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(...) Hi All, Is there a webcon function/action to invoke pop-up window to enter some value or person? Idea: - we want to have a "consult" button - but we don't want to have a permanent consultant field on the form as it's a bit confusing to someone - therefore the best solution would be to have some action in a way that when we click on "consult" path, window will pop-up asking who do You want to consu (...)

(...) Hi, Is there any way to remove saved comments from an element? I would like to use the native comment field , but I need to delete the old comments in a certain step. Is this possible, or should I use the AttLong attribute instead of the native comment field ? Best regards, Bartek

(...) The pop-up search window gives the possibility to search in a specific field or in all field s. We've found many cases where an "advanced search" mode would be extremely helpful. To achive this, the configuration section of the choice field , should be extended with an additional checkbox column "Advanced Search (PopUp)". If any field is checked in this section, the popup search window should beha (...)

(...) efined as 'available for Mailapproval'. In the current case I only want to send out a notification email for information, the receipient doesnt have a task in the step. So i defined a template, put field s and grids in, and lokked at the preview. Whatever i try, if I test with an instance that is currently in a step that is avi for MailApproval, Webcon adds the available path-buttons to the end of th (...)

(...) even screenshots) on how to configure the Connection and Datasource(s) ? All I want is use some published API webservices to inflate list items or use some webservice data as sources for dropdown field s....

(...) ll! We are wondering if there is a good way to add new items to an item list on the client side. We already found a way to add new item (which can be triggered by a form rule) and set some form field s before, which then act as default values for the new row. Since it all is asynchronous it has to be a promise chain, like this pseudo code: p.then(() => { SetValue(formfield , 'Value') }).then (...)

(...) Hi, I have a formfield where I have a starting date and I have the form field with the end date. How can I calculate the diffrence in days between this days?

(...) new one with a team of three members. 2) When I assign the category to a new ticket, the team leader value is copied appropriatly, but for the three team members only the first entry of the category field value is copied three times. I have not found any hint if this bug is known and how to solve this. Has anybody the same behaviour and is there a fix? Thank you for your answers in advance.

(...) ello all, Not sure if you might know the answer but it's possible that Dictionary processes do not allow to have attachments? In the form configuration, the attachment's preview is there but the field attachments is not visible. I need to create a directory so a dictionary would be create but some of the lines might have attachments. Thank you!

(...) Hi everyone, have you ever imported a process and thought, damn I forgot to tick this or untick the other field ? In my case this has happened more than I want to admit. Most times everything works fine but know and then you get disturbed and you make a mistake in the selection. Of course one could have a check list to verify everything, but even this will fail. So I'm wondering whether one or (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I noticed on version 2022.1.2.31 that it can take a really long time to populate the target field of choice field , if the data source is a web service data source. In this case the data source is a REST data source and the picker field is of type popup search. Once I activated the diagnostic mode I noticed that after getting the picker results (1) the chosen value is validated aga (...)

(...) We are facing an error related to form field item list, when we add a required attachment column then try to submit the form, it shows an error message that the attachment does not exist when it’s attached. Note: version 2022.1.2.59

(...) The instance number of our process contains a field that is settup by the user in the form at the first step. What do we do when the instance is automaticaly started by hotmailbox activity in the fisrt step. In that moment we don't have that field filled in yet. A user will take that instance and move it forward after filling in that field . How can we update the instance number in that instance and a (...)

(...) s export error like below: Invalid reference tag occurences: Business rule (13551) - "Column "BasicDesignerXml" in table "WFBusinessRuleDefinitions" contains a variable referencing object "Form field " with an ID of 11805. Referenced object does not exist" The thing is I don't have any form field with ID 11805 and I don't use any business roles in that process. How to get rid of this error?

(...) 'm currently working on an workflow and the task assignment is not reseting it self after clicking on a path. Meaning that all previously assigned people still have the task and even when I let all field s of the task assignment empty the task will still be given to all previously assigned Users. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I've attached an image of my task creation and I'm using t (...)

(...) d use those as buttons to get to next steps ? idea is to have two distinct pictures (pictograms) for either step A or step B. no other options available. the path would then auto-fill several field s according to chosen path so.. would this be possible ? thanks in advance

(...) positions from BPS 'Fixed values list'. So there is a short list of values for example Car Types: 1. Sedan 2. Hatchback 3. Pickup Let's say you have a single form, where you want to display field s conditionally - depending on the selected Car Type. To make it well documented instead of putting Car Type (ID) = 1 - you have to create 'Constant' CarType Sedan with value 1 and so on. Struct (...)

(...) in the flow. The issue is that, for my company users the department is the joining of two parts, the team name and the department like Accountable • Finance. I need to have a rule looking at this field to check if in the second part of the department, I have a specific work, however, Contains function is not working properly, sending all the instances for manager approval. I've tried to do a Spl (...)

(...) e start new element API has the mode parameter with the following description: mode String($int32) (query) Optional mode parameter that specifies validation behavior. When empty or standard, all field s will be validated. When set ignoreReadonly, readonly field s won't be set but no error will be returned. Admin value allows to edit readonly field s, but requires admin permissions. Available value (...)

(...) Hi, In the logs, we are seeing the following error: "Dynamic operations can only be performed in homogenous AppDomain" Since the error started appearing, some form field s that get data from SQL query stopped working. What could be the issue and solution? Thanks in advance Mark