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(...) Hi, I would like to propose the ability to use HTML formatted text in calculated column s of reports. Now HTML tags are displayed as plain text, e.g. we can use only one link in row or not able to split/format text into lines. I remember that there was such possibility in Sharepoint reports and I miss it :)

(...) ield is ""Yes/No choice" sum I could copy to field in item list config but now I need: 1. do rule in item list -> to do action if row is added (cloned) or deleted 2. do rule in each item list column where is ""Yes/No choice"" type -> to count changing no. or maybe I do it wrong way ... :| ?

(...) Hi, I propose to unify and add a visibility option available on the standard attribute ‘Visibility on report independent of visibility on form’ to the visibility option on item list column s. Regards.

(...) I have Item list [slave]with column where I can pick people (from other item list [master] which contain 1. BPS users, 2. AD users (some of them are in BPS users - not all) and others - people out of AD and BPS. 1. I would like to run sub flow for each row of item list (done) 2. fill proper data (done) 3. assign to people from item list [slave] : a) assign to all BPS users and skip non BPS users a (...)

(...) Hi, It often happens that the list of items should have unique values, at least in 1 column . Currently, I often create and add a script to check when adding an item with this value already exists. A great convenience would be the option in the column configuration, 'unique item'. The user would receive an alert that an item with this value has already been added to the list. Regards.

(...) Hi, how to bold the values in the item list column on the workflow path and on the click of a button in the action menu? thank you for your help Regards, Paweł

(...) ve any explanation for it. Maybe someone else does and has an idea how I can track the 'culprit' / improve the behavior. We have an item list with related documents. This item list has a data row column which outputs an HTML fragment for the current row to trigger a rename function. select ' ' AS Rename The only variable is the user language, there's no FROM, so it should be executed r (...)

(...) hi, I would like to create a calculated column for a report with a list of items. This column , using SQL, should fetch data from another process. I want to map it based on the DET_Att23 ID for each row of the report:: select sum(DE.DET_Value2 - isnull(DE.DET_Value17, 0)) as nn from WFELEMENTS join WFELEMENTDETAILS DE on WFD_ID = DE.DET_WFDID where WFD_DTYPEID = '212' and DE.DET_WFCONID = '578 (...)

(...) Hello, It seems that row coloring in report views does not work for calculated column s. When I open configuration for row coloring and choose one of the calculated column s, the operator field becomes inactive and sais . Use of calculated column s would be nice to color the whole row, not only a column value (lamp).

(...) x. We checked the documentation (https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2024R1/Portal/Reports/#id_7), but it appears to contain outdated screenshots. In version 2024.1.1.187, the tab previously labeled "column s available in reports" is now named "Dataset column s" under the "column s" section. As shown in the attached image, the "Default sorting" section is missing. It may have been relocated, but we nee (...)

WEBCON: Business Process Automation and Management as its best WEBCON develops the Low-Code Business Process Automation Platform, WEBCON BPS (Business Process Suite). This enterprise-grade system allows organizations to embrace digital transformation by digitalizing their workflows and building comprehensive, scalable, process-centric and future-proof applications applying t

(...) mber Demand in person-months -> testing Floating-point number Demand in person-months -> marketing Floating-point number Personnel Item list with column s as in Fig.2 Personnel -> development Item list identical to Personnel but with a filter on the data source and visibility only in the delegation step from the Development departme (...)

(...) quo;s current account balance. The report with the status for the currently logged in user was created, and then the “Report Tile” element was embedded on the dashboard which presents one column from the selected report.   Fig. 3. The configuration of the Report Tile - Account   On the “Lunchtime” dashboard, a new “My transactions” report tha (...)

(...) ble with data from the form.   Configuration The first field to define is the Item list.   Fig. 2. The item list in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio   Then, add four column s containing the order data to the list – two of them are choice field type, one – text field, and one – date. On the form, three rows showing the orders have been added:   (...)

(...) ’) Assigned to the same category/task type (Task type)   In the WFElements table there are workflow instances from all processes so you must add the conditions for the individual column s: the WFD_STPID column contains information about step where the form is located, and the WFD_DTypeID column defines the form type (the form type ID). For more information about t (...)

(...) modified field value from an existing document In the choice field configuration (Autocomplete and Pop-up search window) there is the ability of transferring values from the data source column s to the fields indicated on the form. The limitation of this solution is the ability of transferring only the exact data that is in the source. If you want to modify data to be transferred, use the S (...)

(...) - Model 1   Fig. 12. Lock icon indicates whether the warehouse is closed or opened   The report contains all model 1 products that are in the warehouses. The background cell column indicates the number of products in the warehouse.   Fig. 13. Available set of colors   In the advanced mode, use the ‘scale’ function to use with the above func (...)

(...) ated and which are new rows and should be added as their own separate workflow insatnce. As an example, an Excel file will be added for the second time with the same dishes but with the incomplete ID column :   Fig. 8. The Excel file with incompleted ID column   In the report from the import operation, you will receive information about 9 new added elements – the dishes in (...)

(...) mation about tasks in the appropriate database table – WFElementTasks. By querying this table and narrowing it down to the instance ID (from the example), you get the following result (selected column s were downloaded in the query):   Fig. 9. The table contains information about tasks in the system   The WFT_FinishedByAdmin column informs you that the task has been compl (...)