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for substitution

(...) version 2020.1.x, author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction If an employee is absent, their tasks can be automatically passed to another person. Read this article to learn how to configure substitution s in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. WEBCON BPS allows you to use this workflow automation in many places. More information about the substitution s can be found in the following articles: Substituti (...)

(...) o version 2019.1; author: Agnieszka Mazur   Introduction   This article describes an additional functionality introduced in WEBCON BPS 2019 that allows you to define substitution s on the Portal. In the previous BPS versions, it was only possible to define them with WebParts. Please refer to this comprehensive article:  substitution s in WEBCON BPS - configuration&nbs (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020 R1 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał See also: substitution s in WEBCON BPS substitution s in 2019 version   Introduction One of the available types of substitution s in WEBCON BPS is Task delegation substitution . Thanks to this functionality, tasks can be performed for an absent employee, while ensuring that the scope of rights granted to their Substitute i (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2022 R1 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał See also:  Task delegation substitution s – basic configuration rules substitution s in 2019 version   Introduction substitution s in WEBCON BPS ensure the continuity of task execution despite temporary/periodic staff shortages in departments, e.g. during the holiday season. Thus, it is a tool that allows not o (...)

(...) 1.) Delegated tasks or tasks received because of substitution rules are always shown as "substitution ". This confuses people sometimes, because they then might think they will receive all of the delegators tasks. It would be better to show delegated tasks as Delegated. 2.) Since we updated to Version 2019 and 2020 we lost the functionality for users to create substitution s for other colleagues. They can open (...)

In many tasks we need the same info from the current user. So it would be nice, the user have to write down this only once. Preferred into an additional and self-configurable dictionary, that's called via user-icon. In this way the user can run only one instance.

(...) a problem today. One user has some tasks in one of the processes, some are a bit overdue, but that's planned (they keep some tasks active until they will be able to complete them). After setting up a substitution I found out that new tasks are assigned the way I expect - assignment for the user and his substitute. But the substitute has no access to the tasks that have been assigned to the user before setting (...)

(...) Hello all, Hope everyone is doing great! I would like to ask if any of you already configured substitution s on Webcon? I'm following the article https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/substitution s-in-webcon-bps-configuration/228 but there 's a part on image 6 that is not showing anywhere in my Webcon version. I'm only able to set up the configuration as figure 7 but not even able to select the proc (...)

(...) Hello, WebCon BPS user can specify substitution s on the portal. Does anybody know, where the data is stored in the SQL database? I'd like to create a weekly report with the data. We are on BPS Version 2021.1.4.55. Thank you! Cheers, Balint

(...) choose a substitute if a task is created on one level. I would suggest these alternatives: 1) An administrator needs to define Person P as substitute for Person A in the period given. 2) If the substitution s are stored in the database and can be retreived with an SQL statement, I think of an automated workflow that will shift the tasks based on the substitution information. Is there any other approac (...)

(...) Hi, In my "Leave of absence" process I allow users to select more than one person who will be the substitute during the leave. Action "Add substitution " (not sure it's name is exactly like this, I have Polish version) in current version, provided with the form field containing more than one person, adds the substitution only for the first one. It seems to have been working some versions ago. Is it normal no (...)

(...) Hi, I wanted to create a rule to validate if the current user is the assigned person directly or the substitution person. I was able to get the assigned person directly from System fields, but I wasn't able to get the substitution person. How can I extract, without SQL, the substitution person? Thank you, Raluca

(...) Since i cannot open a support ticket at the moment i have to go this way. When creating a new substitution in 2023.1.2.44 i get a "Bad request" error when saving the substitution . Attached you find the diagnostics session and develeoper tools log. Any ideas what is going wrong here? // diagnostics json { "session": { "id": 565, "sessionGuid": "2c8664cd-1862-4978-9355-1d0b7c3c47d5", (...)

Hi all, do you have any information where are kept the covers in the database on the 2023 version?

(...) Hi. I would suggest to simplify company selector in substitution s. In environments with multiple companies and several content databases list of companies is cross join of both, making it difficult for the user to choose and also requires adding several substitudions records for each content database (content database names are rather technical name and are not usefull for end users). I know that it requir (...)

(...) Hi, I have a question regarding substitution s - BPS_Config. In the substitution s table, the SUB_isActive column is 1, even if the period has passed. If I delete the substitution , only then it will be 0. Is it supposed to work this way? How can I see the active substitution s? Thanks.

(...) ID number from which the action has been started   LOG_WFID – stores the workflow ID from which the action has been started The example query will relate to the action of adding a substitution for a user who is going on vacation. The condition of the starting the action is to enter the person in the “substitute” field on the vacation registration form.   Fig. 5. (...)

(...) Basic information (process name, version, author, modification date, etc.) Workflows and form types in the process Basic process configuration (which includes information about business entity, substitution s and implemented GDPR solutions) Workflow graphic presentation Form types and acronyms Instance number Form field summary Process privileges Workflow steps   Moreover: (...)

(...) ause they are essential to the system and store some of the most important data, such as: Registered workflow instances Workflow attachments Process definitions Database definitions Set substitution s Workflow service configuration System configuration (e.g. HotFolders, HotMailBoxes, OCR AI Projects) All permission settings regarding WEBCON BPS (access to instances, workflows, processes etc (...)

(...) N/A Vacation (absence) Web Part Yes (deprecated) supported until the end of 2022 N/A replaced with Modern Reports (available from BPS 2019) N/A N/A substitution s Web Part Yes (deprecated) supported until the end of 2022 N/A replaced with Portal functions (available from BPS 2019) N/A N/A Word templates created using the Ad (...)