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(...) Hello everyone! :) It's great to work on Webcon, really useful staff. Unfortunately I think i found a bug, since I can't find any issue in my configuration. I have an Item List field type with some field s in it: type, subtype, value, start-date, finish-date. My configuration is set to automaticly take value from database and place it on 'value' when I pick 'subtype' from dropdown. I am using the tar (...)

(...) Hi Everyone, I want to change some field values on a sub-workflow but from a main workflow level. Example: I have a main workflow with 3 sub-workflows. When some user choose a path on the main workflow I want to modify some field s in the sub-workflows. Is there any action to achieve it?

(...) D = outerDocType.DTYPE_ID FOR XML PATH('') ),'') as Label FROM WFDocTypes outerDocType where DTYPE_ID in ({DT:4},{DT:7}) The TRANS_OBJID is fixed. You can get an overview of all ids and which field s, tables you need to replace in the above command from: SELECT * FROM [dbo].[DicTranslationsObjects] The attached image shows the executed SQLcommand and the drop down values for the German languag (...)

(...) Hi, Has anyone encountered this yet - we have a couple of yellow exclamation marks in the SWE configuration under "Data Presentation". These field s are not showing on the form. I don't think permission should be an issue, since everybody has access to these field s. Are there any configuration details I should check? Any suggestions? Thanks!

(...) Hi everyone, if someone uses field references, process rules or similar in translations you should verify that the correct ids are used after importing the application in a new environment. Otherwise you may be in for a surprise. The attached image shows that the translated text uses the old variable ids and only the ids in the original text have been updated to match the new environment. I've notice (...)

(...) Hello, I personally like immediate validation – right after the user checks/selects/enters something on the form - much better than validation on an action. So usually I validate field s “on value change” and set the field error if necessary. Currently I use a js-function like this to showing/remove the error message (form display mode: Modern on BPS portal): function showError(columnName, hintTex (...)

(...) Hi everyone, if you are going to use field references, process rules or similar in translations, these won't work once the process is transferred to another environment. See this thread for more details/images: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1149 In my opinion this is an error, so I created a ticket. The answer was, that this is the intended behavior. There I'm creating this user voice. (...)

(...) Is there a way to query the database or check in the designer studio about the number of form field s created in our application?

(...) Hi everyone, maybe I have a wrong idea how a multi value picker field is used in filters/groups in reports. Current situation: The picker field will store the selected values in the order they have been chosen. If you use this field as a group, every unique "string" will be used as a group. Example: Workflow instance 1: IT: Research & Development Workflow instance 2: IT: Research & Dev (...)

(...) We have a visibility restriction (hidden for few security groups lev1-lev4) on a form field and visible for few other groups. I have created a new report and added the form field which has visibility restriction to the report but it is not displaying any data due to the visibility restriction. As an admin also I cannot see data. How can I fix this issue?

(...) Hi there, I'm trying to work out a rule to color backround of a date cell. The condition would be "if the date in the current field is greater than today, then color backround, else dont change the color". Currently the not working JSON code is: { "content": "=Currentfield ", "style": { "background-color": "=if(Currentfield > today, '#FF0000', '')" } } I've also tried different var (...)

(...) Hi, I noticed something strange in the database values for a choice field - a hash in front of the ID (screenshot attached). Has the behavior of the database changed? In the documentation I still find it's supposed to be ID#Name, no mention of a hash. Best regards

(...) Hi, We have 2 processes: Accounts and Payables . I have created a report for those 2 processes with global form field s field s. Among them there 2 people picker field s. The report is pulling all the requests without any issues but when I tried to filter on the global people picker Column, it is not showing the data. Example: we have a Requestor people picker Technical form field . There are few (...)

(...) We have 2 processes: Accounts and Payables . I have created a report for those 2 processes with global form field s field s. Among them there 2 people picker field s. The report is pulling all the requests without any issues but when I tried to filter on the global people picker Column, it is not showing the data. Example: we have a Requestor people picker Technical form field . There are few requests s (...)

(...) Hi Guys, Has Webcon any function or script to extract the [Comments] field in the "human eadible" way? Lets say DATE | AUTHOR | COMMENT TEXT. Selecting from WFD_Description for particular ID gives me output like below. It is becoming more complicated if I have two or more comments, divided by ','. SELECT WFD_ID ,WFD_Description FROM [BPS_Content].[dbo].[WFElements] where wfd_id=xxxxx outp (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I’m trying to set the color of the cell in a report based on a comparison between the current field (AttDateTime1) and another column (AttDateTe4). It works if I compare the Currentfield to a fixed value. As soon as I try with the other field name, it doesn’t work anymore. Is it even possible to have such comparison? Thank you, Martin

(...) Hi everyone, this is just a short list of actions I had to do, when I switched from a "local" text field , WFD_AttText1, to a global WFD_AttText1Glob: 1. Fixing Start Subworkflow actions Due to the change of the field type the assignment was "lost". Internally the action uses the database name, so it's obvious, that the assignment of field {690} to field WFD_AttText1 is no longer valid. Configu (...)

Does anyone know how WEBCON did this on their support portal? Lots of custommers asked us to add form fileds in the task cards, but I thought it is not possible.

(...) (Word / PDF) doesn't look well. I didn't find any options or parameters to improve quality. Link to KB about this feature: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-handwritten-signature-form-field /153 Thanks for your comments here :)

(...) Hi, I am populating 'WorkflowID population' form field based on the 'Select Marketing support' selection. Select Marketing support is basically the the type of the request. upon Marketing support selection, populating it's Workflow ID in the 'WorkflowID population' form field . Once that is populated, I need to set a default value 'Workflow name - test' form field . I have created a business rule w (...)