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Bjoern Poller


Good morning, we have a special situation, where we need an configured JavaScript(?)-Button which works like an "Add Attachment"-function INCLUDING predefined group. We would have defined the Attachment-Section with following groups: General, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6. Our users should load pic

21.04.2023 10:36


I was searching for some information about the "REMOVE PERSONAL DATA" action, but WEBCON does not have a vaild link anymore: INTRODUCTION TO ACTIONS IN WEBCON BPS https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/introduction-to-actions-in-webcon-bps/172 -> Remove personal data [ http://howto.webcon.com

Hello everyone, for a new idea i have in mind, it would be great, if there would be an easy build-in way to anonymize all form fields of an instance, which are marked as "Data Type - Personal data" in the Personal data storage (Style and behavior TAB). As far as i tested, there is always th

The last "under review" entry is from Mai 2022, so i post this request just another time. It would be such a great advantage, if you would at a "delete row(s)" function to WEBCON Action templates. Thanks, Bjoern

Thank you Daniel, your custom SDK action gave me much inspiration for two other more "unconventional" ways to solve my problem: first try was "add new & delete old", second try was "just move". At the moment, working only on my "test & maybe crash" WEBCON installation, i will keep the last one.

Hello again, feeling a little bit like a newbie, i have another problem with ItemLists. I am playing around building a KANBAN Board with WEBCON. Therefore i would like to move ItemList-rows between my six ItemLists (Backlog, To-Do-List, In Progress, Test, Done, Blocked). After copying the

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Good evening everyone, I'm looking for a way to get the name of an ItemList within a SELECT statement. I'm planning to build a way to move an ItemList row to another ItemList in the same instance. Therefore I need an autocomplete field with ID=ItemListID(DET_WFCONID) and Name=? . I'm kind

Good morning, we just updated WEBCON from 2021.1.4.154 to 2022.1.4.127 We noticed that there is a new functionality in the frontend that checks for unsaved fields when exiting the page. Overall, a great new feature, but unfortunately it leads to a negative user experience in some specific

Hello everybody, we are working on a prototype to document defects. Therefore, we would like to use a new kind of form field: It should act as an image field to upload an image, but then act as a handwritten signature form field to mark something on the image. We tried that with the existing

Good Morning Daniel, perfect and thanks a lot. Maybe I should have used "Trial and Error" and just guessing "/download". ;-) Your tip with EDGE for getting the downloadlink will be saved. For all other: Here is a screenshot from the working version a the bottom. Have a nice day, Bjoern

Found some tips here: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1160 Solution for version with a Preview-Link -> see picture OPEN QUESTION: Does anybody know the link for a direct download? Just deleting the "/preview" at the end doesn't work!

Hi folks, today I have a special problem and hopefully somebody of you already has a solution. I am working on an internal Knowledge-Database. One given requirement is: In case of an update, the old entry has to be archived and a new entry with all previous information should be created to

Hi FHE (Moin/Servus FHE), before i ask a lot of infos, my question: "Did you already tried to change the _rows to return_ at the bottom?" It looks, as you only would get one row as result. Some where deep in my memory I believe I had the same problem with the option ALL in the same situation. No

Hi Kamil, please try the timeout settings in the attached picture. Maybe this will help. Have a nice day, Bjoern

👍 Thanks a lot ! Seems to be the solution -> BOLD respectively "font-weight: bold;" was the problem. Lets wait, if this is corrected in the next Chrome/Chromium version. Typically IT that this problem arose parallel to the upgrade to 2021.1.4.84. Browsers tested and affected: Google Chrome Versi

Good morning WEBCON team, we installed version 2021.1.4.84 last week and i found all my emojis used on path buttons are no longer with color but since the update only black. If its possible, please give me back the colors in the next version ;-). Thanks, Bjoern Poller

Hello there, with working much more with compact start buttons, i am optimizing our older dashboard layouts. We have a few applications, which have many start buttons. So i was wondering, if, maybe, in further coming WEBCON versions there could be the possibility to add 2 more "section layouts" li

Hi Michael, maybe put this under USER VOICE with STARTED too. Beside us, other found this problem too, but didnt find this article. Nice Weekend, Bjoern https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1020/15