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Import demo applications


Please help my with importing demo applications. I get "Check if Import service role is running for current database.

Modules are in safe mode and I don't know how to force run it.

In reply to: MANSOFT

Sure, got it.

I thought it didn't matter much, especially when it was in the Ent. versions there are separate environments (test, dev) and somehow the import is magically possible with an option to overwrite it, and it is not limited to the 1st attempt only.
I give up. I did a new clean install * .41. I detached the old databases. Installation went through without a problem. The system works, but it is still in safe mode and you cannot import demo applications.
What am I doing wrong?? Where is the problem?

It bothered me. I have analyzed hundreds of classes and based on this:DashboardServicesDataProvider in
namespace WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.DataHelpers.Dashboard

found that if I update:
update [WEBCON_BPS_Config].[dbo].[ServiceActivityInfos] set [SAI_IsInSafeMode] = 0
and then restart service

Now Module is Active and others without warning.
Now import is working as well

but the question is WHY safe mode was active by default?
What caused this configuration.?
Even though this is a workaround (unauthorized at own risk), I don't know the cause and the normal way to fix the problem: /

Any sugestion ?

In reply to: MANSOFT

Nope. No new solution/workaround.

I found the same problem last time when I tried to install Express version using Std/Ent installation package. After normal installation Workflow service switched to Safe Mode. From my "investigation" I found that you can create only 2 databases - config and content. You have to skip creating attachment and archive databases. After making such installation workflow service starts without errors in normal mode. It doesn't work on old databases - you need to create new.
I hope it could help.