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for Parallel work

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Michał Kastelik   Introduction The WEBCON BPS mobile application facilitates users’ work outside the office. By using a mobile device, users have the ability of quickly checking the status of a given task, starting a new task or attaching a file to the workflow. A new WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3.213 version introduces many changes

(...) : Process Workflow Form type Path Business entity The method of relating the new workflow with the current one. The workflow can be started as a subworkflow of the current workflow, a Parallel work flow, or an unrelated workflow not connected to any other.     Advanced: In this tab, there is the ability to configure additional direct tasks or CC tasks resulting from t (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Urszula Słupik   Introduction Each WEBCON BPS workflow is a sequence of steps. On intermediate steps, there are usually tasks that must be completed by a user (or a group of users) before the instance may progress to the next step.   The tasks can be assigned in different ways: Based on the logic of the busine

Applies to version: 2019.1.4.x and above; author: Anna Puka   Introduction In WEBCON BPS 2020, two new standard reports – Anomalies and Suggested are available in the “Insights”  section, which allow you to quickly find important information in your processes. The Suggested report shows instances that can be the most import

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Agnieszka Mazur   Introduction One of the key business process optimization elements is proper task assignment. WEBCON BPS Designer Studio is designed in such a way that even the most complicated tasks are easy to manage and their assignment, as well as execution, are simple and clear. For more information, see: Task assignment Predefine

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Wojciech Kołodziej Introduction One of the basic features that allow you to create WEBCON BPS workflows is the possibility to task assignment. You can assign a task to a specific group, person or business entity. This article presents how to use of user groups when assigning tasks and shows exemplary solutions for task assignment in the multip

Applies to version: 2023 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction With the introduction of the 2023 R1 version, the WEBCON BPS offers a simple and convenient functionality for assigning tasks to a group of users. The system uses it to dynamically react to personal changes within the group. The functionality addresses a number of issues which staff turnover poses to

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Mike Fitzmaurice   WEBCON BPS offers several ways to handle parallel activity. If the scenario involves a single task assigned to multiple people, a few task configuration settings are all that is needed. But when entire sets of activities, instructions, and decision logic must take place in parallel, subworkflows are necessary. The va

(...) Applies to version: 2021 R1 and above; author: Mike Fitzmaurice   Introduction WEBCON BPS offers several ways to handle Parallel work . If the scenario involves a single task assigned to multiple people, a few task configuration settings are usually all that is needed. There are exceptions to this, though, especially when you have elaborate criteria to apply to the task results.   The (...)

Applies to version: 2024.1 and above; author: Marcin Kapusta    Introduction In WEBCON BPS 2024 R1, the Search Server component uses a new version of the Apache Solr index to search for data – 9.6.0. Because of this, updating WEBCON BPS will require additional steps. Most of these steps will be carried out automatically by the installer, nonetheless, some will need to b

Hi, I have this situation: - one main workflow - 4 different subworkflows that must start in parallel and wait until all subworkflows are done. I tried with Start a subworkflow action, but works for a single subworkflow. I don't want to use hyperlink. I must enter on the subworkflow in the start step. Is possible to start different subworkflows from a main workflow with SQL? I don't hav

Hello Team Mayby someone has a solution ? Simple process / screen 1 / On step "Confirmationa" , group of users have to accept. I used functionality: Operation executed on parallel tasks: Wait for required tasks to be completed. Above functionality works fine. Problem is to now , who not accepted. How do it ? Thank you in advance Jerzy

Hi, I need your help. The topic is actually quite simple, but unfortunately I have a problem with this one process. I start a new parallel subworkflow in an action (ID is saved in a technical field), which I want to update later. In the action "Update related workflow instance" we get the message for the users: Incorrect instance ID: ''. When we execute this workflow, the ID is found and