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(...) . on MODERN form, a new HTML type form field has been introduced which allows you to enter custom elements in the HTML language on the form. The HTML form field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. The best solution is to use this form field with the new form rules in JavaScript mode. Form rules in JavaScript mode have been enhanced with the foll (...)

(...) fill in our value after refreshing.   Case 1 Three fields - 1 picker field and 2 text fields are defined on the form Country (picker) – select the country value Country code (text) – automatically filled in the country code Is Poland (checkbox) – automatically filled in the true or false value   Fig. 1. The advanced configuration of the Pic (...)

(...) ldquo;Display format” field.   Fig. 15. The configuration of the “Floating-point number” form field   c) Floating-point number as amount with the currency code After selecting the “Currency code ” field and entering the currency code , the number with the indicated currency code is displayed on the form. The currency code can also be set by usi (...)

(...) sp; Introduction HTML form fields are available since WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3. version - they allow you to use all HTML language tag. The HTML form field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. The best solution is to use this form field with the new form rules in JavaScript mode. After adding a new HTML form field, enter the code in the &ld (...)

(...) nique user ID JobTitle – user’s position (optional) Phone – user’s phone number (optional) Manager – manager’s BPS_ID (optional) Picture – the base64 code of the image that would appear next to the user’s account – for more information about adding pictures see The "Picture" form field (optional)   After filling out d (...)

(...) sp; Introduction HTML form fields are available since WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3. version - they allow you to use all HTML language tag. The HTML form field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. This article describes the JavaScript functions that are available for item lists in the HTML form field configuration.   Functions for item li (...)

(...) re, NIP has been included as part of the instance number.   Error handling This action allows you to configure the incorrect responses handling. There are two variants of handling http code s: Abort execution if http code belongs to any of the 300, 400 or 500 group Continue execution if http code belongs to any of the 300, 400 or 500 group In the form below, the NIP number, (...)

(...) he "r" (Description field) are copied, which prevents this value from being entered into a date field.   Fig. 11. The example invoice   Stamps / signatures / barcode s - if there is a stamp or a handwritten signature on the document near the values searched, it may prevent the correct recognition of the text in this area. Fig. 12. The example Invoice (...)

(...) the process.   You can configure the global template in System settings -> E-mail notifications -> Global e-mail template. On the “Message content” tab, you can add the HTML code .   Fig. 1. The HTML code of the global form template   To freely edit the template, you should know the HTML markup language and the CSS stylesheet language. Remember, that (...)

(...) formula value = 1 Green - when the value is 2   The result of applying the formula Fig.9 The effect of using a calculated column of the lamp type   Formula's code in the editor: Fig.10 Defined code in the editor       case when dbo.clearwfelem (WFD_AttChoose1) = 'Low' then 2 when dbo.clearwfelem (WFD_AttChoo (...)

(...)   To do the latter, look at the bottom of the window under "Predefined actions." Select an action, e.g., "Send email," and press the plus button (+) on the right. The code for the selected action will be pasted into the Hyperlink field. Now, you can save everything, and you are done! You do not need to configure anything more. However, you can consider using additio (...)

(...) ite" - the link to the new site will appear in the top link bar of the parent site unless it is inherited. If you select the "Execute outside transaction" option, the action's code will be executed without waiting for its execution in the form. After linking the fields from the form with the action parameters, a new site will be created, and an absolute URL link to it will b (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik This article shows you how to automatically create a new SharePoint site with just one click from a WEBCON BPS form. If you want to learn about other out-of-the-box actions that use your SharePoint content in WEBCON BPS, go here.  We will show the configuration on a free WEBCON application that you can download from here: Investments

(...) ginal see: HotFolder - adding scanned files to process.   Introduction One of the WEBCON BPS basic features is pairing scanned documents with their electronic version (based on barcode s) and starting new workflows for files added to the configured folder – HotFolder. This article describes how to configure the HotFolder and check the service configuration.   HotFo (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik The WEBCON BPS platform has mechanisms for importing and exporting application templates between environments, e.g., test and production environment or WEBCON BPS On-Premises and the Cloud Platform environment. One of the possible uses of this functionality is testing your application in the test environment, exporting the application tem

(...) Display mode" field.    Any button color    When editing a button, you can select one of the defined background colors or enter any color code in the hexadecimal format (in the "Custom" field). When you enter the color's code , you will see its preview. You can now match the button's& (...)

(...) Applies to version 2021.1.1; author: Michał Kastelik  So far, it was possible to display a currency code or symbol next to numerical fields in WEBCON BPS. This made the form more readable and facilitated user orientation in the case of multi-currency forms. However, WEBCON BPS 2021 has introduced some improvements that are described in this article. Prefix and Suffix The name of the cu (...)

(...) h Kołodziej   Introduction A dashboard is a panel that allows you to prepare a dedicated page where you can add various elements (called widgets) such as reports, task counters, or HTML code . Widgets are used to build a personalized application page in WEBCON BPS Portal. The ability to create your dashboards by using 10 widgets has been introduced in WEBCON BPS 2019. In version 2020, (...)

(...) to three-characters) that will appear on the button. In WEBCON BPS 2020, you can use a predefined color for the button. In WEBCON BPS 2021, you can also choose any custom color by entering its color code . Below you can see configuration options in BPS 2020 and 2021. The latter has more options that are presented in this article: New options for start buttons in WEBCON BPS 2021 Figure 2 St (...)

(...) ndatory attributes(*) [COS_IsActive] useraccountcontrol (ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE) X [COS_AD_accountexpires] accountexpires   [COS_AD_countrycode ] countrycode   [COS_AD_iscriticalsystemobject] iscriticalsystemobject   [COS_AD_localeid] localeid   [COS_AD_objectguid] (...)