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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


Hi everyone, if someone uses field references, process rules or similar in translations you should verify that the correct ids are used after importing the application in a new environment. Otherwise you may be in for a surprise. The attached image shows that the translated text uses the old varia

Filter a data source
07.12.2021 09:51

Hi Arno, I've used a BPS internal view. Unfortunately, switching the filter type is not available in dictionaries/templates. Best regards, Daniel

Filter a data source
03.12.2021 22:20

Hi Arno, your filter wont work. The "is in" will check whether the whole string on the left is part of the string array on the right. abc is in (acbde, abc, area) In the above example only the middle value will be fulfill the condition. You can work around this with an advanced filter: dbo.Clea

Has been fixed with 2021.1.4.107 according to change log.

Has been fixed in 2021.1.4.107 according to change log.

Hi Marcin, I have no idea whether an updated index will help you but here's a knowledge base post which describes the option for manually triggering the crawling. https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/report-solr-indexer-queue/274 Best regards, Daniel

Hi everyone, experienced BPS Designers will remember a time when form rules didn't have an 'Edit mode', where you could select JavaScript or Form rule. You only had JavaScript. :) In the meantime the 'Form rule' option has been added an the JavaScript mode gets little attention, if at all. But how

Hi Kamil, I have the feeling, that increasing the timeout, even if you find an option, won't help you. In normal circumstances it takes less than a second. Are you deleting a workflow with a hierarchy of sub workflows? If you have access to the SQL Server you could use the SQL Profiler to see which

Support for Azure SQL
26.11.2021 20:04

Hi, I'm confused. :) We have blog post https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-sql-blog/distributed-transactions-available-now-for-azure-sql-managed/ba-p/2912978 Published Nov 02 2021 07:40 AM Azure SQL Managed Instance distributed transactions are generally available! You can now run .NET

Two other samples where you only need to change the outer where condition. Workflow name select WF_GUID as Id , WF_Name+isnull(( select distinct '$$', substring(LAN_Name,1,2) +'$$'+TRANS_Name FROM WorkFlows as innerWorkFlows join Translates on TRANS_ELEMID = WF_ID and TRANS_OBJID = 3 join

Hi everyone, it would be nice if the description of a rule parameter would be displayed in addition to its type, when hovering above a parameter. Best regards, Daniel

Hi everyone, I had the requirement to calculate a reminder date based on a due date. This should be x days before while respecting the working day calendar. SQL Command for calculating a date _after_ the base date, attachment (1): select Top 1 [CAL_WorkingDate] from ( -- Top: number of work

Hi Christian, I'm only guessing here, but it could be that it's not verified whether a root site collection really exists. Or the installation user doesn't has access to it. Can you browse the provided URL and see anything SharePoint related there? In case you need to create one: https://docs.micro

Hi Christian, based on the screenshot I would assume, that no web application has been created, at least non has been found. Without one, you won't be able to install the solutions. Here's a post using the GUI https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/create-web-application-in-sharepoint-server-2016/

Hi Dan, which version of SharePoint are you targeting? If it's an older one you could enable incoming mails for document libraries and send the mail directly to it: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/enable-incoming-e-mail-support-for-a-list-or-library-dcaf44a0-1d9b-451a-84c7-6c52e7db908

Hi everyone, I had the requirement to provide a drop down which can be used to select a form type. Since I'm a fan of doing things the right way I've chosen to provide a multilingual label. Example: TMeasure$$de$$Maßnahme$$en$$Measure I'm not sure whether I'm missed something because of the late h

Hi Dan, I have only two ideas for workarounds. 1. Recreate the e-mails The data about the send mails ist stored in the tables WFMails and WFMailAttachments. Therefore you could create an SDK action, which takes the values from the tables and create the .eml file yourself and attach it to the wor

XML Invoices comming soon
15.11.2021 16:41

Hi Michał I know this is a bit off topic since it's not related to the polish version of XML invoices. The German partner VSB has a solution for the German version maybe you can get in touch with them and see whether it can be used/amended for the polish one. Perhaps there's even an EU wide format

An additional information regarding timeouts, copied from my latest blog post: What you need to know though is, that the timeout actions are also created during path transition. If you use a save path, the old timeout actions removed, and new ones are recreated. This does not happen, when you use t

Hi Nik, after you "confirmed" my assumption I would still recommend this approach of creating a "monitoring" workflow 1. Step: Get the json as an attachment 2. Step: Parse the relevant data to an item list 3. Step: Update the item list with the corresponding workflow id and set an Action column to