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for form

(...) Hello webcon community! Could someone help me with problem with ordering list on report. To beggining: I create a technical form field which collect the date part of some date field at that form (see screen below). I do itthat by using 'change field value' action and rule 'date part (month)'. Next i use that technical field to group form s by year and month but when users create datas from octo (...)

(...) like the single edit dialog for an item list the only drawback is the term "Save". I'm getting more and more feedback that it is confusing and I have to agree. There's the save button on the workflow form which persists the data in the database. Then there's the save button in the single edit dialog, which will save the values for the row, but does not persist the data of the workflow itself. I wa (...)

(...) Hello, Does anyone can help me, why in WEBCON SQL query apostrophe is replace with quotation mark? On the form , I have an attribute with value: '2339226', '2504286'. In action "Change items lists value", I used an SQL query whith this attribute, but query preview returned "2339226", "2504286". Regards

(...) erDeskActiveContextMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.Extensions.DebugInfo.DebugInfoMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context, IDebugInfoGetter debugInfoGetter, IPerform anceCounterFactory counterFactory, IFrontendTraceProvider form atter, IDefaultableDbInfoProvider defaultableDbInfoProvider, IUserCredentialsManager userCredentialsManager, IDebugInfoManager debugInfoMa (...)

(...) I had to create 'Constants' for positions from BPS 'Fixed values list'. So there is a short list of values for example Car Types: 1. Sedan 2. Hatchback 3. Pickup Let's say you have a single form , where you want to display fields conditionally - depending on the selected Car Type. To make it well documented instead of putting Car Type (ID) = 1 - you have to create 'Constant' CarType Sedan (...)

(...) he period given. 2) If the substitutions are stored in the database and can be retreived with an SQL statement, I think of an automated workflow that will shift the tasks based on the substitution inform ation. Is there any other approach you have created or that can be configured? Thank you for your answers in advance and have a nice weekend. Best, Ingo

(...) Hi all! I am getting a strange warning when deploying a second SDK plugin package to customer environment (see screenshot). The background inform ation is: Both SDK plugins need System.Text.JSON namespace for serializing / deserializing JSON objects, which requires a bunch of satellite assemblies to be packaged also. These assemblies are added to each package with a custom Powershell script an (...)

(...) SF connected to your Webcon? I was wondering if there is any possibility to have more interaction between the 2 apps. At the moment, I have Webcon connected with SF through REST APi, where I get inform ation from SF for a process. But sometimes SF is updated (for example, an opportunity is cancelled), and there is no reflection of that in Webcon. My idea was to have that inform ation and automatic (...)

(...) s not you typically community thread. It’s not about a problem or question but an idea for which I would need your help. I’ve come across a page which listed 101 things you could do with product/platform xyz. This got me thinking whether we could do something similar for WEBCON BPS. For this though I need your help. --- The idea --- Everyone has implemented a number of applications. These are uni (...)

(...) I need to add custom header to the soap message, e.g. i need to pass form field value to the header section. How can it be done? Thanks in advance. W

(...) Hi, I need to use the the Printout a barcode label. I found the article about ZebraDesigner to design the label and get the EPL form at text to insert into the action. My problem is I don't have a Zebra printer. If I try to install the ZebraDesigner it won't allow me to design a label because the software is not connected to a Zebra printer. In my case the client has a SeagullScientific printer whic (...)

(...) or.GenerateDefaultSettingsTable(Attribute attribute) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.AttributeDetailSectionGenerator.GenerateAttributeDetailsSection(List`1 form FieldsToShow) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.WorkflowsDocxGenerator.GenerateWorkFlowsDocx() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentati (...)

(...) it, but it would be great if more "default" (system fields) could be added: - Author - Date created - Last person modifying - Date modified (not listed in the system fields) - Business Entity - form subtype I highlighted those in the attached image. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi all, I have a process where the user fills in inform ation in a datasource form field. When a value is picked, one of the columns in that datasource is copied into another field (status). This field-status is used in a control step to move the process accordingly. But I need to have that inform ation refreshed, when the process is moved to a system step, it will be there for 15 days which means (...)

(...) Hi all, I am quite new to webcon and I came over this. We have a form with a item list. The item list is initialized from external source. It shall represent a log file for some measured values. The lines in the item list shall be every 10 minutes, so I initialize the list with 100 x 10 minutes line. Hence, the user shall not be able to delete or duplicate records / lines from the item list. H (...)

(...) .webcon.com/posts/post/the-run-an-sql-procedure-action/230). But, I would like the procedure to generate a .txt file with the results (e.g. JSON), and the file to be downloaded using the WEBCON platform (maybe a new process with starting the procedure and preparing a .txt file for download, such as an attachment). Is it possible, if so how?

(...) I've got a contract database workflow. One of the fields on the form is Project/Department field which is the same as user department in AD users list. Two users: Adam and his boss John. Is it possible to: 1. show in the report only these records, where current user login (account) department is equal to Project/Department felds. 2. on the app home show instances not only created by the current use (...)

(...) ad a "task" workflow with a due date and this due date was used in a timeout in a start step. At a later point in time it was decided that a "save draft" path should be added which won't validate the form . Using this path failed with "unknown exception" and the diagnostic log did not contain any hint that this was related to the timeout. Everything was fine except that there was the below stack trace (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I'm trying to integrate Autenti platform via SDK plugin. I have add REST connection and try to invoike APIv2 SendingDocumentAction. Unfortunately all I got was the following error message. I have noticed however, that the 'Signature type' field is missing from the action configuration screen. Did any of you come across similar issue? How can it be resolved? Any tips much appreciated (...)

(...) Hi, Is there any tutorial about adding new values to the source using picker field? I have seen that there is that option but I have a problem with configuration of link to the object adding form .