(...) soon as I make some changes, e.g. modify a field name or any other modification and save the process again, the preview is not available anymore. I noticed also that the preview quality (generated image ) in front end depends on the designer studio size on the monitor. If I don't have designer studio full screen when I generate the preview, the quality is worse (notice the preview quality on the left (...)
(...) T:7}) The TRANS_OBJID is fixed. You can get an overview of all ids and which fields, tables you need to replace in the above command from: SELECT * FROM [dbo].[DicTranslationsObjects] The attached image shows the executed SQLcommand and the drop down values for the German language. Best regards, Daniel
(...) n? Does anybody have an idea how to fix this? PS: 1) i noticed, that i unfortunately took the root path as Portal URL - because the installer proposed it and i unfortunately did not change it (see image below). root/Webconbps is the same path where the designer studio portal is located. Might this be the problem? I tried to change the path in the "Tools for application management" in the installer, (...)
(...) es, process rules or similar in translations you should verify that the correct ids are used after importing the application in a new environment. Otherwise you may be in for a surprise. The attached image shows that the translated text uses the old variable ids and only the ids in the original text have been updated to match the new environment. I've noticed this in 2021.3.205 for email notification t (...)
(...) eryone, if you are going to use field references, process rules or similar in translations, these won't work once the process is transferred to another environment. See this thread for more details/image s: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1149 In my opinion this is an error, so I created a ticket. The answer was, that this is the intended behavior. There I'm creating this user voice. :) B (...)
(...) owed in this step.< The error appears on all steps when I click on dropdowns, check-boxes, item lists, path buttons and delete/save/delegate menu buttons. The designer LOG by GUID is attachet as an image + trace of the error. Best regards!
(...) usiness rule that appeals to the other business rules has parameters that are mapped in the appealed rules. I get the error when I testing. I explained the error and showed the code in the attached image . Thank you, Raluca
(...) Hello all, How is it possible to select a choice field item by index? The choice field(A) has a placeholder ("empty" in attached image ) and a dynamically read value. And on value change in another choice field(B), this value is being added to the choice list(A), but I also need to have this new dynamic value selected as right now it is just queued under the placeholder. Is there a way to do (...)
(...) Hello folks, The query in the attached image is not working in the designer, but working flawlessly on the same DB in the MSSQL Management Studio. Is there the possibility that the designer somehow does not like "ROW_NUMBER" function? Or is it a Webcon bug? I hope someone has experience with this already. Thanks in advance :)
(...) I think it would be useful to have the ability to apply custom css classes to input fields. With the current styling options there is no way to style the "inside" of the input controls. The last image is what I'd expect to be able to do, the first 3 image s are what is currently possible with out-of-the-box functionality. If that is already possible I'd be happy to know how without having to targ (...)
(...) reated from the value of the text attribute. I want to insert this QR code into the attachment created from the document process. HTML created in this way cannot be added to an attachment. I added an image type attribute, I can drag from HTML to image , but I would like to automate this. Is it possible?
(...) Hello! Does anyone know where are this "breaks" coming from. Please see the attached image of the rich text editor in edit mode vs view mode. I'd like to display the text in the same way in both cases. I tried inspecting the code in Chrome, but there is absolutely nothing and I really don't understand. Is there another way to have the texts displayed in the same way? Thank you.
(...) Hey everyone! Is there a way to keep line breaks (CR-LF) in the output of the SQL Command used in a Business Rule? I'm selecting values from DET_LongText1 which has line breaks. I'm attaching 3 image s to show what I mean. 1. Webcon Form: What I see on the frontend. 2. Notepad++: What I see in Notepad++. 3. Output: What I see in the email if I output the value of the field with a Business Rule. (...)
(...) nario: We are sending a prefilled pdf document to an external user with the instruction to complete the form and return it together with a copy of the id/passport. Which could be one or more pdfs or image s. We've configured a hot-mail-box to check for e-mail having a pdf with a valid barcode. The pdf with the barcode is attached nicely :). But also want to add the additional attachments. One s (...)
(...) ithin a report in WEBCON BPS 2022.1.2.59 I found this article in the knowledge base: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-picture-form-field/32 Establishing the fields and trying to get the image rendered within a report I had to learn: Only the link generated in the way as described in the article is shown. No matter, what type of field I use. Can anybody please help me in finding what go (...)
(...) Hello, is there any chance of presenting a picture in an item list? After getting image s to be shown in my report, this would be the next component I need. Thanks for your hints in advance. Best, Ingo
(...) Hi, I'm trying to use the "change the value of a single field" action to set the image field to empty after an image was added. The action is done, but there are no changes regarding the image (it's still there). WEBCON version 2022.1.1.53
(...) Dear All, We have a widely used Incoming Invoice process, which manage validation and approval of digitized invoices. We use valueable feature of Attachment Preview on form to show invoice image during some validation/approval steps. (We use other feature for OCR verification) We register invoices as "Invoice" category attachment, but there can be other connecting documents. On Classis form in Sha (...)
(...) is of type popup search. Once I activated the diagnostic mode I noticed that after getting the picker results (1) the chosen value is validated again before the target field is set. In the attached image , to which the numbers refer, this validation took 5 seconds even so 'Validate the typed values in the data source' is ticked of (3) and not less than three further request (2) have been send to the (...)
(...) Hello everybody, we are working on a prototype to document defects. Therefore, we would like to use a new kind of form field: It should act as an image field to upload an image , but then act as a handwritten signature form field to mark something on the image . We tried that with the existing elements and it worked in a way. But the image scaling isn't really good, we couldn't change the pencil c (...)