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pCreateSignature error


Could somebody advise on following matter?

We have a workflow that has been working for a year already, and today our users keep getting following message while trying to save a new document:

One or more errors occurred.
Failure on execution of procedure pCreateSignature with parameters: HOME_OFF/2022/05/01899, 20225#1#22, 1899
Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The wait operation timed out

The same signature number shows up for all users (already 200 cases...) - looks like Webcon wants to assign a document signature but it fails.

Where do I look for reasons?

Thank you very much for the advise,

In reply to: Michał

I would start by seeing more details of the bug (there are administrative tools in the designer and there are logs).
Alternatively, look for the WFLogs or WFActionExecutions table in the database.

Hello MIchał,

In both tables there is the same information (in Polish)

Wystąpił błąd podczas wywołania procedury pCreateSignature z parametrami: HOME_OFF/2022/05/01899, 20225#1#22, 1899

I have isolated the case and it seems that there is a problem with instance number assigned, but only for this type of form. It's Acronym/Year/Month/Instance numbering per month. For some reasons that I don't know it is not able to assign number from this sequence.
After Changing to Acronym/Year/Month/Day/Instance numbering per day the signatures are assigned properly.