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Jacek Wojnar


Hi, check what you have selected in the path parameters If you have something other than the first option, user with edit rights can leave the step

thanks Daniel - I don't know if I understood correctly but unfortunately it doesn't work for me :(

ok sorry - now I see. OU can be set when creating a new user :/

Hi Raymond, did you try this https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/AD/Action_ActiveDirector0 ?

Hi, I have a choice field with SQL data source connected to it. Is it possible to create a link (into the choice field) to a selected element like as in the case of BPS Internal view? Simplify, I need the same option as in the selected screenshot but for the sql data source.

Good point Daniel. I forgot about it. Thanks :-)

Hello, first, use this formatting: MM/dd/yyyy secondly, the numbers must probably have leading zeros Regards

yes, sure :-) add this condition: WHERE DATEPART(dw,DateData) NOT IN (1,7)

Hi Bartek, thanks! It still workaround but nice to know that :-)

ad. 2 - if your service is in safe mode, try update the license information and restarting the service.

Hi Raluca, have you tried restarting the webcon serivce and do you have this option checked?

Interesting... I have no error in the third/next step (even if I have nothing to choose and the previous choice is remembered). Maybe it's a version issue (I checked on 2023.1.2.99)

Hi Mark, I'm afraid that the 2d code contains the element ID but not the hyperlink. but I may be wrong...

Hi Daniel, I just tested it - it looks ok :-) 1. choice at the first step 2. step two - after entering (no change or error) 3. step two - when trying to change 4. configuration

hi, yes, it's possible :-) step IDs marked on the screen

I Attached steps how I did it, and query: WITH DateRange(DateData) AS ( SELECT CAST('2015-01-01' as date) as Date UNION ALL SELECT DATEADD(d,1,DateData) FROM DateRange WHERE DateData < CAST('2015-01-12' as date) ) SELECT DateData FROM DateRange What version

yes - function may be a better solution but sometimes it is not possible to modify/add anything to the database :/

I'm sorry, I forgot. Here's a little workaround ;) you have to first add a query, e.g. "SELECT NULL as datedata", next configure column mapping and save configuration. Then you can replace the query and it works (you just have to cancel the warning)

I have something like this and it works :-)