(...) Communication Services The first step to enable sending SMS notifications from WEBCON BPS is to create and configure a Communication Services resource in Microsoft Azure. To do this, follow these steps : Quickstart - Create and manage resources in Azure Communication Services - An Azure Communication Services quickstart | Microsoft Learn. Open the page of the newly created Communication Services re (...)
(...) process. Therefore, changing the name of the WEBCON BPS server will prevent the components from working correctly and will require configuration changes to the environment. This article lists the steps that must be taken to ensure that the system works correctly when the application server needs to be renamed. In the examples shown in this article, the machine name has been changed from “W (...)
(...) Whenever I create a new step in the designer studio, I need to add a path too. The only steps which don't need at least one path are the final paths, which may have already been created by the wizard. So it would save a little bit of time for everyone if there would already be a path. :) Daniel
(...) iguration for tasks * possibility to define reminder templates:list of reminders: WHO, WHEN, MESSAGE, channel (email, sms, other ?) * you can attach reminder templates to each type of tasks (workflow steps ) 2. Add escalation configuration for tasks * possibility to define escalation actions. Good to define escalation templates, list of: WHEN, WHO (roles, managers), MESSAGE, CHANNEL you can attach esca (...)
(...) e views. For example if we have a report containing all our invoices and views for "factual check", "financing check" and "accounting step" plus a report for all our contract based payments and the steps "financing check", "paid", "not paid" which use different fields and need to be kept in a different report - it might look like this: + Invoices My Tasks (17) My Invoices (120) Factua (...)
(...) /desktop I guess that this liteModel must be available via javascript. I'm wondering, because there is this form from the offical 2021 release paper (see below) with the nicely presented workflow steps on top of it. And I believe that this a Html-Field with some javascript. Does anybody know how to get to this data?
(...) ull then '' Else convert(varchar(20),WFH_LeaveCurrentStepDate,113) END as Left_Step_at, TRans_name, STP_TypeId, WFH_LeaveCurrentStepDate, 1 as SortCategory FROM WFHistoryElements left outer join WFsteps on WFH_STPID = STP_ID left outer join Translates on STP_ID = TRANS_ELEMID and TRANS_OBJID = 5 and trans_lanid = (select TOP 1 LAN_ID from TranslateLanguages where substring(LAN_Name,0,2) = substri (...)
(...) sc, create_date, modify_date, 'Alter schema dbo transfer ['+SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) +'].'+name from sys.objects where SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) not in ('dbo','sys') I did this in two steps so that I can verify what will be changed. Best regards, Daniel
(...) have one question, because it is not obvieus to me. When I set an infinite timeout somewhere in a step in the beginning of the process - does the timeout stop when the process reaches one of the end steps , or does it go on and on an on? ;-)
(...) e and Webcon? I have all the documentation on the Webcon side for the REST API but I'm finding some difficulties on the Sales Force side as I'm not sure on where and how to configure the necessary steps to get the connection between the 2 systems. Thank you all for the attention!
(...) Is there a way to lock a specific item row for a list item at specific steps ? I have a 4 row "table" and I need to make sure each row can only be edited in it's respective "phase" (step)
(...) Hi there, by using the Designer Desk in 2021.1.3.205 our user made the mistake to use multiple START steps while designing a workflow for us. Also it is not possiple to save this work, it would be better, if the user gets an error message, if he/she wants to place another START STEP or it doesnt work at all (like in the Designer Studio). Bye, Bjoern Poller
(...) the moment a query on two tables (UNION) which has an inner join on another table. The speed is not really breathtaking, thus I wanted to use a stored procedure where I can perform all the timetaking steps already on the SQL server. Regards Klaus
(...) lays all actions which aren't logged. Maybe for a reason or due to some misconfiguration: SELECT AGR_Name, APP_Name, DEF_Name, WF_Name, STP_Name, ACT_Name FROM [dbo].[WFActions] actions join WFsteps on ACT_STPID = STP_ID join WorkFlows on STP_WFID = WF_ID join WFDefinitions on WF_WFDEFID = DEF_ID join WFApplications on DEF_APPID = APP_ID join WFApplicationsGroups on APP_AGRID = AGR_ID whe (...)
(...) Hello, I have a field for "internal comments" and I want three user groups to be able to edit this field on every step of the workflow. On steps where they have the general right to edit, this works, but not on other steps . To clarify, on those other steps , they should NOT have rights to edit the step, ONLY to edit this one multiline text field. And any other group should NOT have the right to edit (...)
(...) ormParams) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Web.UILogic.WFDynamicLite.Rest.Logic.ElementFormLoaderForRest.GetUpdatedForm(FormParameters formParams) w WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.WfDynamic.Services.MoveElementToNextsteps ervice.GoToNextStep(GoToNextStepParameters param) w WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.API.FormsController.d__27.MoveNext() --- Koniec śladu stosu z poprzedniej lokalizacji, w której wystąpił wyjątek --- (...)
(...) Hi everyone, if you have applied a log4j version below 2.17 or before 2021-12-17 you need to repeat the steps : https://community.webcon.com/articles/security-apache-solr-affected-by-apache-log4j-cve-2021-44228/39 The version 2.17.1 contains a fix for a theoretical problem. If this could be misused, you already have a bigger problem. Source https://blog.sonatype.com/log4j-another-code-execution-bug (...)
(...) Hi, Does anyone have the instructions how to set up the HotMailBox using the Microsoft Graph authentication? I know what needs to be done in Designer Studio. I'm not sure about the steps for obtaining the Tennant ID, Application ID and Client Secret. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Martin
(...) Hello community, I have a short question: Does anyone know the reason for the following error? >Adding new row is not allowed in this step.< The error appears on all steps when I click on dropdowns, check-boxes, item lists, path buttons and delete/save/delegate menu buttons. The designer LOG by GUID is attachet as an image + trace of the error. Best regards!
(...) d. how hotfolder mechanism is looking for bacode? where is he looking it? why I can't assign filed where barcode is? In tutorial: https://community.webcon.com/community/public/posts/post/system-steps -how-do-they-work/82 i found fragment: "b) Waiting for scan The workflow service role – “Folder monitoring” will check files and process the barcode located in it. If the file is correctly re (...)