Version 2024 R1 introduced the ability to change the proportions of the left and right panels of the WEBCON BPS form, which is designed to improve the user experience. Designers will now have the option to use ready-made templates and adjust the width of side panels to their content, maximizing the use of the available workspace and creating forms that are both impressive and user-friendly.
This article outlines the most significant related changes to the system and provides examples of practical use of the various form templates.
Configuring itemlists involves choosing between initializing at the first step or at every step, impacting data updates throughout the process. This setup allows for selective and flexible initialization, where specific columns can be populated based on workflow needs. Data can be dynamically populated using SQL scripts or statically with predefined values, ensuring the itemlist is tailored to the requirements of the task.
Read more>This post describes how you can use a combination of form and business rules to generate a breadcrumb.
Read more>If you ever used a condition to mark cells in a larger item list and had "Single row edit" activated, you may have been confused about which cell is required. In this post you will see one solution to add a grid to item list /data tables and define CSS in a way, that can be different for light and dark themes.
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Version 2023 R3 of WEBCON BPS introduced the possibility to translate elements of these form fields, i.e. questions, answers, descriptions, and available options.
This article describes the peculiarities of the mentioned functionality on the example of its use in a company.
Version 2023 R3 introduced the ability to use the CONCAT function within the LIKE function to create advanced filter conditions on Data sources. This is particularly applicable when configuring Choice fields, allowing the list of returned values to be limited to those required by the user.
This article provides a description of the functionality along with a business case for its use.
The overarching idea of workflow in WEBCON BPS is to exchange written information between system users and perform related tasks, such as reading, updating or modifying data on a form. Documentation in the workflow consists not only of workflow instances and filled out forms, but also files with various extensions added to the instance as attachments.
This article describes how to present and group files added as attachments in WEBCON BPS Portal, as well as selected actions triggered by events related to attachments in workflow instances.
Menu button is a button available in the top bar of a form in WEBCON BPS Portal, used to trigger automations added by the user globally or in a particular workflow step. The number of Menu buttons on the form corresponds to the number of defined automations. Defining more automations can reduce the readability and clarity of the form menu. The solution in this case is to group Menu buttons and the present article is devoted to this subject.
Read more>The Multiple lines of text form field allows you to enter greater volumes of text on the form. Depending on the configuration, this form field can be used as a text field or an advanced editor where formatted text is stored. The form field also has a useful feature that allows simple communication between people using the application, and storing information in one place. This function is Append mode.
Read more>Item list is a form field displayed as a table with definable columns that contain user’s data. This form field can be edited to the extent provided by the system: users can change the column values as well as add, delete, and clone individual rows. It is also possible to independently configure the Item List columns and their parameters, including width. This article is devoted to this very parameter and lists the most important rules to follow when specifying the width of the Item list columns.
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