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for Security

(...) Hello, our information Security office has detected a log4j vulnerability. We currently have the log4j-1.2.17.jar version for WebCon BPS 2023 R2 Is it possible to upload version 2.21.1 according to the article https://kb.webcon.pl/Security -podatnosc-cve-2021-44228-w-apache-log4j2/? https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/download.html Will the new version of BPS include this type of fix?

(...) tions - but it was not the case in 2022 ver. Do you have any idea how to change it? Thanks. msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | ex: System.ServiceModel.Security .Security AccessDeniedException: Użytkownik nie ma prawa edytowania elementu WorkFlow at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.WorkFlowObject.WorkFlowObjectForElementFormCre (...)

(...) Hi, We tried introducing a method that will force an inactive user to log out of the portal after 10 minutes. We found the Security configuration and changed the cookie expiration time (set it to 10 minutes). Successful logout occurred after 10 minutes. After logging out, a login window appears. In some cases, the user had to enter the correct login and password several times before being able to e (...)

(...) Hi community! I have to remove all privileges (except the author of the element) on current workflow element for Security reasons. I tried putting the action 'On exit' of the current step, before executing all other actions (assigning tasks, adding certain privileges, ...) on path to next step. According to an old documentation 'On exit' actions should be executed first and should not be depen (...)

(...) bsites are used via a safe encrypted connection (SSL); data are stored at a properly secured servers in the EU; access to personal data is determined by appropriate internal procedures on company Security . Despite the Security measures applied by WEBCON, every user should follow the principles of Security . In order to prevent the account from being used by unauthorized persons, any user should lo (...)

(...) Up to date as of 2024-06-14 The Security of our platform is of utmost importance. We monitor the net for news on emerging vulnerabilities, run Security audits, and react to issues raised by our clients. We constantly update WEBCON BPS to remove any known Security vulnerabilities. On this page, we will compile information regarding Security vulnerabilities detected in the system. Each problem li (...)