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Jacek Wojnar


17.07.2024 08:12

Hi, If this is the first step and the process is not saved in the database yet, you have to use some path (e.g. a rule to change the field value using "move to next step"). If it is already saved (has a signature), you can simulate pressing the save button in the top menu or use the path again.

Company selection
16.07.2024 13:23

It's a great idea. I'm all for it If there are more than 10-20 companies, scrolling through and finding the right one is very irritating (in addition, EVERY tab is titled "Business entity: xxx" which also takes up space)

ok now I understand :-) when the your editability rule is executed, the value of the "Related task" field is probably still empty. You need to do this using a form rule (example attached)

Hi Andreia, I don't know if I understand correctly, but can you show how you created the editability rule? Additionally, do you have to set the "related task" field (1) if you have "Parent ID" (2)? Maybe you can make a rule based on "Parent ID"

Hi Igor, the first condition looks OK. But in the second one you have to compare the date with TODAY (I assume you have date and time in the "Dzień" field). I haven't found a function in WEBCON that returns only the date from the datetime field. But you can make a workaround (screenshots)

"Nope, I tried https://google.com as a link to eliminate any form related issues." it's a bit strange, because I had exactly the same error as YOU and when I turned off the visibility of the list in the workflow I'm starting from (not the one I'm trying to start), the error stopped showing up and

ok. I think I know (and it looks like a bug). Probably in the case that works you do NOT have any list of items in the first step? When I turned off the visibility of the list in the first step, the error stopped appearing. --- EDIT --- this definitely looks like a BUG in my opinion as a

Hi Patryk, I guess why you have this error. I was able to reproduce it on my environment. I assume that you have the error in the first step BEFORE saving the element. And in this case, where it works, the element is already saved, right?

Hi, you can also prepare a sqlgrid with rows from the item list and enable the export to excel option.

Hi, Do the other attributes (AttText, AttChoose, etc.) display correctly? Have you tried on some new/separate process with only one test sqlrow, e.g. "SELECT 'test' as column_test " Maybe the reason is an error in one of the sqlrow/sqlgird type attributes

Hi, I don't think this is due to an error As I guess from the description, the list is initialized in edit mode and in preview mode, no list items are displayed (and this is correct because this list does not have any rows yet). The solution may be to initialize this list using the "Change item

Unfortunately, I don't have this exact version so I can't test it, (on my version it still works) but it's very strange that these " characters are added after and before tag :/ (in the middle of the code). have you tried the same code without tags or maybe a hyperlink with an image will w

Hi, you can try use column type "calculated text value". The configuration is very similar (by SQL)

Hi, I had a similar case. It ended up with the same idea you are writing about - a separate technical table for storing data from the REST API and next SELECT on this table and join the WEBCON tables with other data. In my case, the data was updated once a day by global action I also thought

Hi, when you try to delete business entity, designer studio should show you a list of all uses this entity. You have to "unlink" the entity from all uses and then you can delete it

Hi, check what you have selected in the path parameters If you have something other than the first option, user with edit rights can leave the step

thanks Daniel - I don't know if I understood correctly but unfortunately it doesn't work for me :(

ok sorry - now I see. OU can be set when creating a new user :/

Hi Raymond, did you try this https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/AD/Action_ActiveDirector0 ?

Hi, I have a choice field with SQL data source connected to it. Is it possible to create a link (into the choice field) to a selected element like as in the case of BPS Internal view? Simplify, I need the same option as in the selected screenshot but for the sql data source.