(...) Hello all, Does anyone configured an Item List to be initialized with a SQL query that will query from another database? In this case I want to query from an Oracle DB and initialize the columns with the columns from the query: select milestone as {DCNCOL:185}, milestone_date as {DCNCOL:186}, amount as {DCNCOL:187}, currency_code as {DCNCOL:188}, amount_euro as {DCNCOL:189} from PL_Invoic (...)
(...) Hello all, Hope you're doing great! Does anyone configured a rule that will color a cell in a item List upon value change? I have an item List that will be initialized with values and if the user changes one of them, I want that cell to be marked so it's easier to check the value. I have found some examples but it's using a rule (like > than X) and it's painting the entire row. In the new (...)
(...) Hello all!! Does anyone configured a rule where the action goes on each row of an item List and if a row has option A for a specific column then column B cannot be empty? There are some new functions for the item List but they only work as form rules and for action (even creating a business rule, form rules don't work as it needs to a TRUE/FALSE result). Even using SQL Command I think it woul (...)
(...) Hello, I am using an itemList to show some data to the user. In some cases, the List contains over 50 elements. Because it also has a lot of columns, it is very hard to follow sometimes. I would like to at least make the table header sticky. How can I do that? Thank you in advance! Best regards, George
(...) Hi, Does anyone know how to change the height of the modal dialog of item List element? Scrolling is a bit annoying and I need a bigger dialog.
(...) Hi. I'm looking for a solution to hide rows of a List element depending on the value of a List element column. I.e. for a task List I would like to have the row visible for everyone, until the checkbox "done" ist set "true". I tried with the "Acceptance" function (see Acceptance.png), but the issue is that I can make the column visible for a (single) defined user, but not for multiple users. Any ide (...)
(...) to latest 2021.1.2.136. Today i was evaluating the new version with our existing processes, and stumbled upon something that didn't occur to me in the past. I have a crucial picker field in an item List , that has target fields from some of the columns in that same item List . It works in our current PROD version (2020.1.3.411). In 2021 it throws: "Sequence contains no matching element" - Error, (...)
(...) Hello, I would like to prevent users entering duplicate values in item List . The solution on KB is out of date and doesn't work. How do I prevent the user to enter a value that already use in the item List ? Thank you.
(...) V system, and wanted to prepare new functions for my processes. I had issues when trying to save a rule that included the new "select values" function to check if a collection of values from an item List is not empty. In the testing window the rule works as expected, it just wont let me save it because of invalid rule configuration. As soon as i remove select values and replace it with something els (...)
(...) : https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/555/46 having been removed in 2021.1.3.143 (tested, worked fine), something similar is happening in 2021.1.3.163 when you use a picker field in an item List , and map it's data source-columns into other columns of the item List . It then throws: "b.map is not a function"-error, see attached screenshot. If I dont map data source columns to other columns it (...)
(...) Is there a way on a new record to prepopulate an item List with static rows? The idea is for each new workflow started, an item List would have 6 rows already setup to have other data entered. Nevermind, I found it :) https://webcon.com/item-List s-repeating-data-done-right/
(...) Hello, I've just come accross a slight problem with updating an item List . I have a List of items (emplayee, year, number of days available). The List is being initialized at the registraton step with all the employee names (70 rows). I've also created seperate attribute fields for year and number of days and would like to type let's say "2022" in the year field (the separate one outside the List ) and (...)
(...) I have the scenario, where i keep e-mail address and other informations in an itemList . Now i need to send e-mails for each recipient in the itemList . The e-mail contains informations from other columns in this List . By having three entries in the itemList , there would be three e-mails with different content to be sent. Currently i'm thinking about creating a simple workflow to send an e-mail. The (...)
(...) Is there a way to lock a specific item row for a List item at specific steps? I have a 4 row "table" and I need to make sure each row can only be edited in it's respective "phase" (step)
(...) Hi all, I'm out of ideas... I've tried everything that came to my mind without achieving the desired result. Is it possible to have a hyperlink column in an Item List that shows the Preview and only after clicking on the little icon on the right (see attached image) it opens the full form?
(...) It was a great addition when the foreach functionality was added in form rules for item List s, but they seem to be limited only to get and set values. There are plenty of reasons for witch you could need to disable a field or color ii differently using form rules. It would be great if styling fields with the foreach functionality would also be possible. I have attached an example where the fields ma (...)
Hi there, i am struggling with generating a clickable link from column of same row. I would like the user to enter a link in the column LINK and a clickable link should be generated in the next row column (LINK-TEST) on every value change (see attached picture). The perfect way would be a little HTML button, so i should be able to set the "[TECH] angeschaut" checkbox when clicking. What i am s
(...) Hello everyone, I have an action where I upload one or multiple attachements (PDF) to a SharePoint List in SharePoint Online. Currently all attachement uploaded to the SP List are checked out. Is there a known configuration in the action or in SharePoint? Or has anyone else had a similar problem? Best regards, Tim
(...) sure the users attach a structured set of documents, I created a dictionary of document types, along with translations for them which are defining which document is attached in which row of the item List . The item List is initialized with a set of standard document-types that should be attached. There are a few things that dont make much sense to me in this scenario, though. 1.) All the attachments (...)
(...) Hello everyone! :) It's great to work on Webcon, really useful staff. Unfortunately I think i found a bug, since I can't find any issue in my configuration. I have an Item List field type with some fields in it: type, subtype, value, start-date, finish-date. My configuration is set to automaticly take value from database and place it on 'value' when I pick 'subtype' from dropdown. I am using the ta (...)