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for dev

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik WEBCON BPS compact forms adapt the application's main form to work on mobile dev ices and small screens. The compact appearance may differ from the main form in the layout, order of the fields, and other aspects. When you create an application with the main form on the WEBCON BPS platform, the system automatically creates its compact versi (...)

(...) and import business applications in WEBCON BPS.   Application export This function allows you to transfer application templates between different WEBCON BPS installations. If you have a dev elopment or test environment, you can quickly transfer the current version of the application there. Thanks to that, you can make changes and test them in a separate environment without any risk to th (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Michał Bednarz From version 2021, you can authenticate in WEBCON BPS with any provider using the OpenID Connect standard. In this article, we explain how to configure it using Google authentication as an example. Please note that the configuration is identical when you use another provider.  It is necessary to register the applicatio

(...) ts) are editable. Design phase– the project can only be edited in Designer Studio.   The status of each project is visible on the Designer Desk main page.   Project dev elopment in Designer Studio Published projects are located in Designer Studio in the “Designer Desk projects” group. All defined and described elements are automatically created and sav (...)

(...)   As we dev elop WEBCON BPS we strive to march in lockstep alongside other platform products i.e. Windows Server, SQL, SharePoint, etc. We do our best to maintain backward compatibility with older versions of these platforms to accommodate our diverse client base and their preferences. However, as the publishers end support for their aging products, so must we. It’s not all gloom (...)

(...) ent time and scale RAM* Processor Hard Drive Single server with a built-in database or single server that uses SQL Server dev elopment or evaluation installation of SharePoint Server 2013/2016/2019 or SharePoint Foundation 2013 with the minimum recommended services for dev elopment environments. 16GB (...)

(...) to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka Introduction The model way of implementing the WEBCON BPS system is to work on three types of environments. Processes are configured on the dev elopment environment, tests of the created solution are carried out on the test environment, and end-users of the system work on the production environment. Moving processes or changes in processes be (...)

(...) ble certificates, if any, will be displayed, or the user can create a new one. By choosing the second way, you will get three options to choose the type of certificate: Use a signature creation dev ice - when using certificates from an external manufacturer (using a smart card or a USB token), Use a digital ID from a file - in a situation where the user wants to import an ID from a file, Cre (...)

(...) : Import-Export – Good process design.   Introduction WEBCON BPS has a mechanism that allows you to transfer process definitions between several independent environments. The dev -TEST-PROD environment model is fully supported, in which the dev elopment environment (dev ) model is designed to create new processes, the test environment (TEST) is used to perform functional tests b (...)

(...) requently used when the value is present in many processes and its change happens in all these places into the same values. It allows to adjust the value returned by the type of the used environment (dev /TEST/PROD) and its configuration happens in “System settings” tab.   After creating new constant, provide its value. If only “Shared” value will be present, sys (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; author: Paweł Jawień Introduction One of the most important dev elopment changes in WEBCON BPS platform in version 2019 is the introduction of a new presentation layer for the user – WEBCON BPS Portal. To complement this functionality, in environments working on the MS SharePoint platform, you can display WEBCON BPS Portal presentation elements d (...)

(...) e presentation layer. This node encompasses presentation elements such as starter buttons, reports, and dashboards. Export-Import mechanism fully supports moving presentation layers between dev /TEST/PROD environments. In other words – if BPS Portal presentation layer elements will be created or modified within the application, they can be automatically moved to the target environ (...)

(...) n of a separate SOLR cluster. This configuration is not presented in this article.   Additional infrastructure Application server that meets the WEBCON BPS installation requirements A dev ice or software that acts as a Layer 7 Load Balancer Important: Load Balancer must support the Sticky Sessions functionality and the NTLM Proxy functionality (if Windows authentication is used). (...)

(...) technology allows the user to narrow down the search which allows for more relevant results. See - Searching structure in WEBCON BPS Portal. Workflow configuration Configuration of additional dev ices and elements: Barcode printer – it is used to print a sticker containing the barcode or QR code. Based on this code, the paper version of the document is paired with the electronic ve (...)

(...) on: 2020.1.3.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction Translation Tool is the unofficial tool that allows you to translate WEBCON BPS configuration elements. Currently, it is not being dev eloped because it is stable and functional – is compatible with the system from version 2019.1.x. Using Translation Tool you can export descriptions of all configuration elements instead of comp (...)

(...) into account  the number of variabilities that are to be used during sizing. What is more, some of the variabilities do not become apparent until implementation. To face the challenge, WEBCON dev eloped a standardized methodology for performance tests that should be considered support when sizing the equipment required for WEBCON BPS platform. The methodology assumes load testing in the env (...)

(...) Editing the mass e-mail notification template   It should be added that the user both Microsoft Outlook 2019, 2016, Microsoft Outlook Online, Gmail service and Android, iOS operated mobile dev ices, that is, mobile phones or tablets can benefit from the functionalities of “Modern” mass e-mail notification template offered by WEBCON BPS. How to create a specific mass notifica (...)

The WEBCON team works tirelessly to improve the WEBCON BPS platform. We constantly strive to fix any errors and make sure that our system always functions as intended.   Our latest major release is 2023.1 WEBCON provides full technical support for our two latest major versions. Important: Before upgrading from one complete version to another (eg from 2019 t

(...) “a success”). An example of the  message description  is presented later in the document. The Integrator delivers both the web service and its documentation. When installing dev /TEST/PROD WEBCON, it is recommended to create dedicated accounts available for each of the installations. Such accounts should have non-expiring passwords. No data in the source system will result (...)

(...) Fig. 11. WEBCON Light theme   WEBCON Dark theme   Fig. 12. WEBCON Dark theme   Transferring themes between environments The theme created in one environment: dev elopment, test, or production can be easily transferred to other using the import/export functionality.   Fig. 13. The import/export option   After clicking the export butto (...)