Can you make normal HTML attributes - every attribute in separate SQL field ?

(...) I have the challenge to read form field s of a pdf document and store them in the workflow instance. The idea is, to implement an sdk custom action, where I am able to configure a mapping between the pdf form field s and field s of the workflow instance. The ideal solution is having two columns in a dynamic grid (similar as in the image attached), where i am able to add as many rows as i need. One to (...)

(...) voices and views for "factual check", "financing check" and "accounting step" plus a report for all our contract based payments and the steps "financing check", "paid", "not paid" which use different field s and need to be kept in a different report - it might look like this: + Invoices My Tasks (17) My Invoices (120) Factual check Financing check Accounting + Contract based p (...)

(...) dvanced settings, but I have no idea how. Documentation: You can also define the path dynamically. To do this, select Use advanced settings and create a suitable SQL query in the Advanced path choice field . When is this executed? a) When the first sub-workflow is started b) When one sub-workflow finishes c) When all sub-workflows are in state finished Verification path Did anyone use this and has an (...)

(...) Adding possibility to add SQL row as a column could be also a workaround to achieve that. Right now (BPS 2020...434) is is only possible to add instance number from system field s to mass notifications.

(...) What type should be predefined in the input parameters to read a type field itemlist/enum in a sdk BPS 2020 Exteinsion Logic- BPS Custom Action utilizand ConfigEditableEnum/ ConfigEditableItemList?

(...) not my case. What I would like to do is join the items from the report to a table in a different database (on the same server) or to an existing MSSQL data source. In many processes I have a global field with the unique identifier. I would like to use this key for a 1:1 join. I can show the join results on the form (using Data row field type) but not on the report. Is something like that even possib (...)

(...) Duble click on any field or action templates in the left panel, could open configuration of that field or action.

(...) n to implement and configure a SDK extension for reports, which would allow to execute an action based on the current selection. In my case the SDK extension would receive the selected rows with all field s and generate an advanced Pdf report. Like configuring the mass action, there should be an option to configure the SDK action. Like picking the right extension, title and maybe an icon. Some functio (...)

(...) Hey everybody! Does anyone already created an action to add news values in an item list? I'm trying to add a new line in one item list but one of the field I'm copying into is a Person/Group one and it doesn't get the value. I'm using the following query: select '{WFCONCOL:1769}' as {DCNCOL:105}, 'Requester Manager' as {DCNCOL:104} from WFElementDetails where DET_WFDID='{WFD_ID}' and DET (...)

(...) able via javascript. I'm wondering, because there is this form from the offical 2021 release paper (see below) with the nicely presented workflow steps on top of it. And I believe that this a Html-field with some javascript. Does anybody know how to get to this data?

(...) tions by passing in some parameters. It would be a great having a similar kind of dialog menu action, where we can configure some informational text (e.g. as header/footer) and of course one or more field s as parameter. The configured parameters we then can use to execute an action. The dialog could contain a cancel and a okay

(...) When adding or updating elements via Rest Api, for picker field s it is required to provide Id and name. Quite often the name is known, but not the id. As picker field s are usually based on datasources, it would by great, when the api would be extended with methods to query datasources. There should be at least two methods: 1) getting a list of all available datasources (overall / by application) 2) (...)

(...) "message": "Resource not found for the segment 'QSIqpc178RLEUBwAOebtldQpXQYuXrQU7MnmzAAAAAAENAAAOebtldQpXQYuXrQU7MnmzAAGXoPJPAAA='." } } The request was: PATCH v1.0/users/[user id]/calendar/events/field value (meeting ID - raw) I also tried to create a meeting with an API and then update the meeting with additional parameters, and that worked. Probably there is something in the procedure of how Web (...)