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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


Hi Adam, yes, COM_ID is used but not COM_GUID which is used for the transport. I didn't update the COM_GUID but I had to synchronize the IDs of global constants/fields which had been created manually on other environments. Best regards, Daniel

Set Placeholder function
13.10.2023 09:47

Let's argue high/pro code + no-code = low-code. high/pro code: JavaScript which you can put into a global form rule. No-code Using the global form rule. :)

Hi everyone, if you are using BPS 2023 and the option to translate labels via Excel, make sure to save all reports again. The following numbers are referring to the second attachment. After importing the translation the report configuration will look like (1) in the database. There's nothin

Dashboard HTML
11.10.2023 21:21

Hi Adam, there is/was not much documentation available. Im not sure about the current situation, but since I have gathered enough experience I don't look for it any more. Here are some information which may help you: https://developer.webcon.com/docs/external-form-field/ At the bottom ther

Hi Roman, do you need the functionality to export/import the dictionary entries? If this is not necessary, you can do the following: 1. Create a BPS Internal view for the Country dictionary. 2. Use the view for the Country field in the City dictionary 3. Make sure to use the workflow instan

Dashboard HTML
10.10.2023 16:14

Hi Adam, based on your ideas I'm guessing you know how to work with JS and CSS. You can use WEBCON internal endpoints to access the data. While the endpoint for a form /single workflow instance is quite simple the one for reports seem to require some more complex body, which I won't copy her

Damn, I didn't notice the and between the ifs. :)

Hi, if you click on the condition inside the if and press the 'Enter' key, you can use AND /OR operators. In addition, you can nest Ifs. In the next major version 2024 it's intended to have a "Case" operator. Best regards, Daniel

Hi everyone, the current option to generate word documents with the Word AddIn is great for a lot of use cases. We did a little PoC and we noticed that we could cover even more if there would be a "power user" option. The generation used the Aspose library which supports a template syntax. T

Same Action, many Paths
09.10.2023 10:44

Hi, I think Karol refers to the "OnEntry" trigger of a step. These actions/automations are always when any path leads to this step. Either from another step or from the same step. It doesn't matter. I have no idea how the Polish term is, but maybe it translates to "input". It could be a "false

Name - form type
06.10.2023 16:54

Hi Raluca, Internally Form Types are called doc types. They were renamed some time before I started using WEBCON I would guess. So you would find the name in DTYPE_Name if I remember correctly. Here you have an overview of other tables. https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/configurati

Dictionary duplicates
28.09.2023 10:58

Hi Andree, checking for duplicates would basically consist of setting up a valid form action, would basically check whether any other workflow matches your condition. What is a duplicate will depend on your case. You can take a look at this example: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thr

Hi Przemysław, you using the function would be one option. Other are: - Set the local parameter using an SQL command - Use the for each function to iterate through the attachments - Use the for each function in combination with a data source - Use the for each function in combination with "an

Hi, due to the WEBCON DAY tomorrow you may have to wait for answers. By default there's no filtering of the item list. I have two ideas in mind. a) Do you need the unchecked lines later in the process or can you go back from to this step? If this is not the case I would just remove the unchec

Hi Roman, if you don't need to use REST data sources. This may help you as a workaround. I had a slightly different issue. The customer created an application for accessing SPO. I could neither use the provided SharePoint login options nor the OAuth options. I had to get an access token myse

There’s now a knowledge base article regarding this change: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/indexed-choice-columns/406/3

Hi Roman, my solution would be similar to Karols. What I don't understand is the part: "(this is because "everyone" can make a change request to a request - but should not have access to all requests [it is more about the fact that a request should be "improved" by other persons or departments

Linking another post related to BPS 2023 R2 https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/3515 Not sure whether this was also the case in BPS 2023 R1 but in BPS 2023 R2 GetValue was changed. While this worked with WFD_AttText1 and AttText1 GetValue(parameterValue) You need to remove WFD_ in R2

Set Placeholder function
16.09.2023 20:08

Hi Adam, just in case you didn't solve it yourself. This can be achieved very easy with form rules: 1. Create a form rule in JavaScript mode 2. Add two parameters and use this code, where you replace the ParameterField, ParameterValue with yours console.log(ParameterField) document.queryS

16.09.2023 13:33

Even so there are only two positive replies here, I know that there will be more at the event itself. Or the agenda is outdated. :) @Manuel I hope you have an interesting time in Italy. Maybe it will work out next year. :) Best regards, Daniel