(...) Hi, Currently we have 'Error occured' in the heAD er of the validation message. This often results in unnecessary logging of error reports from users who do not reAD the content, but only suggest that there is an error. Perhaps it would be a good idea to change the content of the heAD er to something else that does not suggest an error, or allow it to be defined per action or globally? Regards (...)
(...) Hi, I upgrAD ed to the latest version, but I can't see the preview diagram in the portal. Have you encountered this problem? Thanks, Raluca
(...) Hello all, I need to set up a control field where I want to check if the a specific column from an item list alreAD y exists in an external database. The use case is the following: Webcon process 1. Item List with Column Invoice Number 2. Number of rows can be more than one 3. timeout that will move to the control field to check if the invoice number exists in the external database 4. Proc (...)
(...) Hi Is there possible to set a rule or something else, so that you can only AD d one item in an item list? And if a user tries to "AD d" a new item (2nd item) to set an alert ...? Thanks.
(...) mplate the logo is not displayed in the PDF. In the html template itself the image is displayed. We also tried to insert the logo directly in the Generate PDF action in the tab Appearance => Show heAD er => Html: It's the same here. The only thing that is displayed in the PDF is the alternative Text for the image but not the image itself. The logo is located as file in a template process directly (...)
(...) Hello all, I'm trying to copy the HTML code from the company's sharepoint for the News page. I've tried many ways but the layout changes when I try to AD d it in the dashboard and even trying to select the margins, it doesn't fit in the page, like I just want to check the first 5 news and get a scroll. Maybe I'm asking for too much, but do you have any ideas? Thank you
(...) anyone have a solution or recommendation on how to avoid this synchronization issue? Is there a way to ensure that after converting to PDF, the original Word files remain in my OneDrive folder insteAD of being moved or deleted?
(...) Hi, it would really be great, to always see the menu bar, so that you don't have to scroll all the way up to save a dashboard. Ok, maybe it's just us who have long dashboards, as we AD ded some CSS/JS so that report tiles float left. This way, we can have more tiles in one row while they take up less space. Best regards, Daniel
(...) Hi, I have a following problem. I've created a data table form field that downloAD s data from SQL query. In the where clause, I refer to the value of another ‘Criterion’ field on the form. The data table should display the data depending on the selected criterion. Unfortunately as I change the criterion, the table sometimes fails to refresh and displays the data for the previous criterion. How do (...)
(...) users in the comments field. This would function similarly to tagging features on popular social media platforms, allowing users to directly mention and engage with colleagues within the platform. AD ditionally, it would be highly beneficial to receive alerts when someone tags you in a comment. This notification system would ensure that important mentions are not missed and would significantly imp (...)
(...) Hi, in this version, data verification takes place for each field of the type: Choice field, regardless of whether 'Attribute validation' is selected on the path or not. I need AD vice on how to get around this problem in the case of paths such as: Reject, Reverse, where these fields contain random data, e.g. set via OCR - without any intervention in the fields by the user. Regards
(...) not possible to introduce a single new rule because an error immediately appears, as follows: Typ: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException ------------------------------------------------------- WiAD omość:Zgłoszono wyjątek typu 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException'. Nazwa parametru: this Rzeczywista wartość to ProcessStage. ----------------------- (...)
(...) start cyclic) in an older process. It stopped working (unfortunately, I do not have a screenshot of the error message). Restarting did not resolve the issue. I noticed that the execution count hAD reached 65,536. Even after stopping and restarting (which reset the count to 0), it still didn't work. I hAD to create a new GLOBAL ACTION, deactivate the old one, and then everything worked fine ag (...)
(...) I alreAD y posted my idea in 2022 (26.09.2022: https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /2230), but i have a new project in August, where such a feature would be nice. I have some ideas for a plugin (as far as I remeber, a problem is the DPI from the Signature field being higher than of picture fields) -> Wouldn't that be a nice new feature? 26.09.2022: ======== Hello WEBCON, we are working (...)
(...) Hi all! Maybe I didn't reAD the manual carefully and maybe this question has been asked many times before, but I am asking it anyway ;-) Is there a way in Webcon BPS Portal to start a workflow with anonymous access (without authentication)? What we need here is some kind of public form for new registration of users. This form also should have path authorization, to verify a new registered u (...)
(...) Hello community! I'm facing a challenge for which i don't see any solutions, maybe You will be able to find it. Use case: User registers new form (parent), to that form, he needs to register AD ditional forms (children). It's 2 level tree childrens are leafs, they can't be parents. On those children forms, there are validation rules, which depends on data from the parent form, and a path [ (...)
(...) Hey, I am creating a workflow where I would like to give option [Send Back for LEGAL Check] on different steps (Screen shot AD ded ). However, I want to create a restriction so on the legal check step users can see only paths related to the step that it came from. Not all paths because that would be extremely confusing (screenshot of all paths AD ded). So for clarification if the flow was send to (...)
AD ministrators can configure the allowed types of attachments globally. However, there are situations, where we like to only allow certain content types, e.g. pdf's, that are a subset of the globally allowed attachments. Currently, the only way to restrict is the usage of validation rules. For usability reasons, it would be much better, to be able to restrict the allowed document types. Wi (...)
(...) Hi team, I am in the process of AD dressing an issue related to unexpected changes in the component state. In the initial state, I have a field that is of type "list". Upon clicking an icon, the field type changes to "text", and the selected value disappears from the field. Clicking on the function triggers a modal, but after closing it, the icon that was changed does not revert to its initial s (...)
(...) e for the list of items in the .docx file so that the exported table with the list of items X is sorted by column A in ascending order? The descending sort by column A is because the data is being AD ded to the table in the form, and there is alreAD y a lot of it - scrolling to the end of the form to see the most recent data didn’t make sense. However, when exporting this to a .docx file for the Of (...)