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for field

(...) guest has to click the update button in most of the times cause of the long waiting-time. It would be great, if you could add 30 sec. to the available values next time or even better: just an empty field for personal configuration. Thanks, Bjoern Poller

(...) etadata":[ "error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException", "root-error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException"], "msg":"ERROR: [doc=1_4572] multiple values encountered for non multiValued field Attachment_pl_5522_txt_pl: [doc020311_001.pdf , doc020311_001.pdf ]", "code":400}} ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.G (...)

(...) Dear All, When I try to submit quantity of labels with barcodes to be printed from field I get an error (attached). Same situation when I use definition of database field (i.e. {WFD_AttInt1}). This field is integer. When entering manually a digit there is no issue. Any workaround? :) Kind regards.

(...) Hi all! I was trying to see if it's possible to send a form, that would be triggered in webcon by the user, with a list of field s and after the user submits it l, it is integrated in webcon. For example, you are creating your customer list, you send the form for the customer (user without a license), the person puts all the details and when its submitted, the information is automatically integrated i (...)

(...) t. I have a list of items (emplayee, year, number of days available). The list is being initialized at the registraton step with all the employee names (70 rows). I've also created seperate attribute field s for year and number of days and would like to type let's say "2022" in the year field (the separate one outside the list) and clone it to all the items on the list. The "update item list action" req (...)

(...) refer validation on the server rather than on the client only. The draw back is, that it's a poor usability. So I "recreate" the same validations as form rules with alerts, which are called when the field value is changed. So I have to implement the same validation twice and the ALERT function isn't build for providing multi lingual messages. Besides the duplicate work it's only a matter of time until (...)

(...) Hi Community! I tried to create a view which returns all elements from a specified workflow that have a datetime field NOT set (empty), but that seems to be impossible. I do not know how to filter that, a standard filter in the view with selected field equals to value in textfield does not solve that. I am pretty sure there is a trick how to do that I am not aware of ;-) Many thanks in advance & b (...)

(...) Hello Webcon v. 2021.1.2.136 I have Dictionary and few thousent lines inside. I display dictionary field s /10 field s/ on the form as "Choice field s" I need to group field s taking into account values to displaying only unique. I do not see grouping option/function. May be someone has solution ? THX in advace Jerzy

(...) e and used licenses alone indicates that they have not been exceeded. Three users are entered as authorized persons for Designer Desk on the Designer studio side in Configuration. No editing in this field is possible at the moment

(...) Hello all, Does anyone tried to use the concat function using a form field ? I have a form field that is single text and I want to use it plus another info like below: concat ('AaAA' 'Form field ') But I'm always getting an error saying that the rule is not correct, I tried to use a SET before and keep the information in another field but it doesn't allow to save. Anyone used this already? (...)

(...) Hi community! We implemented a document template with certain field s coming from a custom datarow (based on SQL-Query). We deployed the solution and the document template to PROD and everything was fine. After that we added one new field to the datarow (SQL query was modified) as a new requirement and added the new field also to document template. On DEV system everything looks fine, we deployed th (...)

(...) kflow should start or not and it stopped working after I got the update. I don't know how to fix it or come up with an workaround and I'm awaiting on the support. This happening for all control field s, even if there is no subworklow starting. Anyone is facing the same issue?

(...) eady managed to rename the attachments with a kind of numbering within webcon. Continous number or just the ATT_ID would be fine. I am using one process for picture documentation and beside 6 picturefield s there is the possibility to attach as many pictures as the user wants to the attachment section. After renaming them with the "update attachment action" while going to the next step, now all have th (...)

(...) tance, i am giving the users the ability to make a save for the moment (caching all inputs so far), so they could finish the instance later. If the user wants to start that instance again, all input field s are invisible and a DATA TABLE shows the already started instance including LINKS to that instance. I would like to have that links opened in the existing window, but i dont find a working way to c (...)

(...) Ok, now that my PS script is running, in this particular instance I need to grab a variable result and assign that value to a form field . Simply assigning the Form field = $psvar isn't working. Is this possible?

(...) dition when the foreach functionality was added in form rules for item lists, but they seem to be limited only to get and set values. There are plenty of reasons for witch you could need to disable a field or color ii differently using form rules. It would be great if styling field s with the foreach functionality would also be possible. I have attached an example where the field s marked with yellow sh (...)

(...) nge to none, change color to white and a want to add padding and bottom. It is my code : [|ElementAddress|] [|MessageBody|] I upload how to my div with ElementAdress looks. How to change this field . I have old BPS . It is version

(...) portunity to export containing data to Excel using its default configuration, the sole problem is it can only export top 1000 rows, when its quite common to display bigger chunks of data in that form field . Documentation that redirects to below website doesn't mention anything about such limit: https://howto.webcon.com/exporting-a-data-table-form-field -to-an-excel-file/ I am aware of alternatives (...)

(...) Hi everyone, does anyone have an idea whether it's possible to retrieve the users to whom a task will be assigned in the next step? What I've tested so far: - Verified that the variable 'System field s\Assigned persons' contains the current persons during path transition, exit and entry. - Created an SQL statement which returned the latest row from WFElementTasks, and executed this in an action during (...)

(...) join WFBusinessRuleDefinitions as usage on usage . BRD_ID = users . BRD_BRDID left join WFDefinitions on DEF_ID = usage . BRD_DEFID where dbo . ClearWFElemIDAdv ( users . BRD_Users ) like '% {formfield ID}%' and users. BRD_ReturnedValueType = 5 and users. BRD_IsLocal = 1 If I comment all those where conditions, I don't have any value for the User part neither in the WFBusinessRuleDefinition (...)