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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


14.09.2023 20:38

Hi, let me add an englisch screenshot for this. If the report icon is not available, you have to add it first. Afterwards you have a license section in the report where you can view the "Workflow users". Unfortunately, there's also a report "Workflow users" in the Statistics section. If

Hi everyone, in case you are really needing the data from this endpoint, e.g. you can't get the data via a business rule. You could grab/take a look at: https://github.com/Daniel-Krueger/webcon_snippets/blob/main/utils/utils.js and use getLiteModel https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2023/ux-f

12.09.2023 19:28

Hi everyone, who else will join the WEBCON DAY? My flight and hotel are booked and I can't wait to be there again. :) Maybe we can take the opportunity to meet in person and take a picture as a group. :) Daniel

Hi Christian, could you move the choice fields into the item list row? This would make it far easier, you could even activate a "modal dialog" style of entering the data, so it would have a similar look and feel as normal fields. Here's a short overview on how I would have done it. The number

Hi Flo, yes, the visibility restriction looking good in theory. Even so I have no idea what "HR" is. It should probably be the name of a group. https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/BusinessRules_General/#users CURRENT USER IS ONE OF - the function checks if the current user is in a spe

Hi Cristian, welcome to the community. :) Let me phrase this in my word, so that you can verify whether I understood it correctly. 1. You have a "product group" field, where you select one "product group". 2. Depending on this. the rows in the item list should be updated. You could ach

Hi Flo, Archive: You could take a look at this post and choose the appropriate option https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1401?messageid=1401 Full instance form: The only option I see is to define a visibilty restriction, which would hide all fields for anyone except for admins or ano

Hi, it would be great when form rules would be stored in a minimized version too. This minimized version would be used by default whenever a form rule is send to the client in a HTTP response. When a query parameter like 'minimized=0' is added, the "full" version would be used instead. Curre

Hi Raluca, I doubt that WEBCON is deploying any assemblies to the SQL server which would be used in any sql statements. This also didn't return any rows on my server. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/system-dynamic-management-views/sys-dm-clr-loaded-assemblies-transa

Hi, the HTTP response for displaying a workflow instance contains all global form rules. It's ignored which kind of form rules are used by the process/element. The response should only contain those form rules which are referenced. After all, the exported process will also export the used/re

Hi Andreia, I'm not sure whether you copied the generated html from the browser here, the one from the expression editor when you clicked on show, or the actual expression editor value. If you copy this one to the expression editor it should work fine: Legal Request Process

Hi Nik, that's a different one and I hope that this will stay, or I will get problems too. :) Up to 2023 R2 there was window.initModel and window.initialModel. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Martin, if I encounter a cache issue, I execute "Reset all caches" on the "Global parameters" node and reopen the Designer Studio just in case. If this doesn't help I recycle the application pool in addition. Best regards, Daniel

Hi, could you please extend the "WEBCON BPS System administrators" tool (exe), with a required field for the display name in addition to the BPS ID? I just spend about three hours hunting down the exception: Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String' at WebCon.Wo

Still exists in R2. I hope that this get's fixed it's a pain....

Hi everyone, we had some racing conditions, when the users switched fast between instances in the task view or previews in reports. This was caused by form rules which used G_ variables which were no longer available, the view/desktop endpoint hadn't send a response yet but a JavaScript form ru

Encrypted fields
30.08.2023 22:26

Just in case someone find's this post. I've created a PoC. You could modify it to implement your personal solution fulfilling all your requirements. https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2023/password-field

In case someone is finding this thread and wondering how the queued subworkflow would look like.

Hi Kamil, thanks for the reminder. I tend to use primarily the "path transition" option, so I automatically get a new version. Using the operation mode "only action" would make a difference. @All Thanks for your input and I'm sorry about my delayed replies. There's always something interrupt

Attachments preview problem
25.08.2023 21:35

Hi Rastafin, I'm not aware of any such standard functionality. Maybe you can create a plugin and utilizing Aspose.Cells to generate a pdf. https://docs.aspose.com/cells/net/convert-spreadsheet-to-pdf-in-aspose-cells/ Best regards, Daniel