(...) 1fAjvAk) to start a subworkflow using MS Flow (now called Power Automate) but when I need to configure the Get Token Action I only have the options in the picture and they are premium. Anyone with idea s? Using the json in the column of the item list is not working. Thank you!
(...) lestone_date as {DCNCOL:186}, amount as {DCNCOL:187}, currency_code as {DCNCOL:188}, amount_euro as {DCNCOL:189} from PL_Invoicing I'm trying to this but it's not working. Hope anyone has idea s for this! Thank you!!!!
(...) entire row. In the new release there are new item list actions which allow to paint one cell but I don't know how to write the change value (probably I will have to use SQL command for this). Any idea s? Thank you all Andreia
(...) Hi, I am trying to use WebDav in order to edit other types of documents (Others than office apps). I have installed the server side plugin and the client side plugins, but I have no idea how to enable any sort of edit button in WEBCON that would trigger the WebDav App. I have tried the demo in this website: https://www.webdavserver.com/ and works, but that only confirms that I have the client side p (...)
(...) QL Command I think it would only work for a subquery because I need to check the value on each row. I've used the Select Values in combination with GetNames function but I was not successful with my idea ! Hope anyone has an idea on this!
(...) that i am missing something in my Docusign Developer Account but i'm not certain what it is and the Docusign Documentation isn't realy helping me here either. Has anybody tried this an maybe got an idea what the problem could be? Thank's in advance for any advice. Pasquale Edit: Found the Problem, i had a trailing space in the AuthServer URL
(...) Hello all, Does anyone configured an historic cumulative graph in webcon? We can do a cumulative based in one field but it's possible to show the bar that is summing the previous month? Any idea s are welcomed! Thank you!
(...) ubstitution (I mean the active tasks). I had to do this manually. Is there a way to make substitutions work so that the substitute is being assigned even the overdue tasks? EDIT: I came up with an idea to create action that gives the rights to the desired documents upon starting the substitiution.
(...) y get a table through a command done inside the application which can be pasted in email/world/excel. When the copy table is pasted in notepad++, the script is not available so I was trying to get idea s on how to paste the information inside webcon and make it available as a table. Does anyone faced something like this? Thank you
(...) on, rule, ect? I thought about action which will create a folder on shared drive and webcon form will show information to user where to store attachment. But I don't know how to achieve this:/ Any idea ?
(...) "done" ist set "true". I tried with the "Acceptance" function (see Acceptance.png), but the issue is that I can make the column visible for a (single) defined user, but not for multiple users. Any idea s here? The preferred would be a "HIDE ITEM LIST ROW" function in the form rules. Kind regards Klaus
(...) Is there a way on a new record to prepopulate an item list with static rows? The idea is for each new workflow started, an item list would have 6 rows already setup to have other data entered. Nevermind, I found it :) https://webcon.com/item-lists-repeating-data-done-right/
(...) s/titles/contents etc. I've also checked 'Context variables\Current user\Language' it contains the language of the user who clicked on the path. While writing this I've just come up with following idea : Create multiple "custom email" actions. The recipients are returned from a business rule. The business rule has three parameters. Intended recipients, language, is fallback. The business rule than r (...)
(...) tance including LINKS to that instance. I would like to have that links opened in the existing window, but i dont find a working way to configure that. Every time a new windows is opened. Anyone an idea ? Thanks in advance, Bjoern Poller
(...) , I observed that when Webcon sends e-mails, I can't see them inside the mail box. To put it in other words, I can't see in the "Sent" folder in Outlook the outgoing e-mails. Does anybody have any idea how I can see them. Can I make a report inside the web application over the WFMails table? Best regards, George
(...) Hi all, I'm out of idea s... I've tried everything that came to my mind without achieving the desired result. Is it possible to have a hyperlink column in an Item List that shows the Preview and only after clicking on the little icon on the right (see attached image) it opens the full form?
(...) Hi everyone, does anyone have an idea whether it's possible to retrieve the users to whom a task will be assigned in the next step? What I've tested so far: - Verified that the variable 'System fields\Assigned persons' contains the current persons during path transition, exit and entry. - Created an SQL statement which returned the latest row from WFElementTasks, and executed this in an action durin (...)
(...) i should be able to set the "[TECH] angeschaut" checkbox when clicking. What i am searching for: 1) a way to implement EMBEDDED HTML with usage of row value as parameter OR 2) any other idea ;-) Code for the HTML Button could be like (eg. is for stand-alone button): Open Youtube ************ {FLD:1201} = Link {FLD:1202} = check box ************ Thanks in advance, Björn Poller
(...) Hi everyone, Does anyone has an idea on how to retrieve all "objectClass=contact" from Active Directory and use the result as a Data Source? Thank you.
(...) ew one. Nowe we have documents 1,2,3,4 and 6. Is there a way to change the signature of 6 to 5? I can delete the number 6 but what will reset the numbering so that the new created one will be 5? Any idea s community? :) Michal