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Ingo Doerrie


Hi everybody, sorry to bother you with this: One of our customers switched the authentication for his MS Exchange Online to MS Graph and since then receives the error shown in the screenshot attached. He does not run any kind of proxy server on his firewall, so that we are confused by the erro

Hello to everybody, right before the weekend I once more need your help: My client asks if there is any machanism to enable a person, who already has received tasks as a substitute, to assign his or her substitute to these tasks. The client wishes an automated feature for this. Example: 01-1

Hi Martin, thank you for your answer. The question is: How do I extract the email content from the attachment? Can you pass a hint on that? Cheers, Ingo

Hi, here is another task I need your help to get it completed: 1) Scenario A hot mailbox creates a new instance within the process and from there WEBCON BPS sends an email out. The user replies to this second email and the hotmailbox has been configured to add this reply into the original ins

Hello, here is a question that I have not found suitable hints so far. As our customer is sort of in a hurry, I want to place this question here: Can a multi-factor-authentication be used with the Mobile App for WEBCON BPS? The customer uses AAD for authentication and I would assume that se

Hi, just testing with SOAP web service requests after resolving the issue I had with a customer project. My question is: Does WEBCON support a 1:m:n relation within SOAP requests? The issue with the former request not working was a structure reflecting this. As I cannot configure an item

The error has been solved, raising a new question that I will provide as new thread.

Hello again, here is a next issue that I assumed to have fixed with the latest version of BPS, using 2022.1.3.65. I have a web service that has the structure as given in screenshot 1 (attached). The screenshot shows my configuration within a little test app. When I start this action, the re

The solution is to change the connection information for db and log within file "\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal\appsettings.user.json" found in the folder for the portal. Here the settings are kept.

Hi, wenn I try the connection string manually, this fails: The string for the log thing does use the old alias that I removed. (Begin Dump) C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal>webcon.bpscloud.portal -c "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=BPS_Config_19T;User ID=BPS_SQLUser;Password=xxx" UR

Hi, was not aware that an alias had been configured. Where do I need to change things? Within Setup Tool we changed to the real server name and this tool can connect. Best, Ingo

Good morning, following information to resolve another issue with one server I updated this from 2022.1.2.59 to 2022.1.3.65, including all pre-requisites. Installation and database conversion as well as service start went through without error. But unfortunatly the portal does not come up a

How to empty an item list?
14.09.2022 15:56

Hi Daniel, just tested it with your statement. The difference was that I used another column name and assigned it to a column within the item list. Removed that and ensured that the query delivers no result. Then it works as you describe. Thank you for your help. Best, Ingo

How to empty an item list?
14.09.2022 12:04

Hi Daniel, tried that but this generates a single entry with default values. Just retried it with the same result. How to generate no entry at all? Best, Ingo

How to empty an item list?
14.09.2022 11:24

Hi, this question may be silly, but I found no sufficient solution yet: Task: After generating sub workflows from item list entries get the item list entries removed. Approach: Use the action to change item list values with "Replace" Effect: One item list entry is created, all the others are re

Hi Daniel, thank you for your reply. I will suggest an update to the customer then. On my server I was able to fix it with a little trick, after pulling backups of the databases: 1) An SQL-Update-Statement to change the Object ID to an existing one. (Services stopped, DB backup done before)

Hello, I have a strange thing that prevents any application from being exported: When the assistant analyzes the environment the following error message is delivered: see below Using the GUID given in the error message on the table 'dbo.translates' I receive one line with columns that seems to

Thank you, that helped. Tried this before but it did not fix the issue. Is this something I need to worry about? Best, Ingo

Hi Pawel, thank you for your help. I strongly need to work on my search skills. Used key words being given in the articles you refer to but I did not find them. Will give the article a try. Best, Ingo

Hello, I wonder if there is any way to distribute a configuration profile for the mobile app on android and/or on IOS in order to configure a higher number of mobile phones in a more convenient way. Is there any way? The knowledge base has not shown one to me. Thank you for your answers in