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(...) s both to prototypes adapted for production and processes that were originally created in Designer Studio. With the advent of this solution, employees will not only be able to make suggestions and comment s on processes, but will also have a real impact on their usability, and thus on the efficiency of their tasks and, in the long run, on the development of the entire company. In addition, greater a (...)

(...) rating a given issue. Below there is the Change request visible to all checkbox that is checked by default. It means that every user holding access to an application will be able to see, like, and comment the change request. By unchecking it, you will make the change request visible to only the author and administrator. Additionally, a shield icon is added next to the change request in the change requ (...)

(...) Results”: a text representation of the list of each person who completed a task, and what their path choice was. This is useful for adding to multi-line text fields, if not the system-provided comment s field.   In all cases, we will not retrieve all tasks associated with the current process instance – just the tasks that were most recently assigned/completed. Ideally, these (...)

(...) the successful outcome, but also strive to learn from the experience for the future. This year, in addition to our own observations, we also gathered feedback from participants. Below are some of the comment s we received:                                                 (...)

(...) Have you embarked on your own journey of designing or redesigning an HTML email template? What successes and hurdles have you encountered? We invite you to share your experiences and examples in the comment s below. Your contributions not only enrich our community's knowledge but also inspire further innovation in the way we all approach email design. Together, let's continue to push the bound (...)

External content by Daniel Krüger; May 5, 2024 ; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.3.118 The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de I've finished a new post about using Playwright with WEBCON BPS. As I needed to add support for more field types, I didn't want to define the test data for each step and field type on my own.  Therefore, I focused this time on

(...) During a presentation there was a comment that the indicator (traffic light) icons are not easily distinguishable for colour blind people. It would be an improvement if the icons would have a different shape in addition to the colour. One idea would be a red square, orange triangle and green circle. In addition there was the question if it would be possible to provide a tooltip what each icon indicates. (...)

(...) f scanning, and WEBCON gets this file before it's complete. I use script to copy files from "temp scan" folder to HotFolder, but such feature directly in WEBCON BPS could bypass this workaround. Any comment s and feedback here is more than welcome :)

(...) ch have been created in administration mode. The attached picture shows two changes. Both were done using the admin mode. Unfortunately this is not visible for the second one where the admin added a comment . Maybe a new column could be added or a different colour could be used for versions created in administration mode.

(...) Hello everyone, thank you very much so far for all your questions/comment s which helped me a lot or inspired me at least. Today, i have my own problem/question and maybe someone of you were struggling with it before. I am working on a "BPS groups Managing Tool" and therefore wanted to use the WEBCON tables BpsUsers & BpsUsersGroupRelations. But actually both tables are returning nothing, when using (...)

(...) n WFDefinitions on DEF_ID = usage . BRD_DEFID where dbo . ClearWFElemIDAdv ( users . BRD_Users ) like '% {formFieldID}%' and users. BRD_ReturnedValueType = 5 and users. BRD_IsLocal = 1 If I comment all those where conditions, I don't have any value for the User part neither in the WFBusinessRuleDefinitions in the column people (which I'm assuming that is the one saving the user info). Does a (...)

(...) Hello, I have a field for "internal comment s" and I want three user groups to be able to edit this field on every step of the workflow. On steps where they have the general right to edit, this works, but not on other steps. To clarify, on those other steps, they should NOT have rights to edit the step, ONLY to edit this one multiline text field. And any other group should NOT have the right to edit th (...)

(...) chments are deleted (column ATF_IsDeleted = 1). Is it safe to remove such records from database or it will make inconsistency of the data? Do you have any experience in it? Looking forward for any comment s.

(...) ll. I didn't find any options or parameters to improve quality. Link to KB about this feature: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-handwritten-signature-form-field/153 Thanks for your comment s here :)

(...) it should work (required full-text search feature is available). With this SQL server Web edition license costs can be significantly reduced (i.e. in Azure workloads). Thanks in advance for aby comment s here :)

(...) s solutions within a global company. We really like this platform however we have several proposals and ideas to make it better. I will share some of them in separate posts, sorry for flooding. Any comment s, questions or suggestions are very welcomed. I would appreciate your vote! Problem: in case of mailapprove, approver sometimes enters some comment s in email, which you cannot get back. Proposa (...)

(...) s solutions within a global company. We really like this platform however we have several proposals and ideas to make it better. I will share some of them in separate posts, sorry for flooding. Any comment s, questions or suggestions are very welcomed. I would appreciate your vote! Problem: if you need to use SOAP and get back complex xml, sometimes mapping fails (multi level structures cannot be m (...)

(...) Hi, i've updated to 2022.1.4.155 and now I can't use the Active Directory actions. Same error on add group/user and delete group/user. Where I can register this service? There is no comment in last release notes or install guide. My last working version is 2022.1.4.84. BTW: The new feature to add error codes to interrupt user synchronization isn't visible... Thanks and best regards Daniel

(...) s always about three questions (three columns in Excel, three attributes on the form) - WHAT? WHO? WHEN? :) Sometimes we need an extra information/column - we can call it "Remarks", "Others" or .... comment ... WebCon BPS has extraordinary feature available out-of-the box without even single line of code...VERSIONING and detailed HISTORY. Such feature is really needed for admins/troubleshooting and for (...)

(...) w to add list of Attachments from the Form to Word Template? 1. A created word template 2. If filled by Automation process 3. How to add to template DOC the Attachment section ? 4. How to add comment s to template DOC [Bonus] ? I don't see the fields in Word plugin to create template .... 11 - word template 12 - the section from WebCon Form