(...) s) into process [1]. Before this, however, a query should be made as to whether the respective instance of the specified person has already been entered in process [1]. Problem: I can't seem to aCC ess the value of the item list (qualification) in any form within the For Each, as there is never a value in there as can be seen in the 1st image ('Ausbildung'). I've also tried using a Data Source (...)
(...) "Edit" / "read" mode in "My tasks" depending from bps group for particular apps / processes ect. or user settings in aCC ount. possibility to set behave to particular group of users (webcon group) if some one is in that group - read only - need to "click edit" to edit others - edit as standard or ... (maybe better) In User ACC ount - option to pick - do you wish to have my tasks in edit mo (...)
(...) Tool tip for path description - HTML tags aCC eptation ... so big "field" ... so much information can "absorb" ... and no HTML tags formatting :/
(...) Data sources TAB in Application - add column with "ACC ess to data in the context of system aCC ount" NO I need to click one by one to check if is marked or in each attribute "arrow" next to data source and jump to data source and then check is picked ... (in some scenario arrow is not active ...so Application .. then the data source .. pick proper one and then check ... ) Could be easier to see (...)
(...) How to aCC ess values of the 'datasources'? -> The query only returns the ID of the datasource.
I would be nice, if this mechanism described in https://webcon.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/WEBCON_BPS_2025_Release_Notes_EN-1.pdf dedicated to increase security will be also available for attachments. Usually sensitive data included on the form is also in attachments. Apart from this functionality, it would be useful to be able to define permissions for individual attachments separate from d
(...) o-other-workflow and put them to Item list A or Item list B as linked attachments (other way did not working ...) all is fine but in the next step I assign task to other users / group with no aCC ess to app where is done something (and attachments are added) at the moment I did add rights to elements where are attachments and now: - they see attachments and sub-flow elements ... but the (...)
(...) Hi, I think it would make sense to add to the global permissions the level “aCC ess to applications” Currently, if we give a global level of, for example, “permission to read all items” it can be problematic to give permissions to the application per each application. This needs to be maintained and remembered. If there is a global level per item, it should also be global for the application. (...)
(...) hat: Select * from BPS_Content.dbo.WFElements t1 left join [my_linked_server].[database].[schema].[my_table] t2 on t1.id = t2.id Unfortunately it doesnt work. I got an error in Webcon Studio "ACC ess to the remote server is denied because the current security context is no trusted.". Then I tried to execute this query directly from database. So I wrote the following: Execute as user = 'B (...)
(...) WEBCON BPS to a family member or friend?”. Seven out of ten WEBCON BPS users rate it at 10/10, giving us a rock-solid and industry-average-crushing NPS® score 89! Behind the suCC ess of WEBCON BPS are passionate professionals with a wealth of experience in delivering projects and building business solutions for industry-leading enterprises. Every day, we pour our know-how into (...)
(...) opinion is that technology is excellent tool humanity has at its disposal, but until the “low code” era, it was a very complex and expensive tool to use. Technology should help everybody aCC omplish their day-to-day tasks without many distractions or without being complicated to use. Innovation is more than just creating innovative technology; it is also about implementing it seamlessly a (...)
(...) we strive to improve our software continuously, we support the program's two newest releases. You can continue to use the fully functional WEBCON BPS 2019, but we encourage you to upgrade it to aCC ess the newest features that will improve your workflow. WEBCON BPS 2019 File Description Whitepaper Business overview of features intr (...)
(...) he “Send for approval” path, the action of sending a custom e-mail has been added. After going through the appropriate paths, e-mails are sent to the recipients and can be easily divided aCC ording to the processes from which they are sent. Fig. 7. E-mails This solution allows you to group notifications in your mailbox and helps you to divide tasks into team (...)
(...) – development” list and selected by the manager will be added to the “Personnel” item list. This list includes all delegated employees, and only the project manager will have aCC ess and the ability of editing them at the last step. Fig. 7. The "Chenge items list values" action The item list can be modified in three ways: (...)
(...) h; see Lunchtime application The “Lunchtime” application has been enhanced with dictionary processes that allow you to pay for meals with money previously paid into your personal aCC ount. [LT ACC ount] – a dictionary that stores information about an employee’s aCC ount [LT Transactions] – a dictionary that stores information about carried out transactions, (...)
(...) ode creating a table with your data. Fig.7. The configuration of the "Send a custom email" action The HTML language allows you to create and configure a table aCC ording to the user’s needs – we want to add two tables in the e-mails – so the content will be closed in one section (DIV) and then divided into two sub-sections. There will be a tab (...)
(...) Form rule performance with the nested business rules When creating a form that uses the business rule (that returns the query result of a database query), you should take into aCC ount the correctness and speed of execution of the query defined in the SQL COMMAND function. In the case of unoptimized queries against large tables, you risk a slowdown in the loading speed of the f (...)
(...) mato’)” works in a similar way to Excel – first give the condition i.e. that the basic cell value is equal to the “Open” string of characters and then, enter the values aCC ordingly for the fulfilled and unfilled condition. In the children array there additional html elements that you want to display. In our case these are two buttons but only one will be visible at a (...)
(...) Fig. 1. Creating a new template Fig. 2. The configuration of action template In this window, enter the action name (template), select the action type and configure them aCC ording to your needs, you can also enter an execution condition after which action will be executed. After configuring the template, save the process. The template is visible in the tabs with availabl (...)
(...) e request goes to the next step – Manager approval. Each time you go through the “Register” path, a notification about the new task will be sent to the person entered in the “ACC eptant” field. Fig. 2. The configuration of the standard notification In order not to send e-mails from the configuring process – enable the deployment mode i (...)