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for request

(...) ; Example 2: business case: calculating the cost of insurance policy In this example, the application is used by an insurance company to calculate the cost of insuring a car belonging to a request ing person. A number of variables specified in individual form fields is taken into consideration when calculating the cost of insurance policy. The final price is displayed in the “Cost of insu (...)

(...) valuations to the exercises organized by Professor Katarzyna Grzybowska. WEBCON BPS Hackathon  The topics of the winning processes were: Complaint management Workflow for a request for booking meeting dates and equipment for specified events. Workflow for request ing a change in job position or scope of duties. Workflow for a request for publishing or changing information on (...)

(...) or the first time, this variable will be empty.   Example of use Here is a very rudimentary diagram of a sample Helpdesk & Ticketing application that people can use to submit help request s. The submitted request s wait to be assigned to consultants in the “Pending” step. If you want to see an example of a queue built in to a workflow you can find an example here. (...)

(...) edicated to GDPR, how to configure them, and how they work.   In the next part we will focus on the instance’s journey through the various paths of the workflow: Register a request – input basic data Personal data search - methods of searching through the database and saving the results on the form Select person – specifying which users returned by the search wi (...)

(...) able-counters. Please note here that the list of available metrics is non-exhaustive and is subject to changes. Finally, the WebInstrumentation module allows you to monitor and analyze: HTTP request s (e.g. response time, number of request s handled per second, HTTP response code), request s flow (how request s are transferred through various layers of applications, what operations are executed wi (...)

(...)   Introduction In the 2023 R3 version of BPS, WEBCON has implemented a new functionality that enhances security against unauthorized path transition .and prevents the execution of an unrequest ed task, such as signing a contract. If enabled, users who want to proceed to the next step must confirm their identity based on an additional authorization operation. This article details the Path (...)

(...) Such a code is available after clicking the Generate QR code button in the bottom part of the info panel of the instance in Portal, and it can be sent to other users, e.g. as a proof of submitting a request .   The functionality that enables you to generate QR codes for specific instances can be activated by the BPS application designer in Designer Studio. To do that select the QR code che (...)

(...) n or sending e-mails is not possible).  In such a situation, save all the license information in a text file and then create an e-mail on a different computer. In the subject field, enter “request for activation” and in the recipient field use “FineReader-activation@abbyy.com”. Copy the previously saved information into the e-mail and send it. After receiving the return (...)

(...) se service (depending on which environment will receive the production mirror), Doing so will make it possible to activate the license service without assistance. If assistance is required, it can be request ed through our support site https://support.webcon.com. Deactivating the license service is possible through Designer Studio, by going to the Licenses menu and pressing Deactivate.   (...)

(...) al, providing generated access token to the mobile application. The access token is utilized in all REST API invocation methods. After moving to the WEBCON BPS main page (the token is added to the request header): the access token remains valid for 1 day. Upon expiry, it is refreshed with a refresh token; the refresh token remains valid for 26 days. After it expires, authentication must be car (...)

(...) t of spare parts they received from their franchisor. Some items on the list duplicate those available in the data source. The store offers the same spare parts, but at changed prices. The franchisee request s that data be available in the system only for those products that are actually in the store's offerings, along with current prices. Consequently, the overlapping columns of the Item List and the (...)

(...) eader will be merged with trusted domains. An example of configuration can be found in the article: HTTP headers in WEBCON BPS.   CSRF Protection Protection against CSRF (Cross Site request Forgery, XSRF) works by checking the Origin and Referrer headers in POST invocations from the user’s browser. A correct configuration should protect all endpoints where a user is authentica (...)

(...) ary to include them all. Therefore, leave only the [System] Instance number and [System] Step columns, and proceed to adding process form fields. In the described examples, these will include: “request ing person”, “Defective product”, “Client”, and “Product value”.     Please note that it is also possible here to configure column sor (...)

(...) arried out by: environment admin   Step II – Backup copy of user activities During the Apache Solr update, all indexes will be removed. Data from workflows, navigation, and change request s will be indexed again. However, the recent activities for users will not be reindexed – because this data only exists in the Solr index in the first place. Because of this, before updating (...)

(...) Hi, just a simple, easy request - can you please add a usefull code editor to SQL rules, JavaScript rules and HTML fields details ? Sure, one can copy paste the code from external editors, but it takes time, having an embedded editor would be a great feature.

(...) e call is made from Webcon, it doesn't work. I'm using the POST method of the "Invoke REST Web service" action on a menu button. If I enable "Use proxy" in System settings I get the following error: request Url: https://test.findynamic.com/iris/credit-card/api/buyers Response Code: MethodNotAllowed (405) Exceptions: Rest service call failed. Http code MethodNotAllowed (405). Inspect log to get more info (...)

(...) a new line in one item list but one of the field I'm copying into is a Person/Group one and it doesn't get the value. I'm using the following query: select '{WFCONCOL:1769}' as {DCNCOL:105}, 'request er Manager' as {DCNCOL:104} from WFElementDetails where DET_WFDID='{WFD_ID}' and DET_WFCONID={WFCON:1652} with the unique value set to be the row identifier Anyone with ideas? Thank you!

(...) I am using Exchange events action to add a meeting request to the meeting participants. Everything works fine, but it is not possible to add parameters isOnlineMeeting, onlineMeeting, and onlineMeetingProvider. I tried to resolve this by updating the calendar entry via MS Graph API – Calendar/events. From the Exchange identifier, I was able to determine what would the id of the event be (everything behi (...)

(...) usign-digital-signatures-in-webcon-bps/36) but cannot get it to work. When i want to send the Process to the Signature Step i get an error from the Docusign API which i can't figure out. "Error while request ing server, received a non successful HTTP code Completed with response Body: "error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"no_valid_keys_or_signatures"}" I'm guessing that i am missing something in m (...)

(...) ve an issue with Hotmailbox configuration in my environment. I have an account created by IT department with mailbox and MFA disabled. When I try to setup connection in HotMailbox, I get "ERROR: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized". I don't have any problems when I try to log in to outlook directly in browser using the same credentials. What else might be wrong with configuration? Th (...)