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for template

(...) Hi community! We implemented a document template with certain fields coming from a custom datarow (based on SQL-Query). We deployed the solution and the document template to PROD and everything was fine. After that we added one new field to the datarow (SQL query was modified) as a new requirement and added the new field also to document template . On DEV system everything looks fine, we deployed the s (...)

(...) Hello, has anyone stumbled upon a problem with the formatting of numbers in Word template s after the upgrade to version 2021.1.4.36. I was using formatting of numbers with thousand separators, which worked fine with version 2021.1.2.101, but after the upgrade, instead of numbers, the field name is present in the output. When I leave the formatting with \* MERGEFORMAT, the values are transferred into t (...)

(...) he notifications, if the user does not want to show the instance link and site link, the buttons keep showing up in the email but empty. If you want to erase them, the only option is to create a new template and discover in the HTML code where the buttons are configured. This makes no sense because the buttons don't have any other usage as showing the links so if the person chooses to hide them, it sh (...)

(...) of the late hour, but I didn't found a better option than creating this on my own. If someone else has a similar need, either selecting form types, workflows or whatever this command can be used as a template : select DTYPE_ID , DTYPE_Name+isnull(( select distinct '$$', substring(LAN_Name,1,2) +'$$'+TRANS_Name FROM WFDocTypes as innerDocType join Translates on TRANS_ELEMID = DTYPE_ID and TRANS_OB (...)

(...) e shows that the translated text uses the old variable ids and only the ids in the original text have been updated to match the new environment. I've noticed this in 2021.3.205 for email notification template s and task descriptions. Razvan from Encorsa confirmed this for 2021.1.4.84 and noticed that you shouldn't use an unsaved field in your translation either. It's negative id won't be updated during sa (...)

(...) nly way I can think is recreate evething from scrach. But it's crazy. Any ideas, tools, hints? I am seasoned Lotus Notes developer and in this world it was just simple as make a new app using a template .

(...) Hello everyone! I have a quick question - is it possible to convert a dictionary process to document template process or a standard process? If so, how can this be done?

(...) orry, please reload the form. - Oh you entered some data? Sorry, the process configuration has been changed, reload the form and enter the data again. - You are creating some query inside an action template /automation and need form field values in an instance? Sorry please reload. Are there any chances to make this a little less strict? Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi, the „new” feature automations is very helpful, but i´ve missed the very often used option „create template ”. Are you planning to reimplement this old feature to the actions and automations? Thanks and best regards Daniel

(...) eps that are defined as 'available for Mailapproval'. In the current case I only want to send out a notification email for information, the receipient doesnt have a task in the step. So i defined a template , put fields and grids in, and lokked at the preview. Whatever i try, if I test with an instance that is currently in a step that is avi for MailApproval, Webcon adds the available path-buttons to th (...)

(...) Hi, We have a problem with the transport mechanism and how business entities are handled, we have a development environment in house which we use to prepare application template s (products) which we transport to multiple customer environments and every time we do so the business entities in the target environment are overwritten when the business entity ID exists in both environments. Is there any pos (...)

(...) Designing Word-template s is quite straight forward. However to check to look of the final document you have to run the action somewhere in the process. So this can be quite time consuming. Having a preview functionality would add a great value to WEBCON BPS. As we already have the option to load the form values from a workflow instance, the next step would be hitting the preview button to have a look (...)

(...) us all. --- Disclaimer --- Yes, I work for a partner, but neither do I work in sales nor in a management position. Nevertheless, I would list our contacts details with a link to our process ‘template s’ there as well as those of other partners. Best regards, Daniel

(...) es, List`1 dataSourcesList, List`1 dataConnectionsList, Func`5 bmpGenAction) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleReports.Documentation.ProcessDocumentationGenerator.Generate(String path, String template Path, CultureInfo dataLanguage) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleReports.Documentation.LanguagePicker.c__DisplayClass8_0.b__0(Object o, DoWorkEventArgs args) InnerException: Message=Val (...)

(...) ish stage word file using data from WFHistoryElements table? Where should I store data regarding stages, time of the stages and person details assign to this stage to be able to used them in document template ?

(...) We are having a document template with check boxes which should be checked/unchecked based on form field values. Does anyone have experience how to achieve this? I've been trying the approach of using wingdings 2 which basically worked but failed during the conversion to pdf.

(...) What would be the best way to generate pdfs that would contain different images (for example logos), based on a form field? I was thinking of two ways: -Create a couple of different document template s with pictures already inserted and dynamically select template based on the other field value(s). -Insert picture into a image form field during the workflow and then insert the picture into the do (...)

(...) Hi, Is it possible to include the comments field into a pdf generated based on a template ? So like you can include various form fields by creating a tag e.g. {WFD_AttText1}, is there such a code for the comments field? And will it work if we include it in a template to generate pdfs? Thanks!

(...) Hi everybody, since yesterday I get an error when I create a custom email in action template s. Error: Error sending mail: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list. It happens when I use the action in a process AND when I hit the "Send test mail" button in the action itself. Does anyone have a solution? webcon version is 2022_1_3 Bes (...)

(...) define an additional row... (text fig. 13) Or i get error "column DET_Att1 not found.." https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/confiugration-of-the-item-list-and-data-table-form-field-in-e-mail-template s/14 Can you help? Thank you.