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for columns

(...) f, maybe, in further coming WEBCON versions there could be the possibility to add 2 more "section layouts" like i posted in the picture. Mostly the usefull one would be: half side left, and two small columns in the right half. With this layout options designing dashboards and grouping buttons would work much better. Thanks, Bjoern P.S.: Maybe i forgot the third version 25% - 50% - 25%, if someone want (...)

(...) Hi, ver. 2021.1.3.205 I have a problem with reports. When I hide one of the columns and then I would like to change the position of the other column in the report and then I have an error... http://webcon.net/WEBCONBPS/db/1/app/21/element/1037860/form/view?returnurl=%2Fdb%2F1%2Fapp%2F21 url: https://webcon.net/WEBCONBPS/api/logger | action: ip: xxx | msg: "stack": "TypeError: Cannot read properties (...)

(...) a multi-user selection in the project dictionary. When selecting the project I want to get all projects where my account is in the employees field, like: Filter: [Employee(Login)] is in [Data source columns (Employees)] This will give me the project where I am the only one. I need also the project where others are selected as well. See screenshot...

(...) t. After verification, I found the reason, it is the column 'assigned to'. After removing this column from the report, all large reports are loaded almost immediately (even those with many calculated columns ). It looks like in this version the query has been changed to the WFElementTasks array? I am curious if someone will confirm this scenario? Regards.

Hi, we have a column visibility/edit/requirement restriction for every field in an item list. But there is no column visibility restriction for the delete button, so you cannot prevent deletion of some rows. It is something you can do easily with js, but only with classic display form mode. It doesn’t work with modern forms. The problem is that it is not guaranteed that your form rules “Main fo

(...) Can I use sql function in computed report columns ?

(...) It doesn't matter if the field is read-only or writable - always no link. I suppose the solution could be a separate hyperlink column calculated based on the ID in the choice field, but I have 4 such columns , so there would have to be 8 this way.. way too many. Do you have any ideas?

(...) olding the items to be sold at the current transaction. These items can be added through standard adding elements (+) button. There is a choice box that opens a list of available items with important columns . You choose one or more items and closing the modal populates the items list with the chosen values. That's an obvious way. But, the obvious way is not really what I'm after. This is because the (...)

(...) bout SQL optimization. So I did this query on production environments of our 4 random clients. The query shows where probably we should be thinking about putting index, because of high usage of those columns . Of course we all know that putting index on WFElements with attribute columns is not a good idea (maybe if you have secondary BPS_Content for only 1 process could be fine), but there are some exampl (...)

(...) r job, and i'll receive the document back in version 7 i want to be able to see all changes between version 1 and 7 (x, y). Instead of displaying incremental list of changes between, just show two columns with two chosen by user versions. I see it very usefull for huge forms, where tracking all the changes in each step takes more time. This way there could be a glance view about what changed, and (...)

(...) Hi all! We have to update some columns in a workflow dependent on other columns from the same workflow item, e.g. WFD_AttDecimal1 = WFD_AttDecimal2 * WFD_AttDecimal3. Sounds trivial, but it isn't, especially in a SaaS system, where 'Run an SQL procedure' is missing. Another approach for us was to use 'Update related workflow instance' action, but this approach obviously leads to nowhere (maybe (...)

(...) ator 'ForEach' is a great addition to version 2022.1.2.31, thanks to Webcon Team. Unfortunately I do not find any documentation on that, especially how to iterate over 'Any Collection' and access columns in custom action. If I select 'Any collection' and put some SQL statement in there, is there a way to access specific table columns from generated table result? If I take a look at the configur (...)

(...) ted: When the assistant analyzes the environment the following error message is delivered: see below Using the GUID given in the error message on the table 'dbo.translates' I receive one line with columns that seems to deliver the error. Sadly I am lacking information on the columns 'TRANS_ELEMID' and 'TRANS_OBJID' to furtherly investigate this issue. My assumption: An application group with an ex (...)

(...) to time we have the use case that an item list row may not be delete under specific circumstances by the user. Currently there's no easy way to prevent this. One option could be to display "virtual" columns for these actions in the item list, so that one could make use of the existing functionality "column edit restriction". With this we could define whether the action should be displayed for this row (...)

(...) m only able to copy the content into a text field but I need to have the information as an item list. Does anyone tried to do this? How can you pick up the text field and work it somehow to have columns and the information as rows? Hope anyone has ideas! Thank you

(...) Hi all, I have a process where the user fills in information in a datasource form field. When a value is picked, one of the columns in that datasource is copied into another field (status). This field-status is used in a control step to move the process accordingly. But I need to have that information refreshed, when the process is moved to a system step, it will be there for 15 days which means tha (...)

(...) select an "Item list" it would be great when the order of "New form field" and "New column" would be switched. Even after years of using the Designer Studio I will create new fields instead of new columns , especially after just creating the item list. Maybe it's just me, but I doubt it. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi, After updating BPS to version 2022.1.4.111, I can't see the data source columns for dictionary processes. This applies to creating filters. Fixed value lists do not have this problem. What is causing this problem or change in behavior?

(...) Hello! I'm looking for a way how to block a view of first / first two item list columns when scrolling from left to right. I'd be grateful for any hints. Thank you in advance! :)

(...) s a sharepoint item ID, but I do not have this available in webcon. I would like to delete an item based on other column that I have. I tried CAML query below, but it does not work. Tried different columns , tried "" and '', tried contains but it does not work. Any ideas how to do it properly? 3153 I have a field "Project Code", text type in Webcon, and "Pr (...)