Hi Andreia, you are almost there. :) The problem are the brackets, to make myself clear I should have used the full name of the column. ... select WFElements.WFD_ID from WFElements (using instance ID) where WFElements.WFD_WFDID = {WFD_ID} ... Best regards, Daniel
Hi Andreia, whenever I'm creating sub workflows from an item list I have two actions: 1. Creating the sub workflows 2. Updating the item list 1. While creating the sub workflow a unique value get's passed to the sub workflow. If this shouldn't be visible I use a technical field. 2. Then I update
Hi Bartłomiej, thanks for the solution and pointing out, that you can't use business rules in html fields, yet. I wasn't aware of this. :) @All While this is not an option, I would either uses Kamils approach, which doesn't uses fixed values or I would use some jQuery to get the _translated_ step
Hi Markus, I would do the same. Depending on the number of locations from where the customer wants to store the documents I would setup a SharePoint data source and use this as a lookup. If there are a lot of different sources he would need to copy the URL manually. Best regards, Daniel
The video has been officially published an the introduction of the html field starts around minute 42. https://youtu.be/K9zX5YCqE_M I'm not sure whether you can see enough to rebuild it. My personal problem would be styling it. :)
Hi Markus, I'm quite sure that you aren't referring to the data itself. :) I would render the required data as Json or similar in an html field so that you can access it. Of course you could use some internal functions but since they are non public they may change. If you want to achieve something
Hi Andreia, I'm guessing that this line contains the boolean column. and {DCNCOL:118} = 'Yes' and doesn't return a row. Did you write Yes or is this an internal variable which gets replaced in the expression editor? Nevertheless you could test with this: isnull({DCNCOL:118}, 0) = 0 Even boolean c
Hi Andreia, I'm making a few guesses here since I don't know what columns the internal IDs refer to. '{WFCONCOL:1769}' as {DCNCOL:105}, This row probably defines the DET_ID row which should be updated 'Requester Manager' as {DCNCOL:104} The value should probably be written into the person/group
Hi Nik, I've just remembered this post: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/configuration-tables-in-webcon-bps/158 It's a good starting point if you are new to WEBCON BPS to get an overview of the tables. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. :) Best regards, Daniel
Hi Nik, I've created a custom "wrapper" for the communication at my previous employee two years ago. So there's no chance of asking to share it. What I can tell you though: - You can generate a client from the OpenAPI specification, depending on your use case it may help. http://api.openapi-gene
Hi Damian, if you don't feel comfortable writing in englisch, you could add your question/response in your native language. I'm pretty sure that there is someone here who understands it. :) Back to topic: I will elaborate on Sebastian answer. The setting is set on the process level (1) in the sc
Hi Iulian, ah, now I know where you are. I haven't used this option myself. As far as I can tell is, you can only do it when the overridden methods are executed: OnAfterElementSave OnBeforeElementDelete OnBeforeElementSave Validate VerifySaveRestrictions public class ItemListExtensionLogic1 :
Thanks for the hint Sebastian. I wasn't aware of this setting. If Damian is lucky and there's only a single workflow in his process. If this is not the case the only option would be to restrict the access by using appropriate permissions.
Hi Nik, welcome to WEBCON BPS and I'm sure that you are going to stay. :) I will provide some information this I don't know what you already know. My best bet is to use the Report API, to access the defined fields and workflows. If you need more, you could page through them with the page paramet
There have been other englisch translation in the file. I have translated them and created a ticket: https://support.webcon.com/db/1/app/21/element/63011 If someone can not wait for the new release here's a link to the submitted file: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ajyh0v4odp3Ig7tz3HVkXW2mw3lK9Q?e=zfTb82
Currently the 2021 version is not available in the translator. This will be fixed. For the time being you can change the file C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal\wwwroot\Assets\PortalTranslates\JsTranslations.de.resx.json Line 840 from "attachments": "Attachments" to "attachmen
That's an interesting idea and I have another use case /addition. :) We have the option to create a custom UI for specific fields using the FormFieldsExtensionJS. We can also add logic to define how the field is stored but there's not a lot of options for defining how a field is rendered in a repor
Hi Martin, I don't have any experience with it and I wouldn't fiddle with it if I have no experience. Nevertheless it seems "easy": You could follow the steps 1. Install the ADFS role 2. Configure the federation server From this post: https://docs.druva.com/Knowledge_Base/Druva_Cloud_Platform_(DCP
Hi Georg, I've just checked ans noticed that we have the same issue. So there is a general issue. Are you creating a support ticket? Best regards, Daniel
Hi Georg, the label should already be in German. Which version are you using? Nevertheless here are two hints how to modify translations: 1. Updating/Adding new languages to the UI: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/translation-of-webcon-bps-portal-user-interface-content/102 I weren't in a