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for UI

(...) hor of the comment, and date on a Data Table attribute. I don't want to move the comments, to parent flow, as this will create a lot of mess due to lots of child flows. I thought this could be a bUI lt in feature, same as we can select last comment in bUI sness rules context, we could access it from reports, and webcon data sources, so it would be easy to display it.

(...) It happens qUI te often, that the length of a textfield has to be limited. This can easily be achieved by a reqular expression. However, input fields with inputmode text allow the usage of the maxlength attribute. It would by much nicer to restrict the user to type in more than the defined letters rather than showing a red error message. Therefore, it would be great to introduce a max length p (...)

(...) ind of error/bug. Changes so small like: * Add column on a report * Update filter on picker field * Update filter on report * Check 'wizard mode' on path * Reorder paths * and other fixes reqUI ring less than 5 minutes of work in designer studio... Going through whole DEV/TEST/PROD workflow is overkill for those, and waiting 2+ weeks for making that change with next update is something i (...)

(...) Hi, Is there any way to hook into an api that is hosted on a localhost? I have a locally fired server, I use FastAPI (the tool is bUI lt in python). In browsers the API works. However, when I try to run a query on a form I get this message. I have already tried restarting DNS, disabling the firewall. The server is on startup and the server is listening on port 8000. I am new to webcon and just le (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I've got a use case, where users want to make a specific path always redirect them to a specific dashboard. Right now, the returnurl parameter is bUI lt dynamically, and we (developers) don't have almost any possibilities to change that behavior (we can create our custom links, so there is some). In most cases it will work like that IF user opened element from the dashboard, but th (...)

(...) Hi, Can you help me with advice on how to qUI ckly delete a process that is no longer in use? I should mention that the process has form rules/business rules/actions Thanks, Raluca

(...) written in python using FastAPI framework. This is response: { "detail": [ { "type": "missing", "loc": [ "body", "id" ], "msg": "Field reqUI red", "input": null, "url": "https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.6/v/missing" }, { "type": "missing", "loc": [ "body", "category" ], "ms (...)

(...) suming Webcon repository is master. I found this article https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2491 which states that there would exist /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbId}/elements/resolveFieldValue/{idgUI d}, but this kind of call results in 404 - not found error. I did not find resolveFieldValue anywhere else, or any other solution for that matter, thus current question. Thank you, Mihail

(...) Hello community, I would like to bUI ld a form that will be used in a multi-company environment. I have configured the companies and assigned specific employee groups in the "default for" tab. For employees from different companies, I have created several forms where I fill in the default 'company' field. Based on this, I would like to create a report that will allow employees from company A to vi (...)

(...) 2. Push Notifications: The integration of push notifications can improve our task management and alert systems, providing timely updates directly through the web application. 3. No Installation ReqUI red: PWAs do not reqUI re users to install software from an app store, making it easier for our team to access and use WEBCON BPS without the hurdles of traditional application deployment. I believe (...)

(...) nd.EndExecuteReaderAsync(IAsyncResult asyncResult) bei System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean reqUI resSynchronization) --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde --- bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() bei Syste (...)

(...) Hello, I have a question more about the Polish side of the forum. There is a regulation available in the Journal of Laws that specifies the reqUI rements for storing employee documentation as well as the method of transferring it between IT systems. Has WebCon BPS been audited in this respect and do we know whether it meets the reqUI rements set out in the regulation? https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap. (...)

(...) I would like to create messages in Teams channels and 1:1 chats automatically through WEBCON. Unfortunately, I get the error that delegated permissions and no application permissions are reqUI red for sending (intended for migration purposes only). I have already implemented the connection using MS Graph and the associated application permission as follows: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post (...)

(...) ). What does not seem to work is the filtering on user input. Query seems to be evaluated all the time, showing ALL results regardless of user input. Is there any other way to achieve such a reqUI rement? Thanks a lot in advance, best regards, Nik

(...) we find a version number in .bpe package? First let's start with extracting it. Did you know that .bpe is just zipped file? ;) Change that .bpe extension to .zip, and use any tool like 7zip, or bUI lt in windows features. Inside you will find a file without any extension - it is a text file, especially xml - open it up with any text editor, and search form PackageVersion node (see attachment) (...)

(...) I need to change 2 values with REST, I use'd API v3 and PATCH method. This values is in another workflow. JSON [ { "data": { "gUI d": "3567e810-6f44-41e5-9ac3-794d6e055db1", "value": "2024-05-27T14:02:26" }, "wynik": { "gUI d": "56e078eb-dc11-4960-a662-3974f0f837da", "value": "Ryzyko niskie" } } ] In other workflow history I have only (...)

(...) dates, which is time-consuming and disrupts their workflow. Feature Request: ISO Week Number Display: Include ISO week numbers (ISO-8601) in the date picker interface. This will allow users to qUI ckly identify the week number alongside the date.

(...) est post on AAD from 2021, and only one request for help with EntraID... Nobody seems to have a problem with this? Or maybe no one uses WebCon without local domains? Impossible! So... How to bUI ld WebCon BPS with EntraID as the only source of identity? I have some ideas for preparing some business processes in a cloud environment (Azure) that will never have access to classic domain control (...)

(...) 2 level tree childrens are leafs, they can't be parents. On those children forms, there are validation rules, which depends on data from the parent form, and a path [Validate] which checks for reqUI red fields. To make sure that children forms are filled properly - when I'm moving the parent form to further steps I'm invoking that [Validate] path on all childrens to make sure, that data is fille (...)

(...) x this is to change the column back to something accepted, like single line, and then you can delete the column and then change it to data row in order to keep your report. In this case the error GUI D will show: "...Invalid column name 'SEL_SQLRow'." version: 2023.1.3.169, but I don't think the version matters. I hope we get the option, at some point, to manually remove such column from your (...)