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for dev

(...) ing no way of knowing if something will break on PROD because of that is not acceptable. Is there a way to test for it? Or at least have something to read through to workaround this from the start(dev ), and not when it is deployed on live... Best regards, Fabian

(...) Hi everyone! Does anyone know how difficult is to upgrade Webcon from Express to Enterprise AND at the same time set up the test environment with all existing processes (that were dev eloped on the Express version)? Is it even possible? I'd like to be sure that there will be no problems later with the import-export mechanism for the existing processes. TIA, Martin

(...) ly for searching documents / contents. Would it be possible to combine this build in functionality with fields input? It would be really great to be able to configure the "Keyboard type on mobile dev ices:" to "scan", which leads to following behaviour in the mobile app: 1) click on field 2) Scan-Camera functionality starts 3) after succesfully scan -> scanned value will be set to field Done (...)

(...) ----------------------------------------------- Aufrufstapel ------------------------------------------------------- bei System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdatedRowStatusErrors(RowUpdatedev entArgs rowUpdatedev ent, BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, Int32 commandCount) bei System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdatedRowStatus(RowUpdatedev entArgs rowUpdatedev ent, BatchCommandInfo[] b (...)

(...) Hi, We have a problem with the transport mechanism and how business entities are handled, we have a dev elopment environment in house which we use to prepare application templates (products) which we transport to multiple customer environments and every time we do so the business entities in the target environment are overwritten when the business entity ID exists in both environments. Is there an (...)

(...) out your decision. Maybe a parameter could be added so that you can activate whether the drop down value will be "undefined" or the current default value. So that you can enforce this on production /dev . 2. After selecting the options in the export/import could we get a "download" configuration button, which saves the current settings. This file could then be loaded at another time and set the opti (...)

(...) arameters - appearance) for every path color available in a workflow diagram (8 colors) ? So, changing a path color should apply corresponding button style in the path. This would greatly improve dev elopment time, in a big workflow entering path button style for every path is time consuming. Also, this will keep colors consistent between workflow diagram and the form.

(...) The customer uses AAD for authentication and I would assume that setting MFA there would invoke the app to ask for the 2nd factor if the password was saved. But this does not happen at the iOS dev ices they use. Is there any hint that you can give? Thank you for your answers in advance. Best, Ingo

(...) e versions are identical) and how can we guarantee plugin functionality of both packages, even if they are using different versions of these satellite assemblies? This could easily happen, if some dev eloper decides to update packages to new version in NuGet package manager... What is the suggested Webcon-way here? By the way, deploying to GAC is no option, since we are also using SaaS (no se (...)

(...) Automatic tool to check compatibility after upgrade to new version and reporting potential issue on new version. Steps how it could work: 1. Upgrade dev to new version (small or big version) 2. Pick list of IDs from PROD (global admin or app admin). 3. Tool is reading all attributes and follow on production processes to recreate all steps as user did (including changing user and their privileg (...)

(...) ommon.Logging.BaseLogger.WriteToEventLog(WriteToSystemLogParams args) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleReports.Documentation.LanguagePicker.c__DisplayClass8_0.b__1(Object o, RunWorkerCompletedev entArgs args) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnRunWorkerCompleted(RunWorkerCompletedev entArgs e) at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signat (...)

(...) he manual filling by clicking the text layer within OCR verification process is very helpful, but it isn't work for date type form fields. It doesn't work since version 2022.1.2.59 -> i've started dev eloping the process. Thanks and best regards Daniel ## EDIT: it works if the mask is (changed to) "empty". ...sorry the entry...

(...) I think it would be appreciated by many dev elopers, if you would add "activate"/"deactivate" on every element in the business rule / form rule / other similar places. It would make debugging much easier in many cases. Just as it is in the actions now.

(...) Hi, I've got 2 VMs for dev elopment and production environment. Only difference is RAM: dev : 16GB, PROD: 20GB, rest is the same. On dev environment Designer Studio is crashing and crashing all the time. Cannot do anything. Tried to repair installation (fatal error during installation), reinstalled Designer Studio. Nothing works. Has anyone got similar issue?

(...) only users that were added, not all members). After sheduled or invoked incremental or full user synch users-to-groups relations are lost. Problem occurs in 150 groups out of 2,6k. It occurs on dev and PROD enviroments. Every group has record in BPS_Config.dbo.BpsUsers and BPS_Content.dbo.CacheOrganizationStructure before and after synch. I also tried to delete group and add new group with (...)

(...) rom multiple accounts, but can we settup this somehow in webcon? I find it strange not to be able to as it is quite an important functionality especialy when webcon allows multiple applications to be dev eloped and also multiple business entities. Am I missing something? Thanks, Raluca

(...) abase used this file with another version. There was actually only this plugin which used the file SELECT [PLF_FullName] ,[PLF_Guid] ,[PLF_Extension] ,[PLF_PLPID] FROM [dev 01_BPS_Content].[dbo].[PluginFiles] where PLF_FullName like '%Annotation%' I'm really lost here because I have no idea: - Why an older version is requested, - How I should know this in advance (...)

(...) Hi, Sometimes in portal our users report a bug "Minified React Error #185". This is happening when they expand the selection list. When we want to reproduce the error on our dev ices, everything works fine :) We tried clearing cookies - doesn't help, changing browsers - which sometimes helps but not all. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Maybe it is a version error? Our version is: (...)

(...) I'm working to migrate our on prem WebCon to our GCC High instances of O365. Currently working on the dev instance. I'm having issues just installing WebCon. Even on a clean box, I get the following error on "Content Database Creation" I've tried, cleaning up the databases and users, and restarting the box and retrying install. Leads to the same error, I've installed WebCon a handful of times and (...)

(...) to another ItemList in the same instance. Therefore I need an autocomplete field with ID=ItemListID(DET_WFCONID) and Name=? . I'm kind of stuck. At the moment I can't even find it under (https://dev eloper.webcon.com/2022/resources/db/). Anyone out there for a little help? Thanks in advance, Bjoern