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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


User reminder
22.07.2024 21:26

Hi Radel, I’m also not sure in which context this is necessary. If they leave the element they should get the message from Jack. This should apply also if the tab is closed. The only situation I could think of, if the users leave the tab open in the background. Then you could get into a si

Hi Andreia, the fields I'm using are just used to demonstrate the difference between the "Last comment" and the business rule for getting the current comment. You would simply use the business rule in the condition of the If operator. It would be up to you where you use this. It could be ge

Mass change of form type
19.07.2024 15:07

I didn't think of this option, but that's how ideas are born. :) Depending on your version and whether you can execute SDKs you could download this: 2021 https://github.com/Daniel-Krueger/webcon_cclsactions/releases/tag/0.1 2022 https://github.com/Daniel-Krueger/webcon_cclsactions/releases/

Mass change of form type
19.07.2024 13:16

Hi Wojtek, would it be an option to simply switch the names of the form types, so that the Ids could be kept and only configurations need /reports would need to be changed. This way you wouldn't need to update the instances. If this isn't an option there's no way around testing even if someone

Hi Andreia, I also don't fully understand your request. Based on what I understand I can tell you the following: - Timeouts are only created / deactivated when an path transition happens. Saving an workflow instance or saving a comment in the view mode won't create a new timeout. - Even if yo

This is how it may look like after a few tests. If you are working together with a customer or colleague it's getting hard to find the relevant sessions for each case.

Parallelize several timeouts
18.07.2024 15:26

I'm facing a similar issue and have no idea to get around it. I'm starting about 15-25 subworkflows and each of them is saved in the initial step and a timeout will move them to the next. Otherwise it would take to long and an execution timeout would happen when the subworkflows would be started. T

Hi Raluca, even so it's off-topic I want to remind you of a mail from WEBCON, you are probably aware of it and already taken appropriate measures. ___ In the upcoming system version (2024), we are implementing a mechanism to monitor whether SDK plugins come with authorized certificates. This

Hi, something similar may be available in 2024 R2 if I understood it correctly in the webinar. I was referring to the new widgets: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/widgets/465/3 I would have liked if the widgets could accept pure text like in the attachment (1). Clicking on it coul

Hi, it would really be great to add support for the hyperlink action on the attachment menu. The only additional thing which would be required is the id of the current attachment. The hyperlink action supports executing JavaScript and one use case would be to trigger the print dialog without

Hi, in some versions there was/is an issue that different time zone on server and client caused changing hours with every modification of the timeout. I think I read about a fix in the change log in 2024. @Andreia If you really need 12:00 am then add the number of hours which was removed a

Hi, it would really be great to add a custom title or even a description to a new diagnostic session or in the overview. This would make it easier to identify the session. It would nice if the user could provide the details but it shouldn't be in the "end and save session" dialog. It happe

Hi, I'm currently reducing the execution time of a long path transition in version 2023.1.2.44. In this context I noticed that saving the instance executes "recalculate rows". In our case this causes another execution of data rows which are only used for displaying information. They are not used

Hi, at least for partners it would be great to have the security bulletin not only as PDF but as csv or excel file so that the information can automatically be processes. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Jarosław, I don't see any real option to work around it. 1) It would only help, if you could inject the workaround in all processes without touching them. If you need to modify them then you can also change the SQL so that you don't need a workaround. 2) The work around should also work when

I don't know why but for me the JavaScript form rule is also working fine in item lists. I only made two small mistakes when I added it: - I did select the "Date" field and not the column. - During my tests I didn't looked at the selected date in the picker. The Sunday / Saturday have been not

Hi, if you want to use it in the style and behavior, I would use a form rule in JavaScript mode. This form rule can then be used for example in a condition (1) or for setting a field (2). This is the JS code and you would need to change the parameter of course. //debugger; // Step 1: Conv

Hi, as always, when there's a new functionality, there will be immediately requests for a second improved version. :) - Additional widget type 'Text', which will output any text and not only numbers. For example to display information like "open/closed" sub workflows: 2/4. - A form rule can b

This can be closed as this can be solved using the new filter option for the "People and groups" data sources option.

Webcon 2024
09.07.2024 11:15

I was never interested in iPhones. ;)