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for action

(...) all time I have got error if I remove from string [name] " or ' - then workflow is working [code] Dodaj Sprzedawcę / Kontakt [/code] error: url: https://webcon.xxx/api/logger | action : ip: xxx | msg: "e": {}, "message": "'' string literal contains an unescaped line break", "name": "SyntaxError", "logData": { "msg": "Uncaught Exception", "errorMsg": "SyntaxError: '' string (...)

(...) l template, but in landscape. In my case I need to add an item list to my template, but it is too long so I thought that changing the layout to landscape would be a simple operation. Sadly when the action creates the file, it is in portrait mode. Does anyone know how is it possible to create a Word file in landscape ? Thank you!

(...) Hi, I don't think the "Replace Item List Values" action is working properly. When I provide a BPS source in the configuration and use a filter to select data, the filter does not work on the form. The filter in Designer Studio works during testing. This problem does not occur in the "Update Item List Values" action , so I used a workaround: "Clear Item List" + "Update Item List Values" / Add new rows (...)

(...) Hello, I have a question regarding: Global action -> On start (cyclical). If I create an automation that runs every minute (infinitely) - for example: syncing users from another external database to the local BPS groups. From your experience, do you see any concerns or risks? Are these runs saved to a table in the database? Thanks.

(...) Hello, Recently I tried the new action "Clear Item List" and its working well, except when you import from one environment to another. After the import I checked the configuration of this action and there was no item list selected. I did this import twice, after I changed the configuration manually and same issue. So in case you want to use this action , please don't forget to check the configurati (...)

(...) i, I'm starting sub-workflow instances from item list. I would like to save sub-workflow instance ID to the related column of item list. I'm using automation having FOR EACH and Start sub-workflow action . All i can see is the possibility to save subworkflow ID to the form field, not item list columns. Is there a better way than having another action updating item list with the IDs?

(...) e created a global Menu buton which must be triggered when the value of BodyContent changes. So, on the form field - Style and behavior - Form rule to be exeuted on value change - I set "Invoke menu action - my button". If i send another e-mail and i mention that Instance ID, the value of BodyContent is modified, but the form rule is not executed. Do you have any tips on how i can achieve somethi (...)

(...) Hi, Does anyone know how to use the 'Edit a list element' action to update a document element in a SharePoint document library that is in a sub folder in the SharePoint document library? I am trying to use a CAML query and while I can find documents in the root document library, I can't get the CAML to find documents in a sub folder in the document library. I should mention that this appears to be WEBCO (...)

(...) Hi, I encountered the following error. I have an action that sets a value in a choice field. I set the choice field through the value of the ID. When I enter the form, the value is correctly set, and it displays the name corresponding to the set ID. However, when I enter the report, in that column, I see the value of the ID instead of the name. I tested by setting the value in the choice field (...)

(...) ned - some tasks should be separated from the normal ones, as users intentionally know they will do some task in the future, but don't want to mix these tasks with the current ones. There could be an action that would mark a task as postponed and another one marking as normal. I know that this can be achieved with a variable and grouping, but users like the task circles widget :)

(...) h data from that chosen flow form is full of data (thats OK) 3. And NOW In that chosen flow I have got Item list how to by picking from dropdown list filled new itemlist with data ? I created action (theoretically is working) but ... how to "attach" that action to dropdown list? Part II the same case but Attach attachments from other flow - and connect this with dropdown list? --extra-- pi (...)

(...) s.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) Web browser error message: url: https://webcon-dev.pol.ad.egisplc.com/api/nav/db/1/app/28/element/15852/desktop | action : Get ip: | msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/122.0.0. (...)

(...) Would be nice to be able to have an action that creates a plain text file from a value programmed similarly to a business rule. This would be useful when creating input for bank transfers and possibly other applicatins that accept plain text file as an input.

(...) nstances. It is a problem as we have readonly permissions granted based on instance attribute. (use case: Incoming invoice visibility for users depends on invoice types.) Proposal: in archiving action it would be nice to have a parameter to control permission inheritance. What do you think about it? Thanks!

(...) Hi, Can you help me with advice on how to quickly delete a process that is no longer in use? I should mention that the process has form rules/business rules/action s Thanks, Raluca

(...) Hi everyone, I am trying to upload an attachment using the REST API. I am using the REST Web service action for this. How to do it correctly? Along with the attachment, I would also like to upload a json with other information. Endpoint is configured correctly, the problem is in the BODY itself. The referenced API is written in python using FastAPI framework. This is response: { "detail": [ (...)

(...) ion will be used without the context of the current business entity. The only option which would work in all cases would be to use if/switch operator for each business entity and "duplicate" the action . At least I haven't found an alternative, if the connection has not only a different URL part but uses different credentials. Therefore it would be great if we could also create "child" connecti (...)

(...) ck. Therefore it would make our live easier, if the would see the final request which is send to the server in the saved diagnostic session. This would be similar to the "Invoke rest web service" action log displayed in admin mode. Now I'm going back to see what the problem is in my case. Best regards, Daniel

(...) hi there, i need help on how to configure the on timeout action as i wanted once one instance starts and reach the next step, the user assigned must receive an email reminder after 5 minutes if the user didnt make and action or even if didnt yet logged and check the instance.., please note that im using a date field ( date and time) as a start date please advice

(...) Hi I want to set a timeout based on the date attribute and in doing so no matter how I set the delay in the timeout settings the action misinterprets the date. Has anyone encountered something like this?