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for Database

(...) if something went wrong when executing a large stack of actions, rolling back the effects inside the WEBCON BPS system was never a problem, since everything related to the system is found in the SQL Database on which the system is installed. Problems started when actions in a transaction affected external systems, rolling back those changes required creative solutions. In each automation, there is the (...)

(...) table should be reliable The view/table should have a unique indexed ID MS SQL, Oracle technologies as standard The views delivered by the customer should be outside the contents of WEBCON BPS Database s. 2. Examples of views View of Customers Column: ERP_ID - unique ID applied to the entire data set, required NAME - required NIP [TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER] - required COUNTRY (...)

(...) sp; Enterprise (Standalone) installation prerequisites, diagrams, and scaling SharePoint-hosted installation prerequisites, diagrams, and scaling Planning for High Availability WEBCON BPS Database s overview and size estimation Disaster recovery for Enterprise and SharePoint Good practices for system upkeep WEBCON BPS Farm communication diagram List of Portal, SharePoint, Service, and o (...)

(...) chnical attributes” group – it includes technical field forming an integral part of the described process. External document ID – field filled in with document ID from Autenti Database .   Additionally, pay attention to the types of created attributes, in particular to the “Role” field in the approver section. The field needs to be set up as a choice fiel (...)

(...)   Applies to version: 2021.x.x.xxx and above; author: Mateusz Syrek Introduction This article describes 3 variants for transferring WEBCON BPS Database s to a different SQL server: new server has the same name as the old one, new server has a different name – applying SQL aliases, new server has a different name – no SQL aliases applied, changing configuration. & (...)

(...) igating with the up/down arrows and confirming the selection with the Enter key.   Fig. 2. The dialog box list after inserting a few characters   Some information in the SQL Database is stored as ID#Name. This format is used for some complex items, such as choice fields, person fields, form types. If the field you have selected is stored in that format, you can choose which part (...)

(...) WCF service host address (without the port number). The same field in the Portal certificate is populated with the “PortalCertificate” value. All certificates are stored in a configurable Database – the service certificates in the binary form in the “Services” table respective column, while the Portal certificate converted to the base64 format in the global parameters. & (...)

(...) . The supervisor can also edit the files shared with them, return the task to the author, or accept the documentation after making changes. To download all changes made in OneDrive back to the BPS Database , it is necessary to create a new automation based on the Finish editing a file using OneDrive action. In the present case, it will be added to the "Accept" path:     (...)

(...) dquo; option to select the application context connector. Use the wizard to specify which process and which data you wish to load into Power BI. You will need to provide the Portal address, content Database ID, as well as Client ID, and Client secret from the API application above. Enjoy!   Application context walkthrough We will now go through a step-by-step guide on how to set up the (...)

(...) ll visible in the “On path” transition. This is due to its nature as this type of transition involves a number of operations that can potentially change the state of data available in the Database . Depending on the moment of triggering an action or automation they can refer to different data values. What is equally important, the on-path transaction can involve three different automations, (...)

(...) ombined with shrinking disk space and decreased performance pose a challenge to every IT system. WEBCON BPS faces it with an extensive archiving mechanism that automatically removes data from process Database s. The resulting better arrangement of disk space translates into enhanced performance and reliability of the whole system. This article describes the aforementioned archiving mechanism in WEBCON B (...)

(...) article describes the roles the services can perform in the WEBCON BPS system, and indicates modules linked with particular roles and presented in the “Running modules” report. Process Database s Process Database s are content Database s that store instances of the processes created in the WEBCON BPS system. The majority of the service roles operate within the framework of such Database s. W (...)

(...) pared business case.   Definition and creation of a data source The Domain users data source allows you to retrieve current user profile data from the hierarchical AD (Active Directory) Database . The data retrieval is performed dynamically and directly, i.e. it bypasses internal resources (cache) and takes place independently of data synchronization. As a result, it is also possible to retri (...)

(...) screenshot – the rule’s parameters include the “ColumnValue” parameter (taking the value of a defined field) and the “ColumnName” (taking the name of a column in a Database ). An SQL query used in the rule   By using the above-mentioned rule it is possible to verify e.g. occurrence of instances with the same invoice number. The “HasDuplicat (...)

(...) nd period Note: if necessary due to country-specific legal restrictions, filtering by users can be disabled by setting “0” for the TopUsersEnabled global parameter in the configuration Database (the default value is “1”). By moving the slider on the legend (scale), user can change the range of values presented on workflow steps and paths. Additionally, proper setting of the S (...)

(...) with editing rights with a new one that has read-only rights.   Archiving When a shared instance is archived or deleted, the sharing is ended and a record is created in the content Database containing historical data. The relevant entry is also deleted from the table which contains information about shared instances.   General remarks When the received link is opened, the (...)

(...) “ActiveTasks”. While this modification generally does not bring changes relevant to end users, it does improve the overall system performance and speed, particularly in the case of large Database s.   Summary The new approach to assigning tasks to groups of users responds to the needs of dynamically evolving labor market. It helps companies to easily manage staff workflows both (...)

(...) display this value until it finishes calculating. There are additional variables in the editor to aid in this rule calculation: Indicator start date – date and time (according to the Database time) of the Start performance indicator action execution. Start value – value of the indicator at the beginning of the calculation. This value can be different than 0 and depends on the Star (...)

(...) in containers on any other containerization platform (e.g. Azure Container Instances or Azure Kubernates Service).   Installation plan When installing WEBCON BPS in containers, only the Database is created using the installer. Other components of the system must be downloaded as Docker images and run in containers using relevant scripts. For this reason, it is good practice to plan the e (...)

(...) sp; Enterprise (Standalone) installation prerequisites, diagrams, and scaling SharePoint-hosted installation prerequisites, diagrams, and scaling Planning for High Availability WEBCON BPS Database s overview and size estimation Disaster recovery for Enterprise and SharePoint Good practices for system upkeep WEBCON BPS Farm communication diagram List of Portal, SharePoint, Service, and o (...)