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for task assignment

(...) uest, the user have noticed that Borys Szyc has not been their supervisor for some time. However, at this moment the task has already went to the wrong manager:   Fig. 3. The incorrect task assignment   The user reported their mistake to the business administrator with a request to cancel it from the workflow. The “Finish all users’ tasks” option in the administrati (...)

(...) d – allows you to overwrite the global e-mail template   We prepare a basic “Task assign” template where in the “Part of MessageBody” text information about task assignment was added. The created template was used in the configuration of the “Send a custom e-mail” action. Configuration of the “Send a custom e-mail” action The e-mail not (...)

(...) The action of adding the substitution   Verification of performing the “Add a substitution” action To check whether the action was correctly performed, let’s check the task assignment in another process. On the “Purchasing” example process, the registration of a new order has been started. The person accepting the purchase is the user for whom the vacation request h (...)

(...) eople Assign to users who obtained tasks in previous step – a system assigns the task to the same people who had the active task in the previous step Be careful when using the predefined task assignment . If you want to move back the workflow to the “Registration” step with such an assignment, then the system will not be able to assign the task, because at this step the task has not been (...)

(...) e created based on the value of a form field, SQL/CAML query, directly indicating the users/groups or by selecting one of the predefined options. This article describes the predefined options of task assignment , which does a lot of workflow automation for you.   The predefined task assignment allows configuring a business application based only on its logic without having to assign tasks to (...)

(...) e instance for improvement.   Fig. 7. The form – moving back the instance to the previous step to reassigning tasks to the group   On the “Reject” path the task assignment is configured in the same way as for the “Assign a task” path based on the “Department responsible for” form field.   Fig. 8. The form – reassigning a tas (...)

(...) ser (or a group of users) before the instance may progress to the next step.   The tasks can be assigned in different ways: Based on the logic of the business application (predefined task assignment ) By indicating the specific user or group of users Based on a business rule Dynamic, depending on the value of one of the form fields By using the “Create a task” action By usin (...)

(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: Agnieszka Mazur   Introduction One of the key business process optimization elements is proper task assignment . WEBCON BPS Designer Studio is designed in such a way that even the most complicated tasks are easy to manage and their assignment, as well as execution, are simple and clear. For more information, see: task assignment Predefined task assignme (...)

(...) th.   The workflow Below there is the fragment of the "Purchase order" workflow:   Fig. 1. The “Purchase order” workflow   The standard task assignment To create a task, go to the “Task creation” tab in the path configuration. In the “Created task details” section, you can configure the task execution parallelism -> se (...)

(...) roups of users assigned to these tasks must perform an action. WEBCON BPS has a comprehensive tool that allows you to choose who the task should go to in the next step; it is configured in the ‘task assignment ’ tab on the path that links two steps.   However, this is not the only way to assign a task to the user. This article discusses how you can use the “Choose an approver” a (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Wojciech Kołodziej Introduction One of the basic features that allow you to create WEBCON BPS workflows is the possibility to task assignment . You can assign a task to a specific group, person or business entity. This article presents how to use of user groups when assigning tasks and shows exemplary solutions for task assignment in the multiple business ent (...)

   PDF version Introduction Requirements towards the Customer and the Integrator General information solution requirements Initial data import into WEBCON BPS Exemplary description of integration message   Introduction Document description The document sets out design and technological WEBCON BPS requirements for integration

(...) sion = (SELECT MAX(WFT_Version) FROM WFElementTasks WHERE WFT_WFDID = {WFD_ID}) AND WFT_FinishPath IS NOT NULL   The query makes use of the WFElementTasks table, which contains specific task assignment s – and their results – for a process instance. As mentioned earlier, we query only the entries from the most recent version (set of tasks issued at the same time).   Vote Count (...)

(...) rally a good idea to divide business processes into a number of workflows that can (but don’t have to) be interconnected. Such smaller workflows are much easier to manage through privileges and task assignment . We can plan workflows around the data that will be used in it – if we have actors involved in process, and we would like them to have access to only a specific subset of data from an elemen (...)

Hello, I struggle with this scenario: 1) An AD group of 8 purchasers gets the first task to approve an order. 2) One user approves the order for the first step. 3) Several steps later another purchase out of the group of 8 is meant to approve the order again. But not the user having done the first approval (1). My approach would be to get the first approver from the tasks table via S

(...) rinciple or 8 eye principle). 2) Task Creation The user assignment to the single approval tasks shall be done through AD groups as the members change frequently. 3) Approach In both steps the task assignment is performed through SQL queries that retrieve the users from the active directory. To support a simple configuration of the AD group names process constants are used to define the group name. 3.1 (...)

(...) Hi folks, I need to grant task assignment s to a specific user, for already existing specific instances. And a select other person, which is already assigned, should be unassigned. Except for the "Add/Remove Privileges" Action (which is not what we want), I have found no way to switch task assignment s. Is there a way to do it, preferrably via a MenuButton? Kind regards

(...) Hi, I've got the following problem. I'm currently working on an workflow and the task assignment is not reseting it self after clicking on a path. Meaning that all previously assigned people still have the task and even when I let all fields of the task assignment empty the task will still be given to all previously assigned Users. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I've attached an image of my t (...)

Hello community, I am building application with one Dictionary process, and one standard process with 2 workflows. I would like to start second workflow many times as subworkflow of fist workflow and assign it to the several users/users groups (one per subworkflow) selected from Dictionary process. I am trying to use action “start a subworkflow (SQL)”. My understanding is that “start a su