thanks Daniel - nice trick :-) Unfortunately, I need to copy it to SSMS more often (I know, I can use notepad++, but it would be easier if these empty lines simply did not exist ;))
Hi, I know it's a workaround but you can make a global constant :-)
ad 1. thanks - so there is hope :-) ad 2. I always have this problem when copying from the expression preview (1). When I copy from the editor it's OK (2)
Hi, I would have two ideas/requests (probably simple) regarding the SQL editor 1. The SQL query editor should have a monospace font 2. The SQL query after copying to SMSS/notepad has unnecessary newlines. Is it possible not to add newlines? regards
Is it possible that the window in Designer Studio for adding/edit user group has a flexible [Users] field and a locked [Group owners] field size. The opposite of now. There are usually more users than owners ;) Additionally it would be good if the users were also sorted alphabetically. Regard
To w takim razie możesz albo: - użyć akcji start podobiegu (i wskazać tam, że startowany obieg ma być niepowiązany z bieżącym obiegiem). - stworzyć URL, w którym w jednym z parametrów przekażesz WFD_ID obiegu źródłowego (do jakiegoś technicznego pola), i tam dodać akcję zmiany wartości wielu pól
Hi Pawel, I don't think I fully understood what you want to achieve, but for starters: 1. if you want to display attachments from another workflow, check what type of column you have selected (screen) 2. you should add the condition DET_WFCONID = {id of your item list} to the query
Cześć, pytanie czy: 1. chcesz od razu wystartować ten element (po kliknięciu ma być sygnatura)? 2. chcesz przekierować do formularza (nie zapisanego) ale z już uzupełnionym informacjami ? Jeśli 1 to wystarczy przekazać do nowego elementu WFD_ID elementu źródłowego i ustawić w URL od razu przej
Hi Paweł, It looks like a bug :/ I checked the 2023 version and it works OK You can do a workaround and check it with SQL e.g. SELECT COUNT(ATT_ID) FROM WFDataAttachmets WHERE ATT_WFDID = {WFD_ID} AND ATT_IsDeleted = 0
Hi Andreia, maybe this will help you:
to wg mnie najłatwiej zrobić to za pomocą akcji zmień wartość pola i za pomocą SQL wyznaczać np. SELECT MAX(ISNULL(WFD_AttInt1,0)) + 1 FROM WFElements WHERE WFD_DTYPEID = [typ dokumentu]
Cześć, nie wiem czy dobrze rozumiem, ale czy wartość tego atrybutu to ma być ta sama wartość, która wynika z sygnatury (czyli tak jakby wycinek sygnatury)?
Hi Maria, Are you asking about Designer Studio or Desiger Desk? In Designer Studio, I sometimes have situations where the studio throws an error when saving (with different system versions). But I don't think I've ever had a situation where some of the changes were saved and some weren't. Re
może to pomoże:
Dzień dobry, a jak jest zrealizowane połączenie do bazy ORACLE? bezpośrednio w Designer Studio przez żródło danych Oracle czy poprzez np. linked serwer z bazy MS SQL?
hi, in my opinion the easiest way is to make a SQLGrid presenting the data from the list (and set the sorting there) and use this grid to generate the docx Regards
Hi, please try: dbo.ClearWFElemADV() Regards
Hi Kuba, as far as I know - no :/ Regards
Hi Piotr, Do you want to insert a calculated column in the report? If yes, try this: (SELECT ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose5, STRING_AGG (CAST(DET_Att1 AS NVARCHAR(MAX)), ';')) FROM WFElementDetails WD WHERE WD.DET_WFDID = wfelems.WFD_ID) What type of error do you have?
there is a little difference ;) one userguid has "ó" but second has "o"