I'm sorry that I did not get across the reason, why I used "objective".
I used this word, not because we are a partner, because we already spend hours to modify the UI because we received numerous negative feedback. So, I used "objective" in quotes from a quantity perspective.
That's the only reason I used this word. Even if this my sound strange, but I wouldn't have minded keeping the old "UI" alive. I'm more focused on functionality than "looking pretty". Which I heard complains about more often than not. :)
I'm also experimenting with a "full screen" functionality at the moment because I don't like how much space get's lost, which I also voiced using another communication channel. So, yes while I'm definitely biased I also point out flaws or things I don't understand.
Quote from my blog post about the change log of 2025:
New Workflow designer
"Hidden no longer means hidden :( At least in this version, let’s cross our fingers."
While I agree with some of the mentioned issues, I haven't verified others, at some point a version needs to be released. This is also something everyone of us here propagates when building new processes/applications. Create the first working version, and build up on it afterwards.
Off topic:
I have the feeling that suggestions from customers are more likely to be heard than those of partners. We don't pay the bill. This is also something I voiced in some discussions and I never got a response. So I may be right. :)