(...) What is the easiest way to detect whether a form is in edit or display mode? I need this to show/hide field s. Any ideas?
(...) In my VS solution, I have made CustomAction that gets data from an external system as a list. I would like to return that list to ItemsList in my workflow. I have code like this: [ConfigEditableFormfield ID(DisplayName = "Pozycje nagłówka ", Formfield Types = WorkFlow.SDK.Objects.Enums.Formfield Types.ItemsList)] public List Lista_Poz { get; set; } public class Nagl_OT { [ConfigEditableFormFie (...)
(...) Hi, On the form, I am using the Chart data field . I am wondering whether it is possible to use the chart field in the Word printout report. Is there an alternative way to draw a chart based on the form data in the report? Maybe in HTML report. I was also thinking to put chart into the Picture field that is supported in Word templates. Any insight on how to approach this would be appreciated. Best r (...)
(...) The Verify Process action (Process configuration test) currently doesn't check if hard coded users still exist. For example a group could be selected in a people field which limits the available users. The group has been deleted like in the attached image. But this doesn't result in an error. Best regards, Daniel
(...) itional .css file inside the theme. It could be similar to the implementation for defining the logos which can be loaded from an URL or uploaded as a file. Benefits: - We don't need to use the HTML field on the form level, like https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/41/15 - HTML field s can't be displayed on reports so we are creating other workarounds - It's not necessary to load these via dash (...)
(...) Lastame, Firstname, adsPath: LDAP://CN=xxxxxx,OU=Users,OU=xxx,DC=de,DC=xx,DC=xx) doesn't contain property useraccountcontrol Our AD does not populate this property for users. Why is it checked? This field is not indicated as mandatory in the doc...? Is it possible to reconfigure this?
(...) twen this two dates. I know that I can use "datediff" function but my point is to get this 'dynamically'. When user starts to fill form, he type date 1 and date 2 and below that he will see in third field numbers of days. How to achive this on a form?
(...) Hello all, Does anyone configured an historic cumulative graph in webcon? We can do a cumulative based in one field but it's possible to show the bar that is summing the previous month? Any ideas are welcomed! Thank you!
(...) Hi everyone, most of the time an error raised by the "Validate form" action can be fixed by the current user. It would be great if we could have a new configuration option "Focus field " where you can set an expression/field . When the error is displayed on the form the "Set Focus" action is executed and the configured value selected. I assume that the "Set focus" action already toggles collapsed grou (...)
Hi community! We are currently facing a new requirement, where it should be possible to change the browser language with a series of buttons in the form (approximately 20 different languages). Every click on a language button should change UI labelling on current form to selected button language. e.g. [German] [English] [French] ...
(...) guest has to click the update button in most of the times cause of the long waiting-time. It would be great, if you could add 30 sec. to the available values next time or even better: just an empty field for personal configuration. Thanks, Bjoern Poller
(...) etadata":[ "error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException", "root-error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException"], "msg":"ERROR: [doc=1_4572] multiple values encountered for non multiValued field Attachment_pl_5522_txt_pl: [doc020311_001.pdf , doc020311_001.pdf ]", "code":400}} ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.G (...)
(...) Dear All, When I try to submit quantity of labels with barcodes to be printed from field I get an error (attached). Same situation when I use definition of database field (i.e. {WFD_AttInt1}). This field is integer. When entering manually a digit there is no issue. Any workaround? :) Kind regards.
(...) Hi all! I was trying to see if it's possible to send a form, that would be triggered in webcon by the user, with a list of field s and after the user submits it l, it is integrated in webcon. For example, you are creating your customer list, you send the form for the customer (user without a license), the person puts all the details and when its submitted, the information is automatically integrated i (...)
(...) t. I have a list of items (emplayee, year, number of days available). The list is being initialized at the registraton step with all the employee names (70 rows). I've also created seperate attribute field s for year and number of days and would like to type let's say "2022" in the year field (the separate one outside the list) and clone it to all the items on the list. The "update item list action" req (...)
(...) refer validation on the server rather than on the client only. The draw back is, that it's a poor usability. So I "recreate" the same validations as form rules with alerts, which are called when the field value is changed. So I have to implement the same validation twice and the ALERT function isn't build for providing multi lingual messages. Besides the duplicate work it's only a matter of time until (...)
(...) Hi Community! I tried to create a view which returns all elements from a specified workflow that have a datetime field NOT set (empty), but that seems to be impossible. I do not know how to filter that, a standard filter in the view with selected field equals to value in textfield does not solve that. I am pretty sure there is a trick how to do that I am not aware of ;-) Many thanks in advance & b (...)
(...) Hello Webcon v. 2021.1.2.136 I have Dictionary and few thousent lines inside. I display dictionary field s /10 field s/ on the form as "Choice field s" I need to group field s taking into account values to displaying only unique. I do not see grouping option/function. May be someone has solution ? THX in advace Jerzy
(...) e and used licenses alone indicates that they have not been exceeded. Three users are entered as authorized persons for Designer Desk on the Designer studio side in Configuration. No editing in this field is possible at the moment
(...) Hello all, Does anyone tried to use the concat function using a form field ? I have a form field that is single text and I want to use it plus another info like below: concat ('AaAA' 'Form field ') But I'm always getting an error saying that the rule is not correct, I tried to use a SET before and keep the information in another field but it doesn't allow to save. Anyone used this already? (...)