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for CUT

(...) tal designer privileges.     Icon marked in yellow is the global substitutions settings. It allows to define a number of substitutions on the website and choose substitution exeCUT ion mode: turned off, basic, or via a dedicated application.     Basic mode allows to define substitutions per process and per business entity. You can choose a process that wil (...)

(...) ocess optimization elements is proper task assignment. WEBCON BPS Designer Studio is designed in such a way that even the most complicated tasks are easy to manage and their assignment, as well as exeCUT ion, are simple and clear. For more information, see: Task assignment Predefined task assignment Task assignment - business rules   Parallel tasks Clicking on the transition (...)

(...) ditional settings for a given form field, details will be described in the next section of the document.  In the described example, additional settings are: used data source and form rule exeCUT ed for a value change.       Form field matrix Besides .docx.file, documentation also consists of .xlsx file with a form field matrix. Each generated Excel file conta (...)

(...) s equal to 38 kB. Every path transition adds a database entry whose size is 19,6 kB. Average size of an attachment (one page scan with 300 dpi resolution) is 280kB. Average size of an action exeCUT ion log is 0,8 kB.   Example: We have 1 defined workflow. The workflow has 10 steps System is used by 100 users on every workday Every user registers 10 workflow instances a d (...)

(...) tion While working on WEBCON BPS Portal, you can see the error messages displayed by the system in the upper right corner – they are displayed when the system encounters a problem and the exeCUT ion of any action fails. From version 2020.1.3.277 there is the ability of previewing error logs from the administration tools panel. But there is also the option to access to error logs from the leve (...)

(...) of your approval workflow – a list of items. A person authorized to approve can edit only the line to which they are assigned. As for all other tasks, the settings for simultaneous exeCUT ion of tasks determine whether the instance must be approved by one of the people indicated on the approval path or all indicated people. The second situation can be divided into a scenario in which a (...)

(...) p; In the “General” tab you can overwrite the following settings: Visibility restriction Editability restriction Requiredness restriction Default value Form rule to be exeCUT ed on value change Prompt Control style In the item list there is also the option to overwrite the icons visible in the action column, excel import, delete all values and load default settings (...)

(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: Kinga Bożęcka   Introduction Mass actions allow you to go through the path (and exeCUT e the actions that are on it e.g. starting sub-workflows) for many instances at the same time. The article describes the configuration of this action and two examples of use.     Fig. 1. The example process   Fig. 2. The form & (...)

(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: J&oaCUT e;zef Cyran   Introduction WEBCON BPS allows you to generate/update Word documents (e.g. invoices, contracts) based on a template that inserts data from the system (e.g. data from the workflow instance that caused the file to be created) and also convert them to PDF (if necessary). To do this, you need our Word add-in to be downloaded from WEBC (...)

(...) e ID” option allows you to set the WFD_WFDID value – the parent of the current instance and relate it with the current instance. Value – this field defines the value set after exeCUT ion of the action. In this field you can use all functions and form fields available for business rules e.g. arithmetic operations, SQL expressions and form fields available on the form. Error mes (...)

(...) m the external WEBCON BPS content database.   Fig. 8. The query returning the attachment ID from the WFDataAttachments table   If attachments should be created when exeCUT ion, the query must return the FileName columns with the file extension and the Content column that contains the binary file content. Additionally, the query may also return the Description and Catego (...)

(...) ation about paths created in the system between steps WFTimeouts – the configuration of timeout actions WFTimeoutActions – it links actions with timeouts in which these actions are exeCUT ed   d) Configuration tables related to the form fields:   Fig. 6. Configuration table  related to the form fields   WFConfigurations – it contains (...)

(...) t have any form field group on the form, their functions will not be available for selection. Below there are several JavaScript functions used to configure the HTML form field. Each of them is exeCUT ed when the created button is clicked. Set and Get Hide and Show Disable and Enable Collapse and Expand   Set and Get These functions are usually used together, gettin (...)

(...) bsp; After clicking the “Clean list Employee” button, the list will be cleaned.     On the HTML form field the SubelementDelete function has been used that is exeCUT ed by clicking the button.       E) Delete one record This function is used to delete one record from the list. Below there is a created list with the initialized val (...)

(...) . Check – a user checks the entered data. If data are correct – the instance goes to the “Download data” path on which the “Invoke REST Web service” action is exeCUT ed. If not -  the instance can be moved to the first step. Information checked – the instance goes to the last step where information about business entity will be stored with the date it (...)

(...) storage”, you can define the field configuration in terms of GDPR requirements.   Fig. 18. The “Style and behavior” tab   In the “Form rule to be exeCUT ed on the value change” field, there is the option to define the form rules to be exeCUT ed on value change. They may be used to dynamically change the field visibility on the form. There are sev (...)

(...) the “Count of employees” field is rewritten to the “Employees” field.   Fig. 5. The “Convert string” button   This function additionally CUT s out white space and converts a comma into a period. The SetValue function was used in the button configuration, which sets the “Count of employee” field value in the “Employees&rdq (...)

(...) est for adding and deleting a BPS group. The request is sent to the accepting person who can approve or reject it. The “Create BPS group” and “Delete BPS group” actions are exeCUT ed on the “Accept” path. In the “Request type” field, a user can select the appropriate action (Add/Delete).   Fig. 1. The workflow   The form view a (...)

(...) he standard task assignment To create a task, go to the “Task creation” tab in the path configuration. In the “Created task details” section, you can configure the task exeCUT ion parallelism -> see also Parallel task assignment.   Fig. 2. The “Task creation” tab   In the “Tasks assignment” and “CC tasks assign (...)

(...) path was added that contains several actions: Get users drive ID (using the REST Web service action) Put attachment to OneDrive Delete share attachment   Fig. 4. Actions exeCUT ed on the “Send the attachment via OneDrive” path   3. The configuration of the action a) Get users drive ID The configuration uses the GET method and the previously defin (...)