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for data base

External content by Markus Jenni; 17.04.2024   The "Generate/Update a Word file" action allows the creation of documents quite easily. In the past, we stumbled upon some challenges: Internal names of Test and Production can be different It happened that a report had to be redesigned for production as the properties are named after the internal names No Rich text c

External content by Raluca Lupu; 10.05.2024 Have you ever wanted to display information hierarchically? I want to share how you can create accordion-style tables in the system. I built an accordion table using HTML and JavaScript. The table is generated dynamically by fetching data from a JSON. What does that mean? 🤔 Simply put, the table adjusts automatically based on the data entered in

Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction In WEBCON BPS, it is now possible to perform automated operations on the rows, columns, and values of the Item list. Previously, these operations were executed using the Change item list values action, with the final result determined by the mode chosen by the configurator. However, version 2023 R3 introd

External content by: Raluca-Mirabela Lupu   Initialization Mode: Key Choices and Flexibility   Configuring an itemlist involves deciding between two initialization modes: "initialize only at the first step" or "initialize at every step." This decision impacts how the data in the itemlist is updated throughout the process. Selective and Flexible Init

Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above, author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction In an era of technological advances, there is an increasing emphasis on providing equal access to information, education, work, entertainment, and services for all people, regardless of their location, resources, skills, or limitations. Many of these basic aspects of life are now carried out over the Inte

Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction The form is a critical component of WEBCON BPS, serving as a conduit for the collection of business data. A user is more likely to complete a form accurately and attentively when it is attractive, convenient, and intuitive. Version 2024 R1 introduced the ability to change the proportions of the left and

Applies to version: 2024.1 and above; author: Marcin Kapusta    Introduction In WEBCON BPS 2024 R1, the Search Server component uses a new version of the Apache Solr index to search for data – 9.6.0. Because of this, updating WEBCON BPS will require additional steps. Most of these steps will be carried out automatically by the installer, nonetheless, some will need to b

Hi, On the form, I am using the Chart data field. I am wondering whether it is possible to use the chart field in the Word printout report. Is there an alternative way to draw a chart based on the form data in the report? Maybe in HTML report. I was also thinking to put chart into the Picture field that is supported in Word templates. Any insight on how to approach this would be appreciated. B

Currently selection attributes, such as picker, poll the database in such a way that LIKEs are always placed in the WHERE clause. The data that the database returns are then filtered according to the picker configuration (exact match, contains phrase, starts with). In my company, we collect customer data from several CRM systems. For one of them, we have the customer's data materialized in the

I have a report that displays data from several processes. If I want to filter by a column which is a global or computed field, for example, the data is prompted only for those that have been loaded. if the data in the filter has been read to the value, e.g. 'o' trying to narrow down to a word that starts with the letter 'p' the search doesn't work. It works well if we filter by column, e.g. autho

Can anyone recommend some good calculator or formula to calculate the database size increment for demo applications and N users over time? Condition (no attachments are uploaded) something like: application A or B * user or process * month = yMB data size Rather, it is an order of magnitude to evaluate for these ready-made sample demo applications As far as the attachments can be es

I've got a contract database workflow. One of the fields on the form is Project/Department field which is the same as user department in AD users list. Two users: Adam and his boss John. Is it possible to: 1. show in the report only these records, where current user login (account) department is equal to Project/Department felds. 2. on the app home show instances not only created by the current

Hello, is there a possibility to use existing SOLR as Data Source? I had an idea to show users SQL grid, which would show similar items found in database, based on text typed in regular TextInput field. That lead me to Levenshtein Distance algorithm, which might be slow in SQL, but i've found that such a thing is already implemented in SOLR (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1752301/how-to-c

Hi, I have an item list with a "date" column. I figured out that filtering (or even showing it in a customized date format in a data table) is tricky as the daty type of the column is actually nvarchar(1000). What I want to reach is to filter the data table based on a "date picker" field, but I don't manage to. Kind regards, Klaus

(...) At Webcon BPS, on the form's list of items, I have a checkbox field and a second field of dropdown(choose) type. The second filed - dropdown field retrieves data from a data base and allows for adding values outside of the database. The first filed - checkbox field determines whether the value in the second field is from the source or added externally. How can changing the value of the checkbox field aff (...)

Hi, Sorry for my lack of knowledge but I've just installed WEBCON 2 days ago. Please help! I want to add in a item list rows from a SQL database but: Querying data is ok. I want to select a product name based on that query (from a Choice field) and get the correspondent price from the query... Also my query is based on another field as a filter When I change the value of that filter, the li

Hello, I have a parent process with Item list. This item list is list of tasks. I can add positions to this list and I have a button to initialize this list as a tasks. In this list I have a title, responsible person, status of the task and section (it should be item list with attributes in the form?). When I add the position and put in all data (title, person responsible and section) I hit the

Hi, if a data row/ data table is based on a BPS internal view to configure, whether the names/translations of the columns should be used. The default value should be true. It's just a waste of time to not only provide the translations the first time but also to update these when the name/translation of the referenced column changes. Most of the time it's forgotten anyway. Best regards

I created process where I have got: 1. Parent process with Item list: a) description b) attachment 2. I start child process a) copy data + copy attachments b) i would like to populate the same in child item list with records correlated with coped attachments ... I did SQL source: [code="SQL"] SELECT e.DET_ID as 'ID wiersza dziecka', e.DET_WFDID as 'ID Elementu Detalu dzie