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Transporting applications to different environments overwrites business entites


We have a problem with the transport mechanism and how business entities are handled, we have a development environment in house which we use to prepare application templates (products) which we transport to multiple customer environments and every time we do so the business entities in the target environment are overwritten when the business entity ID exists in both environments.
Is there any possibility to prevent this form happening?

In reply to: SIMON Péter

We usually face same problem, I do not have good solution.
Just wanted to share we also would appreciate any improvement on this.
I think if only we could check on/off importing of each business entity just like other objects, that would be nice.

Hi Pasquale,

I can confirm this behaviour and the only approach I found so far is to get the IDs of the business units to a higher value than 10 in order to have business units from any other system not to overwrite the ones our customer works with.

Not the best approach but at least a chance of continuity in the data we want to keep.

Best, Ingo