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for groups

(...) res, e.g. with one-to-many relations, will be a challenging task. So we decided to add a JSON-builder, that generates the structure based on the form fields. It is quite simple, but it also groups fields to its nearest grouping element (group, tab). Also, item lists, data tables, and data rows are supported. For most scenarios, this should be sufficient. In addition, you can still create your (...)

(...) r number of elements makes this hard. Therefore I described my approach to create this checklist using the configuration database table. In the end I considered the following artifacts: BPS groups : Need to be transferred. User profile and favorites: Can be ignored. Registered API applications: Need to be transferred. Devices: Can be ignored Licenses assignments: Need to be transferred (...)

(...) for all your questions/comments which helped me a lot or inspired me at least. Today, i have my own problem/question and maybe someone of you were struggling with it before. I am working on a "BPS groups Managing Tool" and therefore wanted to use the WEBCON tables BpsUsers & BpsUsersGroupRelations. But actually both tables are returning nothing, when using "SELECT * ...". Does anyone have an idea, (...)

(...) set an expression/field. When the error is displayed on the form the "Set Focus" action is executed and the configured value selected. I assume that the "Set focus" action already toggles collapsed groups /other tabs. Best regards, Daniel

(...) ssions, IEnumerable`1 dashboards, IEnumerable`1 linkedProcesses, IEnumerable`1 starts, IEnumerable`1 reports) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.GetApplicationgroups Structure() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleProcess.ProcessController.RefreshData() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleProcess.ProcessPanel.RaiseDataRefreshRequest() at WebCon.Wor (...)

(...) [WFActions] actions join WFSteps on ACT_STPID = STP_ID join WorkFlows on STP_WFID = WF_ID join WFDefinitions on WF_WFDEFID = DEF_ID join WFApplications on DEF_APPID = APP_ID join WFApplicationsgroups on APP_AGRID = AGR_ID where ACT_LogExecution = 0 and ACT_IsDeleted = 0 order by AGR_Name, APP_Name, DEF_Name, WF_Name, STP_Name Even so it's tempting, you shouldn't use an SQL statement to change th (...)

(...) Hello together, I execute a PowerShell script directly on a path in my Webcon workflow. Beacuse I'am searched through some groups I got an timeout after one minute. I get an error with the message: "Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding". But where can I increase this timeout value to higher then a minute? Thanks for your help Max (...)

(...) Hello, I have a field for "internal comments" and I want three user groups to be able to edit this field on every step of the workflow. On steps where they have the general right to edit, this works, but not on other steps. To clarify, on those other steps, they should NOT have rights to edit the step, ONLY to edit this one multiline text field. And any other group should NOT have the right to edit t (...)

(...) Hi, I have created a report, in which i am only interested in showing the Year-portion of a datetime-field. This works good until i try to group for the shown values in there. The groups are not built by the years in this case, but still on the entire value. It would make more sense to group according to the display option the grouped column is set to. Especially because i dont know how to do calcul (...)

(...) Hi everyone, maybe I have a wrong idea how a multi value picker field is used in filters/groups in reports. Current situation: The picker field will store the selected values in the order they have been chosen. If you use this field as a group, every unique "string" will be used as a group. Example: Workflow instance 1: IT: Research & Development Workflow instance 2: IT: Research & Deve (...)

(...) We have a visibility restriction (hidden for few security groups lev1-lev4) on a form field and visible for few other groups . I have created a new report and added the form field which has visibility restriction to the report but it is not displaying any data due to the visibility restriction. As an admin also I cannot see data. How can I fix this issue?

(...) ions, IEnumerable`1 dashboards, IEnumerable`1 linkedProcesses, IEnumerable`1 starts, IEnumerable`1 reports) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.GetApplicationgroups Structure(Boolean withoutProcesses, Func`2 applicationFilter, Int32[] permittedApplicationIds) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleProcess.ProcessController.RefreshData() at WebCon.WorkF (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have a problem and I hope that you will help me with the solution :) In general, at the star step, I grant read permissions to different domain groups (Add/Remove privileges BPS Action). The problem comes when I have a completely new group and I need them to have access to old documents in end step (Final - positive). Clicking through several thousand documents is not an option. It (...)

(...) We have to now comply with SOX and part of the requirements is to list all WebCon apps and permissions/priveleges for each level and the groups /people in them. Is there an easy way to dump all permissions/priveleges for all apps to a text file, pdf or other? If not I'll have to go through and take screenshots of each in designer!

(...) ge the process to two persons approving each of two approval steps (4 eye principle or 8 eye principle). 2) Task Creation The user assignment to the single approval tasks shall be done through AD groups as the members change frequently. 3) Approach In both steps the task assignment is performed through SQL queries that retrieve the users from the active directory. To support a simple configurati (...)

(...) Hello, Is there a way to check a specific user AD group membership? I want to type a user in a field and then I want to see on which groups this user is(based on AD). It would also be great if the list of groups would be loaded into a list items. I read this: https://alterpaths.com/webcon-admin-process-checking-users-groups / but it didn't work on me. Can you help?

(...) always the first. If there is a document with category smaller than 'Invoice', it will be the first and shown. There is a property on form to change order of attachments, but it applies only within groups . Do you have any idea to overcome this issue? We could rename attachment categories but I do not really like the idea. My proposal would be to introduce some improvement, 1. add some new proper (...)

(...) implementation of the travel request will differ greatly from each other, both have a ‘Travel request’ application. With your help, namely your information, we could create a site listing all these “groups ” of applications or use cases. Each use case could have a sample image, a describing text, a section how many known companies have implemented this use case and optional contact de-tails. Let’s me st (...)

(...) rtdk_kon_2u30@bxwebcon.pl' for relation stored in database. - Could not find group with BPS ID 'bps_kon_edycjaslownikow_2s4w@bxwebcon.pl' for relation stored in database. As a result members of groups don't have access to documents through group permissions. When I add user to group through User management > Local groups everything is correct - users membership are added to BPS_Config.dbo.BpsU (...)

(...) t get the action to remove a user from a group to work. The add user to group action works fine, but when deleting, the log says that user is not a member of selected group. I tried with different groups , making sure that users are synchronized, and even for testing purposes used domain admin account in the AD actions configuration, but without success. Does this action work for you?