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for Installation

(...) Hi, I have noticed that you can create multiple content databases on one Webcon Installation . Why and how would you actually use that? It would be great if you could segregate the instances of different business entities in different databases, but I am not sure that is possible. What else do you know about this subject of multiple content databases on the same Webcon portal. Thanks, Razvan

(...) ) at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.PostStream(String relativeUrl, String contentType, Stream content, IEnumerable`1 parameters) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Do you get same error in your Installation s? On previous versions we didn't have this problem. No changes were made in the process it refers to. Thanks in advance for any feedback.

(...) Hi all! Maybe this is a know issue, but we are wondering at the moment if it is possible to import an exported application package to a Webcon Installation with a different version. We currently have an exported application package (.bpe) from version 2021.1.3.205. We are planning to use cloud services from Webcon which is supposed to be the latest version (which currently is 2021.1.4.55). Is it possible (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I'm need help. I did an express Installation . When trying to connect either by browser or webcon desing studio, I can't authenticate. I'm using the same user as the Installation

(...) y and has great integrations with Microsoft services, i.e. M365. I would strongly appreciate, if support for Azure SQL could be added in near future. We already tested it and with some workarounds at Installation time it works. But we cannot recommend this to our customers if there is no official vendor support. Thanks :-)

(...) another way to change this without reinstalling it? 2) Which account creates these sites? the application pool account (see image)? Does it have to have special rights on the SP databases after the Installation ?

(...) Is there a supported way to change the Acronym of the content database after the Installation ?

(...) Hello everyone, on one environment we are running WEBCON 2020 with SharePoint Full-Trust Installation . Now this environment is to be updated. In WEBCON 2022 the SharePoint Full-Trust Installation is not supported any longer. So there is the question: How do I proceed, to use WEBCON 2022 with this current Installation ? Is there a technical solution from you guys (webcon), to "update" the Full-Trust insta (...)

(...) Hi, I downloaded the Teams add-in installer from our Webcon portal and uploaded the custom app as per instructions here https://howto.webcon.com/Installation -of-webcon-bps-add-in-form-ms-teams/ However, when I attempt to open the app or add it as a tab to a channel, everything is blank (see screenshot). Any ideas? Best regards

(...) th the Express and Enterprise versions. It will be a rather long thread as there will be a lot of inquiries in it. At the beginning of: After reaching the maximum database size for the Express Installation , can I uninstall the Webcon software, delete the databases and then perform a new clean Installation and import previously exported processes?

(...) ting BPS Id does not match the UPN format. background information: a customer uses a single server machine for running a test environment for WEBCON BPS. The VM has no access to a domain so the Installation has been executed using local user accounts. The customer will access BPS Portal using AAD. I'm not part of the AAD so I can only use the local user account to access BPS Portal with windows authent (...)

(...) Good morning, following information to resolve another issue with one server I updated this from 2022.1.2.59 to 2022.1.3.65, including all pre-requisites. Installation and database conversion as well as service start went through without error. But unfortunatly the portal does not come up again; also a connect through Designer Studio fails. The web browser tells an error: HTTP Error 502.5 - ANCM O (...)

(...) ctiveXVersionProvider, IConfigDbInfo configDbInfo, IDbInfoStore dbInfoStore, ICurrentCultureProvider currentCultureProvider, IDebugInfoGetter debugInfoGetter, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment, IInstallation TypeProvider Installation TypeProvider, ILoggerUrlProvider loggerUrlProvider, INavigationLinkRepository navigationLinkRepository, IPortalRunningUrlsConfig portalRunningUrlsConfig, IStableVersionInfoPro (...)

(...) production environment. Only difference is RAM: DEV: 16GB, PROD: 20GB, rest is the same. On DEV environment Designer Studio is crashing and crashing all the time. Cannot do anything. Tried to repair Installation (fatal error during Installation ), reinstalled Designer Studio. Nothing works. Has anyone got similar issue?

(...) Hi, I have a BPS Installation on Active Directory called ABC.local. The organization is sunsetting this domain and moving to another AD forest called XYZ.local. In both domains, John Kowalsky has a separate account: in the ABC.local domain, it's abc\jkowalsky and in XYZ.local, the login is via UPN john.kowalsky@org.pl. Fortunately, we can pair accounts in both domains by email address. How can I migrate BPS a (...)

(...) Hello, after creating a new development environment, I wanted to install the ABBYY FineReader component. I am getting an error during Installation . What does it come from? The error appears after entering the activation code and selecting the option: install license server. I am performing the operation on my user - I have local administrator rights.

(...) ion (after moving the system to AZUR-e servers). SQL Server Profiler shows that on the TEST server execution of queries using the Default connection uses a different user than on the Dev server - Installation seems to be the same (the same users etc.). Is there any option/Installation parameter that causes the execution of TEST SQL may be different than the rest of the environments? Test server query (...)

(...) Hello, Can you assist me with the following? I'm attempting to test an outgoing/sending email but receiving an issue during the Installation and setup of the webcon bps. I'm now working on WEBCON BPS 2023.1.1.89 demo version. Error image attached.

(...) ex processes. If we manually upgrade the compatibility level from 120 to 150, Webcon will no longer provide support. It would be beneficial to have the compatibility level pre-set to 150 during the Installation of Webcon. Thanks, Raluca

(...) Hello Durning Installation of the Webcon BPS for Microsoft Outlook Addin 2021.1.4.195 plugin and opening Outlook, the error "Access denied to the path c:\Users\xxx\Appdata\local\Temp\Deployment\A3Y823NQ.KMT\9J59YY7H.WXE\sk" appears when loading the plugin. \Webcon.Workflow.Outlook2010.resource.dll" (I'm attaching a screenshot). Massive deployment from sccm . Command line : Execute-MSI -Action Install -Path (...)