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for Data source

(...) st part, “ID”, represents a unique value. It is the element most frequently used in SQL queries designed to filter results displayed in picker fields populated with values from a specific Data source . Such filtering is often employed to exclude irrelevant information, presenting only what is of interest to the user in forms, reports, picker fields, and so forth.   The previous appro (...)

(...) R3 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction Version 2023 R3 introduced the ability to use the CONCAT function within the LIKE function to create advanced filter conditions on Data source s. This is particularly applicable when configuring Choice fields, allowing the list of returned values to be limited to those required by the user. This article provides a description of the funct (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2023.1.3 and above   Introduction This article concerns the system Data source <Users and Groups>  and its effect on the Person or group form field from 2023 R3 onwards. The system Data source <Users and Groups> (distinguished by the triangle brackets) is meant to act as a filter on top of the list of synchronized users - used to fil (...)

(...) ee buttons, options, or fields that are either invisible or inactive for citizen developers with Application administrator privileges. Furthermore, among other things, they have the ability to manage Data source s created by other users or create user groups…   BPS groups To facilitate the concurrent execution of three projects, the Department Manager organized their subordinates into thr (...)

External content by Raluca Lupu; 10.05.2024 Have you ever wanted to display information hierarchically? I want to share how you can create accordion-style tables in the system. I built an accordion table using HTML and JavaScript. The table is generated dynamically by fetching data from a JSON. What does that mean? 🤔 Simply put, the table adjusts automatically based on the data entered in

(...) ses, all actions were configured as being triggered through a Menu button with a name corresponding to the action name.   Add item list rows This action adds all rows from the specified Data source to the indicated Item list, without checking for duplicates, but taking into account the values specified in the Columns mapping section. Executing this action may result in duplicate rows of the Ite (...)

(...) e found here: Mobile app.   Application design Apart from all the options in the Global parameters, there is a number of features and approaches when designing processes, workflows, and Data source s to make our system configuration “airtight”. Part of good process design is planning out what resources and data should be available to each user – not only to complete tasks i (...)

External content by: Raluca-Mirabela Lupu   Initialization Mode: Key Choices and Flexibility   Configuring an itemlist involves deciding between two initialization modes: "initialize only at the first step" or "initialize at every step." This decision impacts how the data in the itemlist is updated throughout the process. Selective and Flexible Init

(...) must be completed according to the expected scope of the import. Each parameter in the file can be modified by entering the GUID of a specific BPS element (application, process, presentation object, Data source , etc.) in place of the “null” value or between square brackets. The value should be set to true/false accordingly. However, it is important to note that the indication of specific element (...)

(...) The reports embedded within dashboards are independent of reports created in applications. This means that they are not only created and configured at a dashboard level, but also fed with data from Data source s defined for such a dashboard. Although assigned to the dashboard, the aforementioned Data source s are created while adding a report, and later can be reused to populate reports that match their type (...)

(...) gner Desk), actions, Choice field (regardless of its behavior, i.e. Dropdown, Popup search window, or Autocomplete), or form fields that belong to the Data presentation group, business rules, Data source s (except Fixed values list).   Summary The functionality of creating a list of tasks for execution can prove extremely useful, especially when designing more complex applications. Tha (...)

Applies to version: 2024.1 and above; author: Marcin Kapusta    Introduction In WEBCON BPS 2024 R1, the Search Server component uses a new version of the Apache Solr index to search for data – 9.6.0. Because of this, updating WEBCON BPS will require additional steps. Most of these steps will be carried out automatically by the installer, nonetheless, some will need to b

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; August, 2022 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de   If you are working with web services Data source s like REST then you will have noticed that you can't view the outgoing request. This is also true, if you have a problem, when the instances hasn't been saved yet. All in all this can be quite annoying, if there's some (...)

(...) 2020.1.3.441. Of course, I can uncheck the unrelated applications, but this is error prone. In my opinion the applications are not related, if they only share elements defined in system settings, Data source s or plugins. Examples: - Globals -- constants -- business rules -- form rules fields -- fields - Data source -- Dictionaries -- Templates - SDKs If the export hits one of these elements no further (...)

(...) ost/using-calculated-columns/196/3) but that's not my case. What I would like to do is join the items from the report to a table in a different database (on the same server) or to an existing MSSQL Data source . In many processes I have a global field with the unique identifier. I would like to use this key for a 1:1 join. I can show the join results on the form (using Data row field type) but not on the re (...)

(...) data with the mentioned process. Any ideas would be appreciated. 2. At this point my main problem are the colors presenting the vacation type (which in my case would be the shift). The Vacation Type Data source has only 6 available colors. I need more than that. Does anyone know if we can use hex or rgb codes instead of the preset IDs? If not, is there a place where I can define new colors? Thank you in ad (...)

Hello, I am trying to clear the contents of a technical itemlist which I use to put data into a word document. This itemlist works as a buffer and takes the rows of another itemslist which have with a YES/NO field selected as YES. The source itemlist always has different values so i need to refresh the buffer. I need an easy way to clear the contents of the buffer itemlist. Also, the buffer iteml

(...) ut now I can give a user either a full read access to all the data from the process or no access - regarding data created by an other user. It would be awesome to be able to create a report from a Data source , this would solve the problem, since I could create a Data source containing only data I want the users to see.

(...) ty.webcon.com/forum/thread/555/46 having been removed in 2021.1.3.143 (tested, worked fine), something similar is happening in 2021.1.3.163 when you use a picker field in an item list, and map it's Data source -columns into other columns of the item list. It then throws: "b.map is not a function"-error, see attached screenshot. If I dont map Data source columns to other columns it doesn't throw an error.

(...) Due to a mistake, migration scripts for version 2021 R3 (2021.1.3.136; 2021.1.3.178) do not take into account changes in REST Data source configuration. After updating to version 2021 R3, all REST Data source s configured in versions older than 2021 R1 will cease to function. Data source s configured in 2021 R1/R2 will only return columns from a collection that have been manually selected, whereas previously (...)