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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


Hi Markus, I have two ideas about this. Which you could use depends on the way the migration is done. 1. Migrate workflows with an action There's one workflow action which has an "overwrite author" option. It's on the second tab I think of the start workflow (sql). I currently don't have access, s

Hi Aleš, there's only one thing that you are missing and that is that the action is not intended to update an item list on a different workflow. :) Your question got me thinking if it would be possible to update existing rows in an other workflow though. I'm not sure about this. Nevertheless, to u

Hi Thomas, I think this was already answered here and is intended for the next version: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/146 When you need it now than you would have to to execute an anonymous request to fetch the access token and use it in your following requests. It's a bit cumbersome b

If you would do this, you would have to store the user, too. In case you need a workaround for your customer you could make use of the IIS logs. You could crawl them with PS and write them to an own database. Than you could add a data table to those workflows where it's necessary or make a process

Prevent duplicate entries
17.02.2021 21:21

Good catch Christian. I've forgotten the archive databases. So you would need to modify the business rule to take care of them as well.

Prevent duplicate entries
17.02.2021 01:24

Hi Martin, I would add a business rule, use this in a form rule and execute it on value change. The form rule would empty the field if the value is not unique. So if the field is mandatory this should also have a visible effect. Not sure whether it's possible but you could add an regular expression

It would be great if there would be a "Usages" options for BPS groups like it exists for the most other objects like Rules, Fields, Action Template, Data sources and so on. I'm already using two workaround 1) I created a constant for each bps group so that I can use this constant wherever possible

Hi Andreia, my best bet is to use a different approach. Instead of relying on the version use categories. Add two categories one "Draft" one "Finalized". Than you can check if the attachment has been moved to the "Finalized" category. Here's a post from the knowledge base regarding categories: htt

Exchange Events
11.02.2021 06:07

Hi Aleš, I'm glad you found the solution and I learned something too. :) I wouldn't have thought of using Excel to transform a value. This could provide useful in the future, when I find myself in a situation when I'm unable to achieve it with a sql statement. In this case I would have probably us

Exchange Events
10.02.2021 21:11

Hi Aleš, I haven't used this option but when I look at the MS Graph API I think you are missing something https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/calendar-post-events?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http: POST /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/calendarGroup/calendars/{id}/events https://graph.microsoft.c

Hi Maximilian, I'm almost ready to start my blog but I'm not quite there yet. So there may be changes. :) Anyway, I created a Custom Action for reading an xml file and populating an item list with the data. You will find a link to the source code at the end. https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2021/cust

Deleted double post.

Hi Maximilian, sorry, I didn't look for any syntax error when writing it here. I didn't test or even build it. Of course the error is correct, it should be a comparison so it should be == and not only = Best regards, Daniel

Hi Maximilian, yes it was a simple snippet. A more elaborate one would be: SQL Query of the choice field: SELECT [ATT_ID] as Id, ATT_Name as Label FROM [dbo].[WFDataAttachmets] where ATT_WFDID = {WFD_ID} and [ATT_IsDeleted] = 0 and [ATT_FileType] = '.xlsx' Code: var idOfchoiceField = GetFromConfi

I'm not sure whether this is a good idea. 1. This could degrade the performance if WEBCON BPS is used for data plumbing. 2. There are (currently) no security mechanism to secure the data sources. Ok, 2021 added an option to limit data sources to specific applications, but this is something else tha

Hi Maximilian, I'm not sure whether I understand your question correctly. In your choice field you select the attachment you want to process and you are currently struggling a bit to get the correct attachment? If this is the case I would do the following: User the ID of the attachment as the ID o

Hi Martin, without knowing more details I wouldn't opted for WEBCON BPS for this. Have you looked into something like Microsoft Shifts? https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/what-is-shifts-f8efe6e4-ddb3-4d23-b81b-bb812296b821 There's also an API, if you need really some kind of process, whi

Hi Maiximilian, my bad, I overlooked something. [ConfigEditableItemList(DisplayName = "Test listfield ID")] public List ChangeListItems { get; set; } Needs to be changed to: [ConfigEditableItemList(DisplayName = "Test listfield ID")] public ChangeListItemIndex ChangeListItems { ge

Hi Maiximilian, damn, this is going to be somehow difficult to guess. :) Can you check whether the .zip file used for publishing contains any Webcon* assemblies? In this case remove them and try again. If it doesn't work, can you upload the .zip file somewhere so that I can check it in our environ

Hi Maiximilian, this looks could, I think. The only difference to my case is that my columns are of type int. [ConfigEditableItemListColumnID(DisplayName = "A", Description = "A", IsRequired = true)] public int A { get; set; } But I don't think this is related to the error message. My guess is th