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Maksymilian Stachowiak


Adding multiple attachments
29.07.2022 14:50

It seems to me that the SQL query in this case is not needed - you shlould be able to achieve it without the query (see attachment). Although based on the description it looks like your configuration should work too.

If i understood it correctly ('delay execution of workflow') - you want to click on a path, then wait one minute in current step, and then go to another? I'd check carefully this part - 'Start date' = 'Step entry date'.

It looks like you are misusing this action. In Attribute mappings * column 'Field' - it's a field on form which should change value * column 'Column' - it's a value based on SQL. Right now you are selecting values with query, and setting them all to the same field called 'Clean Field'. So

SQL query with JSON array
14.07.2022 15:41

Have you tried that SQL on Webcon database in SQL managment studio, or on another one? WEBCON is using 120 Compatibility Level for SQL Database according to this: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/compatibility-level-of-webcon-bps-databases-good-practices/323/3 and the OPENJSON requires it

input pop-up window
08.07.2022 09:12

You could try to achieve something like that with javascript / form rules. Using prompt to get user input, and then setting value of a field. Although i'm not sure if BPS allows setting values of hidden fields with JS. I wouldn't recommend it to selecting a consultant as it's plain text field, n

As it would be a really nice feature - for now you can try creating 2 buisness rules with parameters. 1. Buisness rule for whole JSON body, with 4 parameters, and use that rule inside of request. 2. Buisness rule for Suffix with 1 parameter. Depending on how you want to use it Buisness rules

Hello I've tried to reproduce this behavior, and at version 2022.1.2.59 For the DataTable i'm getting same result as you - Input is rendered as string, and link is rendered properly. I also tried doing it but with List Items. When columns were set to text / long text types - it was rendered

Rich text editor formatting
23.06.2022 13:32

Hello, try using Shift+Enter (aka Soft Enter). It seems that the rich text editor parsers Enter (hard one) same way as does MS Word. So Hard Enter tells that a new paragraph is starting, and it has different styling (additional distance between lines) than Soft Enter which should work as you

Hello, current version tracking tool in BPS is pretty good, but i'm lacking one feature. Let's say we have a workflow, where i'm at version 1, i need to get some more informations, so the document is being send to another people and new versions are being created 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. After they w

Hello everyone, having some experience in coding, makes it for me obvious that font used in text areas should be monospaced. Simply it's easier to read code, when it's monospaced. In attachment you can see and compare how that simple lines are better aligned, with monospaced font. When you edit som

This idea sounds great, it could be used like tooltips displayed in any IDE. As i can see there is even already displayed description of whole rule, when you hover on the rule name/header, so adding description of specific parameters will fit with already existing feature.